Life Without Trees - short story

in sciencefiction •  6 years ago 

20180927_193936_0001.pngDystopia means an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. I am going to narrate you a short dystopian story “LIFE WITHOUT TREES” in which I am going to extract some interesting features from the movie called WALL-E. This story explores a memorable day in the life of a human being in a world without trees. wall-e-933315_1920.jpg
My sleep got broken down by the alarm clock’s beep. Found it was ten o’clock in the morning. I sat in upright position on the bed, and checked the luminous Thermostat; it was balancing a temperature from 125o C to 20oC.It was nearly Brunch, my stomach gave a funny jolt. I couldn’t reach the food and hydration tablet near my bed. I stretched my hands, capturing it successfully, as I was so lazy to get up. I was getting frustrated constantly since yesterday, my project proposal event, rejected by the government. They added a filthy remark to my ideal project. I still couldn’t get that bad event out of my mind. I had a rigid feeling about my head after consuming it. I felt an unusual extreme tightness in the room. Suddenly, my iPad triggered a sound beside me. It was a message from the landlord, a warning of ash storm. Then, I inspected the current affairs of my apartment. Since now, there have been a thousand five hundred and fifty six families in this tall creepy skyscraper apartment.empire-state-building-1081929_1920.jpg
This apartment has been considered the highest number of suicides and psychopath or whatever except murder. About fifty percent are suffering from obesity and twenty percent with unknown illness and the rest thirty percent are active. I was lucky to be a part among the Active. I took a sauna for an hour and a half. Even if I am active, my eyes would always intend to close. I forced myself to make a move to the central library as per my research plan. I went down to find my parents already sitting around the kitchen table. They were watching a brand-new television, a welcome-home present for my uncle Higgins, who was complaining so loudly about the walk between the fridge and the television in the living room. I helloed him but he didn’t really care. He was jealous about my active life as his both daughter and son were suffering from an incurable mental illness. Then I made my way to the lift where my neighbor interfered. I welcomed him but he gave me a detriment look as if I had bullied him. In the ground floor, I would come up with innumerable number of complains but never have noticed this security guy in his desk as he would always skulk around the corners. People are getting out of their mind. I trudged down the stairs to the oxygen-carbon room to revive oxygen and carbon circulation in my body and to remove unessential gases throughout my body. After refilling, I came out there quickly as I had to reach the terminal at half-past twelve. I walked in a tense to the exit; slowly my walk became awkward as I approached near the bus terminal. Eventually it came after a long period of time. Some seats were already reserved and some higher officials preoccupied the front most seats. I occupied myself with the one single window seat at the last. The seat adjusted to my comfort. I leaned towards to swipe my pay card. It deducted about twelve pounds. I returned to my slanting position, staring across the sky.
The two things I could notice were the smoky ash sky and arid plains. We were out of the residential section and half-way to the leisure section within a few minutes. We were halted by the police; they came in and dragged a man out. People would get killed if they don’t have a pivotal role in the government. Unintentionally, humanity is self-destructing. After a period of time, I sensed the bus releasing its gases on its four corners underneath. It landed downwards slowly as the sign board ‘central library’ appeared clearly and fully at the window.library-425730_1920.jpg I stood up and walked in the pathway between the closed spaces where people are sitting. Stepped on the strong ironic ground and marched towards the library. Libraries provide access to a number of books which is inaccessible in houses. The security machine scanned my identity and was precisely conformed to go inside. There are usually four sections and plenty of subsections. I strode towards the first right. I took a seat in one of a many sofas in the row. I turned on my iPad and searched a book ‘Living with Trees’. The search engine took a long time. And the result it displayed ‘There is a protected hard bound copy’. What does hard bound mean? What kind of thing is it? It needed the librarian’s verification. I got on nerves; I went straight away to the librarian.
‘What does this mean??- I yelled at him subconsciously.
‘I am not going to tell you son’- he replied acidly and he turned his face away ,indicating a lower maturity.
‘I am a scientist and I demand an explanation. I need to see this thing and I work for the government and can send you to hell.’- I yelled so loudly.
‘There you go’- he said it with a patient voice and pointed behind him.
I opened the door. It was a big cylindrical hall and walls covered with white iron. There are invisible layers of high scanning lasers. The lights got on by analyzing my motion. There was this tiny little, big and a rectangular shaped book. Its cover and insights are made up of papers. For I have never ever seen a single paper before. It was protected by a cylindrical harmful layer and placed softly in the middle of it. The protective layer disarmed as it examined my identity. I was still in a state of shock on observing the book. I took the book in my hand. The touching of the book made a chill cold ran through my spine. I could sense a normal cold without those satisfying machines. I feel like to stretch my mouth widely to show my teeth. Some tiny droplets rolled out of my eye and a pleasant feeling ran through my whole parts of the body. It made me speechless and my hand insisted to turn through the pages and a small oval-shaped thingy fell down from one of the pages. It fell down on the ground. I couched down and observed it very carefully for a couple of few minutes in a reaction like I-have-never-seen-this-thing-before. It moved in a very slow pace. I sat on the floor, leaving my iPad aside. I got super excited by its action. It gave me a little bit of hope. An everlasting hope about my project would get accepted. My iPad triggered a strange sound. I took it on my hand in a relaxed way. It was a message from the government, inclusively, the science & research department. The wonderful sparkling surprising news was about my project. My project got approved by the king and he himself had sent an honorable appreciation greeting note to me. My project has successfully been initiated. My whole idea is about to restore ‘the ecosystem’ in the deteriorated world once again. And has been confirmed by experts that it is hundred percent possible. Within a couple of years, Earth would acclaim tis beauty. Moreover, human beings can have a prosperous and a happy life.20180927_202600_0001.png

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