Sciencepond // Science Of The Day // Quantum Theory's Most Incredible Prediction | Space Time

in sciencepond •  7 years ago 

Get your thinking cap ready because today's Science Of The Day is some headie stuff. Let's learn something aye?

Hey, if you want me to resteem your science post use the tag #sciencepond and make sure you are posting legit science and I'll hook you up.


P.S. If you aren't in the MSP-Peace Abundance Liberty Discord server you are missing out. Head over there and make some friends. They are having a great time and supporting active members. Join us
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Did you know I was on tour? I am, with a bunch of Steemians! @wolfnworbeikood @fatherearth @blackliq @omegarift with help from @hhtb #steempoweredtour

Also check out the label I am on Definition Music

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I have a radio show here on the Steem Music Alliance Discord server. Click the picture to join the server and tune in Tuesdays 5-7pm est // 21:00 UTC

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