The biologist throughout his training is trained to deal with this type of situation and to work together with society for a better world and I believe that this is really possible.
Every organism on the planet is present to perform a given function, so that a balance can exist. We live in a chain, where each living being has a responsibility, and if one of the members goes into extinction consequently ends up shaking and harming others who interacted with them, even indirectly.
Let's think about the insect that many people fear, the cockroach.
The cockroach that is considered disgusting, scary and can transmit disease, however they have a great role for the environment. It is considered the decomposer of the planet, thus, it feeds on animal remains by recycling recycled organic matter. In addition, it serves as food for birds, lizards, snakes and other bugs. This is key to keeping the environment in balance.
The biologist has the role of advising people never to leave exposed foods and keep the house clean, because this avoids the attraction of the insect to go to the place in search of food or favorable environments for them to live.
the biologist has to make the population aware of the importance of this insect to the planet, bringing the understanding that they only proliferated so much because we create dirty environments conducive to them living like the sewers, being then hosts of various bacteria, fungi, worms, viruses and protozoa, and can transmit diseases to humans.