The Bermuda Triangle reveals its mystery. We finally know the secret!

in scientific •  2 years ago 

The "Bermuda Triangle" mystery finally seems to have been solved. The solution came from a group of space meteorologists.

For decades, a series of unexplained disappearances within an area of 500 thousand kilometers, spanning "Miami, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda", remained unclear as to why; Which made many say: It's just a coincidence.

The triangle is said to be responsible for the loss of at least 1,000 people, along with about 75 aircraft, and hundreds of ships over the past 100 years.

Hexagonal clouds
Scientists now say that hexagonal clouds, which create what they called "air bombs" with winds of up to 250 kilometers per hour, could be responsible for hundreds of accidents for which the world has found no rationale at sea. These clouds-induced storms are said to be so powerful as to cause ships and aircraft to sink into the sea in a few moments.

The researchers also noted that large-scale clouds appeared on the western tip of the island of Bermuda, which is approximately 30-110 miles wide. Dr. Steve Miller, a space meteorologist at Colorado State University, speaking to the Science Channel, said that you don't usually see straight edges of these clouds when looking at them from Earth.

Most of the time, such clouds were random in their distribution. Using satellite "radars" to measure what is going on under these extraordinary clouds, the research group found that the winds at sea level were at dangerously high speeds; This creates high sea waves up to approximately 14 meters high.
Meteorologist Randy Servini said that the hexagonal forms that appear over the ocean "are essentially aerial bombs." The clouds were formed by so-called microbursts, which were explosions occurring in the air that descended from the bottom of the cloud, and then hit the ocean's surface.

These environmental factors create waves, which can sometimes be, huge; Because they start to interact with each other.
Bermuda Triangle
His name is the Bermuda Triangle, aged 52, and is characterized by bizarre and sudden disappearances of ships passing through him. The area extends between the American city of Miami, the State of Puerto Rico, and the island of Bermuda, west of the Atlantic Ocean.

According to Vincent Gaddis, the first to name it in 1964, this triangle in the central-western Atlantic Ocean is where ships and aircraft mysteriously disappear, leaving no trace. Many interpretations were widespread at the time, most of them superstitious and unscientific, between the reorientation of the cause to aliens, the arrogant continent of Atlantis, and even the devil himself.

But several explanations tried to be based on some degree of science. Some magnetic rocks in the area have caused deviations in ships' compasses and aircraft.

Bermuda Triangle
Previous solution
Another demonstration revealed by scientists in March 2016 once again highlighted an ancient theory of ocean water devouring ships passing through the Bermuda Triangle region.

Researchers at the University of the Arctic in Norway said they had detected large drilling, formed as a result of methane gas accumulation off Norwegian shores. The researchers stated that they found several giant craters on the seabed in one area in the central west of the Barents Sea. This region appears to be one of the largest shallow areas to release methane gas into the sea in the entire Arctic region.

Here some experts began to link strong methane emissions, which resemble explosions in this area, with the sinking of ships in the area between Puerto Rico, Miami, and Bermuda, in what is known as the Bermuda Triangle. The gas pits in this area, can cause 150-foot-deep air bubbles, they reach about 750 meters, and bubbles of this area can certainly cause ships to sink.
The Russian scientist, Igor Yeltsov, stated last year that the secret to the sinking of ships in the Bermuda Triangle may be due to water gas interactions occurring in the region, causing ships to overturn. Yeltsin explained that frozen methane gas, such as ice and found underwater, can disconnect and liberate, rapidly becoming gas that is large gas bubbles on the sea surface.

Igor likened the strength of this methane emission to nuclear reactions that release a large amount of gas, referring to the strong air dysfunction caused by nuclear explosions that triggers a strong air current that is the cause of the destruction of many buildings and installations.

Researchers have suggested that the strength of methane emissions may be the reason for the sinking of marine ships, as reported by NBC News in 2003. In a report by the channel, which questioned the possibility that deep-ocean methane bubbles could cause ships to sink, Australian researchers explained that they had a theory that methane emissions could cause ships to sink.

The researchers also explained that huge gas bubbles could emit methane deposits under the ocean, dubbed "gas hydrates", and convert methane gas into solid as a result of the enormous pressures to which it is exposed deep into the oceans, i.e., it freezes. A frozen piece of this gas can disconnect and rise upwards to quickly return to the gas image consisting of a huge bubble on the ocean surface.


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