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For me it's very hard to write about real-world threats like this. I'm not sure why but it really screws with my head. Great work you're doing here. Get it out there, brother.

I can understand that. Sometimes I can't help but write about it either =p


Holy wow! This is great writing and look at that curie! Sheesh!!! Excellent work, and thanks for sharing. Love it.


Brilliant! I always wondered when von Neumann machines would be utilized in its potential as weapons, and your recycler swarm delivers in droves! Steve deserves immediate field promotion to a full general in charge of the new US "drone" corp. I can picture the US President giddily rubbing his hands at the prospect of casualty-less foreign adventures; the US Congress excited at the prospect of yet another industry dumping lobbyist money by truck-loads into their "campaign" coffers; and financial sector ecstatic at the prospect of servicing the new drone manufacturing industry. Let freedom ring!


You get it.

TIKAD is now offering weaponized drone swarms to states for sale.


Oh, wow! This is so different from the first draft I saw. Well-done, VC! Looking forward to the rest.

You were integral in changing how I write, and I cannot thank you enough for your incisive comments and suggestions. Because of you, @rhondak, @bex, @thinknzombie, @tiny, and everyone at The Writer's Block's learned discussions, I have gained as much comprehension of the job of writing, as this story has improved under your tutelage.

As you point out, it's like night and day. I'm hoping to continue to grow, and maybe as my ability to beat nails into submission serially degrades, my prospects as a writer will become actually potential. It's been not only educational, but deeply affecting considering the stories given birth in this contest.

Your own tale, which I am blessed to be of the happy few to have read, was a primer in POV for me.


You're most welcome, VC, and I'm so glad I was of some help. I do hope to see more in the queues!

Drones are mass murderers

As bad as they are now, they will become far worse. Presently they have but rarely been employed in groups. Only last year, for the first time, as far as I know.

This year there will be more drone swarms employed tactically in war. As time goes on, if we let this continue, drones will become the number one cause of death for humanity.

Edit: drones are but weapons. The people using them are the mass murderers.

Well done, @valued-customer. Your giant lexicon is paying off in spades. I love Sci-fi horror and yours totally delivers. I can almost feel those titanium mandibles sinking into my flesh. Reminds me a bit of Heinlein's Starship Troopers, not so much the writing style but the imagery. To me, good science fiction is neither overly technical nor does it venture much beyond the physically possible, entering into fantasy. Excellent job on both counts.

Is this meant to be stand alone or is it part of a larger novel? Can't wait for the movie. Two thumbs up.

It's a one-off written for this contest. I considered expanding it and seeking a publisher, but it's a topic that is threatening to become science fact, rather than fiction, and I wanted to get this out in the wild before someone actually makes these damn things.

None of the technology is fictional, except in it's particular arrangement (as far as I know) in the drones.

Using vats, this could be done today.

Drone armies on now on the market. The USA, Israel, Russia, China - everybody with imperial intent - are buying.

The possibilities are indeed horrifying, and there needs to be some counter-development that states will not undertake, as that would reduce the effectiveness of their armies. I hope I may contribute in some small way to encourage that pushback, for all our sakes.

We've been under the threat of nuclear destruction our entire lives. From cobalt bombs to emps to neutron bombs, we already have ways to wipe out the organics and leave the infrastructue intact and yet here we still are. As horrible as your scenario is, I believe that the more devastating the technology, the less likely our great leaders will use them. Robot armies would indeed make short work of meat armies, but then it'd soon be robot against robot with us organics hiding in the shadows. The agenda is to keep us frightened and running in the squirrel cage to power the matrix, not wipe us off the face of the Earth (though, those contingencies exist, I imagine).

Meanwhile, keep writing those great scenes. Link them together and you have an entertaining story. Your writing is rich with imagery and complexity with hints of blackberry, almond and pine and a crisp finish...oh, wait. That was the Merlot I drank last night. Congratulations!

Part III is up. I but wish I could pull off the crisp finish of a fine wine =p

I couldn't agree more with your comments regarding war and it's purpose.

It's one of the reasons I fear drone armies so, as it enables finely graduated response, and practically guarantees war forever.
