Scion Forex Autotrader 2.0 Indicator

in scion •  8 years ago 

If you're wondering whether you can earn your fortune and retire by hosting Google AdSense ads on your site, then the answer is probably a resounding "no". However if you're asking "can I earn money from AdSense" then the answer is probably "yes" but if you're asking "how much can you make with AdSense?" it's like asking "how long is a piece of string?" The "how much" question is completely dependent on the keywords used in your pages, the subject of your niche and what advertisers are prepared to pay to Google to have their advert appear. Google have a duty to their advertisers to only show their ads on appropriate pages, in other words pages which are likely to be found by using the keyword that the advertiser is bidding for.

In a nut shell you could earn a few cents every few days, a couple of dollars a day or even $1000 a month if your website is very popular. It is actually against Google's terms of service to publicly disclose how much you're earning with AdSense so if you come across programs which claim to make you a fortune that way, there's no way of proving it one way or the other, because they're not allowed to tell you what they make. I would look on AdSense earnings as a bit of a bonus; they won't let you retire but they may cover the cost of running your website e.g. domain name registration, hosting and even some admin or ghost writing.

Obviously, you will earn more with AdSense the more websites you have and the more pages they contain as long as the pages are content rich and are focussed on specific keywords. If you have a site which receives a lot of traffic, you have a better chance to earn money with Google ads and if that site is in a really popular niche such as forex trading, weight loss or internet marketing then you will certainly receive more per click than you would in the less popular niches

The position of your AdSense ads is also a relevant factor. It seems that "above the fold" adverts are more likely to be clicked than others. You can check out Google's help to find out their perceived "hot spots" but if you use Channels when creating your ads then you will soon find out what works and what doesn't. You also need to make sure that your ads are correctly targeted to your keywords which you can do if you use WordPress by installing the Better AdSense Targeting plugin or by making sure that your content is really relevant to your site.

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