Scott Adams: King of the Straw Men

in scott-adams •  4 years ago 


Scott Adams is adept at setting up straw men to take down.

For example--

When people observe that the pandemic (if real in the way it is being presented by politicians and their lackeys) is being used to condition people to be compliant, he misrepresents this by saying they are arguing that there was a meeting between politicians from all over the world where they hatched the plot to create the pandemic and use it to train compliance into the populations.

He changed the argument being made, regardless of whether the original argument was reasonable or not.

He's arguing against something that exists only in his own mind, because he probably can't argue convincingly against the actual observation which has been made. (Although, I'm not saying there's no one who believes this happened; there probably is.) This is a textbook example of the straw man argument.

He does this with guns, with trans"gender" issues, with copsucking, with the Constitution, and with any topic where he can promote government-supremacism. He simply takes whichever position increases government power. He doesn't do so by honestly addressing the criticisms, but by constructing flimsy straw men he can tear apart-- without acknowledging the actual argument against his side. Is he doing this just to prop up his own fragile belief system? It sure looks that way.

I still listen to him because when he's right, he's right. But when he's wrong it's because he's taking the government-supremacist side, almost without exception.

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Yeah, the thing that annoys me greatly listening to Scott Adams is he will go into an area that is a well known conspiracy theory and start from a point of a statement that a conspiracy can't exist.

And, in his last episode he started talking about Rand Paul not wearing a mask

and the proof he offered that Rand Paul was stupid is that you can get the CCP-virus a second time.

Not bringing up the point that wearing a mask causes many other REAL health risks.
Nor bringing up the point that if you can get the Wuhan-flu a second time, then all vaccines and vaccine pushing is a complete lie.

Really irks me.
Because, like you say, when he's right, he's really right.

Scott is a devout Branch Covidian. (Watch for my next post-- on the topic of Covid as a religion.)

Even Adams admits that wearing a mask is a persuasion thing-- not actually healthcare-related. Even if you can't catch or spread the disease, you need to mask because if anyone is allowed to not mask, people will "cheat".
Good! I want EVERYONE to cheat then.

He probably has me blocked on Twitter because I used to try to show him why he was wrong on guns. He never responded in any way that I saw. And sometimes I did kind of approach it like "You idiot, here's why you're wrong..."
