On today's SCOTUS decision in the case of NYRPA vs. Bruen:

in scotus •  3 years ago 


I think a lot of folks misunderstand what this decision is.

It's about objectivity.

If a state wants to institute a set of requirements on citizens that wish to carry a conceal firearm (and I think all of us want there to be requirements), that list has to be objective.

The state is free to set those requirements as it pleases: training, no domestic violence convictions, no alcohol related convictions, regular testing, ... whatever the state feels is in its interest, within the bounds of the Constitution (i..e, no religious tests, no racial tests, etc)... but that list has to be objective.

No matter how you feel about firearms, you would never, ever accept a permitting process for driver's licenses or marriage licenses that could be arbitrarily denied on a whim.

I don't have strong feelings on this one way or another, so long as whatever the requirements are aren't up to the whim of some bureacrat. I'm certain you remember when the Sheriff of fecking Santa Clara county was only issuing CCW permits to major donors. What a clsterfck.

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