A game that has been developed for several years now, SCPCB is based on the fictional and ever-expanding universe of "SCPs": monsters and magical objects, created by the SCP Foundation community. It takes place in a secret facility designed to investigate and contain a variety of horrors, "cursed" objects, and even some beneficial items. You are a "D" class personnel, which means you were most likely a death row prisoner moved to the secret SCP facility for experiments with SCPs and, if you survive, termination. I've seen comments outside the game that you may have once been an employee but got into big trouble and were given amnesia-inducing (amnestic) drugs and converted to your current status.
You start out in your prison cell in the Light Containment area, where there is a memo explaining your d-class position (the guards won't come before you read it). As you read, two guards come to take you for an experiment with an SCP. You can comply, run or resist, but anything other than cooperation will cause you to be killed. You move through the game seeing from your character's eyes. Things quickly go awry and the monsters are free, causing mayhem and bloody, gory death everywhere in the facility.
Okay, I know some of you just want my opinion, so I'll give it to you first and then you can delve into the info below as you choose.
Please understand that I don't scare easily; this comes from having started watching horror movies when I was a kid (but not the hardcore slasher stuff until later, and I still don't like that stuff although it doesn't scare me, either) and learning how to NOT be freaked out by my nightmares, plus I have conquered my phobias and I'm not superstitious.
The super-short answer is that game is very challenging but I found it boring after awhile, and I didn't appreciate the unrealistic restrictions. I am sure, however, that many people will enjoy it.
Here's some more detailed observations.
- This game uses jump-scares, strange noises, flickering lights and monitors, scary entrances of certain SCPs, gross and frightening-looking creatures and other theatrical techniques to cause fright and I have no doubt that many people will find this a scary experience. Some monsters use mind control of your character, which may be disconcerting for some players to have to resist. Even the maker screens after the game loads flicker and have strange effects that start the ambiance off from the first moments. If you're not easily scared by monsters and jump-scares, you'll probably feel slightly under-awed by this game (and other horror games).
- The pace of the game can be very fast if you desire, but you can also take it somewhat slowly, especially when in certain rooms (e.g. SCP-914's room), unlike the SCP Unity game which pushes you to rush through the whole thing.
- If you're looking for a game with non-standard monsters in it, this certainly fits the bill.
- If you don't mind the limited saving function (one save file per unique game) and the challenge that imparts, you may enjoy this. The Euclid and Keter settings make saving difficult or impossible.
- It requires that you be strategic about saving, and this will frustrate some people. I had to delete some game attempts because I'd saved at a moment which led to a monster killing me shortly thereafter and I couldn't effect an escape, or I made a bad mistake while transmuting objects and forgot to save first.
- The game maps are created by a program, so certain sections are familiar, and you can keep the same game maps by making sure you use the same map key (a series of letters and numbers, usually random) when you start a new game. A new map each time will be appealing to people who want more challenges each new game.
- Not being able to neutralize many of the SCPs, or having them be released when you switch areas, can be aggravating, especially when the number of SCPs you're trying to evade keeps increasing. I suggest that you try to accomplish all the steps needed to win as quickly as you can in order to reduce the number of monsters you have to evade.
- The graphics are well done although there isn't anything that I saw that caused me to say "WOW!"
- Game-play was fluid with sufficient control.
- There were problems with overlapping of solid objects/creatures.
- There are multiple ways to play instead of following a specific "path" that many other first-person games employ to keep you moving toward the next goal.
- Though there are "achievements," they are usually accidental and serve to warn you more than anything else, the game presents few clear milestones aside from moving from one major area to another (which rarely happens) and there are not boss monsters or apex events. Certain achievements will also influence certain future events, although the relationship isn't always clear and is often entirely unknown.
- Overall, this game provides many challenges that you cannot overcome without either saving the game and repeatedly experimenting over a much longer period of game weeks or using external documentation to help shorten play time to a reasonable amount, including learning about the SCPs in the game, how to deal with them (when there is a way) and how to win. The game provides documentation inside, but you must find it, and some things are not included. In other words, needing to know about SCPs and the peculiar nature of the SCP Foundation's standard way of telling people about SCPs via a pseudo-scientific/secret agency document(s), complete with deleted information, is a bit of a problem but the Internet comes to the rescue.
- I think that there are a lot of people who will probably enjoy this game because of the scares provided in this game as well as the challenges of a less-regimented path forward, although the increasing frequency of monster interactions and number of monsters can make things quite difficult. I think younger and superstitious people will enjoy it the most. I would love to hear from others who have tried this game.
- See the Criticisms section near the end for further details.
- I would hate to work at that facility, even if there were no SCPs. Such DEPRESSING decor!
Getting the Game
It is available from SCP - Containment Breach. There are TWO download links from the website, and it can also be downloaded from certain other sites, including Softpedia. Although you can download from the source website, I suggest Softpedia because they guarantee it's malware-free, so you can go after them if they're wrong. 😉
The makers also offer at least two other games: , a mini-game where you are only confronted by SCP-087 and the goal seems to be to try to see how many floors you can descend before dying due to the monster or a pit, and
link to Barotrauma game.
Getting Started
Do not grant this or most other programs administrator access!
From the "read me" file:
**** HOW TO RUN IT **************************************
If you're getting an error such as "Memory Access Violation" or
"Unable to set graphics mode" when launching the game, try the following:
- Run the game as administrator
- Make sure your graphics card drivers are up-to-date
- Try different resolutions and running the game in full screen
- Try running the game in different compatibility modes
After clicking on SCP Containment Breach, the above window will open, allowing you to set your resolution and so on. If you notice, after loading, that your screen is truncated in either direction, or it has flickering patches of blackness, you have chosen an incompatible resolution. Do not give this or any other program administrator access.
There are setting sections for audio, graphics, controls and advanced. If you have trouble with the display, try turning off v-sync.
Difficulty Settings & Danger
Game settings are "Safe", "Euclid," and "Keter", or you can customize the settings. Supposedly, the latter 2 make monsters more dangerous.
The SCP Foundation leaders (authors and admins) have chosen to maintain the longstanding classification system for their fictional monsters, which revolves around how easy it is to contain something, and don't seem to have a second classification system denoting how dangerous something is. They use the "locked box test" to determine which classification each SCP gets, plus two more: "Thaumiel" (for SCPs that can contain other SCPs) and "Totally safe" is also used. There are other designations of dubious value.
When you see in-game signs outside rooms showing one of those three words, as well as other information, such as whether it is sentient and if it poses a threat. In fact, some things that are Keter aren't dangerous, like the regular teddy bear SCP-1048, but its creations, the ear bear (SCP-1048-A), IS dangerous both to the character (because it causes to ears to grow over every surface of your body, including your lungs, resulting in asphyxiation), and your ears (because it makes a high-pitched shriek that will hurt if your volume is loud enough). In addition, some "safe" things are dangerous if you interact with them (e.g. SCP-513, the cowbell). You can either research SCPs when you find them, or just experiment (and load your saved game over and over).
Saving & Loading
While a new or saved game is loading, you will be presented with info on an entity or object in the game. Sometimes, unfortunately, it finishes loading too quickly to display everything so it either doesn't show the rest, or skips to the end of the sequence. This info is sometimes useful, so you should read it if you don't know about SCPs.
You can save your game at any time in "safe," when you find a receptive monitor in "euclid," and never in "keter" difficulty. You can save by either using the menu or quick-saving with F5 (you can customize this choice) in the settings.
Loading a saved game can be done from the main menu, by opening the menu (press "ESC"), during gameplay or after you've died (a menu appears).
You may choose any saved game, no matter what you were doing before.
Health, Sanity, Blinking and Stamina
These are the only important statistics and the latter 2 are displayed as bars in the lower left. Breathing demonstrates lowered stamina and you see the blinking. Health is depicted through audio-visual cues, such as blood drops (A/V), your vision and breathing, and the way you walk (or fail to). Sanity is not displayed and how it is calculated is not clear, but supposedly reaching -1000 will lead to your death.
Controls and Using
See the controls settings and configure them as it suits you.
There is no jumping, climbing, breaking things or using weapons.
From the "read me" file:
**** DEFAULT CONTROLS ***********************************
WASD - Move.
Space - Manual blink.
Left Shift - Sprint.
Left Control - Crouch.
Tab - Toggle inventory.
F5 - Save.
Pick up items and use levers/buttons by left-clicking on them.
Use items by double left-clicking them in the inventory.
You can drop items by clicking and dragging them out of their inventory slot.
Areas, Rooms, Doors and Corridors
There are 3 areas: the Light Containment Area (LCA) where you start, the Heavy Containment Area (HCA) and the Entrance Zone (EZ), which is the way out.
There are various types of rooms, doors and corridors. Corridors are fairly similar, with the exception of door placement, turns and doors above rooms accessed by stairs, and the floorplans are designed by a computer algorithm. You will notice certain things are always together.
The door openers are important. There are the door button, key-card scanner, the keypad, and the DNA scanner, plus one door that needs a key (for which SCP-860 or SCP-005 is useful).
The ubiquitous door button requires no special access and will open the door when you push it - unless it's broken. There is at least one elevator that you have to push the button many times before it'll arrive and the onscreen messages tease and threatens you. Keep pressing until you get what you want!
Less commonly, you'll encounter a door access slot that requires a key-card of a specific level or above. SCPs don't seem to be able to open these doors, but some can temporarily disable the mechanism.
DNA scanners are rarely found but require a severed hand or a blackened (severed) hand to be activated.
There are a small number of rooms that have a keypad and require a code. SCP-005 can bypass even these, otherwise you need to find the documents with the codes, such as Dr. Maynard's room code in the pocket dimension.
SCPs (Creatures and Objects)
You can learn many things about the game's creatures and features at Gamepedia and the SCP Foundation's website, as well as other sites. There are well over 5,000 SCPs that have been invented, but most aren't in the game. Some, such as SCP-513 (the Cowbell), can be destroyed in SCP-914 while others, such as SCP-173 and SCP-682 (a giant lizard with almost instantaneous healing ability) seem to be indestructible and immortal, along with several others that are either immortal (SCP-106) or indestructible (SCP-714, the jade ring). There are also beneficial objects, like SCP-500 (a bottle of pills that restore health) and SCP-1499 (a Soviet gas mask). Some are dangerous on an active basis, others on a passive basis (you must touch or do something to it), while others may pose no threat, both danger and benefit, or only provide benefits.
There are many things you can do, and many you must do, in order to progress through the game. Many items can be refined in SCP-914, the refining machine, although some things are useless, others produce dangerous SCPs and you apparently should never put organic material in (it's fatal). Using this massive device is critical to your success! Please note that SCP-914's results are somewhat random. You will not always get what you want, so save first! I suspect you can kill SCP-173 in it if you can get it in the input chamber and start the refining process on "coarse" before you blink.
The monsters you'll encounter vary in danger level from innocuous to extremely frustrating, with the Statue, the Doctor, and the Old Man being the SCPs that will most frequently kill you.
One monster, SCP-096, nicknamed "Shy Guy," is a tall, emaciated and elongated humanoid that will stalk and kill you ONLY if you look at its face when it doesn't have it covered with its hands; otherwise, it is harmless. If you hear crying nearby, that is SCP-096. When first encountered, it will be crying and covering its face. It is best to close its doors so it doesn't wander around and then you accidentally get yourself killed by it. Certain other SCPs will pass through his room and let him out, and I believe certain events will cause him to be set free, too. It's only a matter of time before you'll have to walk around looking at the floor to avoid enraging him!
Note that these and other SCPs all operate with different limitations and powers. These limitations aren't all explained, so I'll tell you about the above 3.
The Top 3 Killers
- SCP-173: the Statue aka "Billy", which is actually based on a real statue made by a Japanese artist, operates on line of sight. It is the first and most persistent monster you will meet in the intro segment of the game (redoing the intro can be disabled when you start a new game).
- You may hear a sound like rock being dragged when Billy is nearby. I have been unable to identify this noise, so I try to enter new rooms carefully while looking for him so I can retreat.
- It can only move from one point to another if it can see the destination, but it can only move when unobserved. When you look at it, it is frozen until you blink, at which point it'll snap your neck if you're still in view. In my home, "DAMN IT, BILLY!!!" is often heard. If you see it and can back through a door and close it before blinking, you'll be safe. It's even safe to get to the door and sidle into reach of the button to close it. If you manage to sidle out of view before closing the door, it will move to the last point it could see you.
- Note that it is VERY strong and moves at light speed when unseen, which explains how it can find you again and again (which it seems to do in a random and chaotic way) and can break security glass with ease as well as open normal doors. Despite this, it cannot force its way through a door requiring a DNA sample, a key or a key-card, so you can hide from it in any room with such a door as long as there's no window into that room, there are no regular doors, and the door is closed.
- It is, however, not easily fooled by the use of SCP-1499 (the Soviet gas mask) and will likely wait a long time for you to reappear, so be patient and make sure you blink before exiting the 1499 dimension.
- It doesn't seem to like to go into the rooms of certain other SCPs for some reason, but I haven't really experimented with it.
- It is arguably the most dreaded SCP because it has the ability to make even SCP-682 (the giant lizard) fear it.😱
- You can "drag" him by walking up to him, looking down, and walking backwards to where you want him, then walking away from him while looking at him. Make sure you've blinked beforehand!
- SCP-106: the Old Man aka "Radical Larry", which looks like a very dark, decrepit but upright old man, and is the second monster you'll encounter, although he won't start stalking you for at least several more minutes.
- The more you move around, the less likely it is that he'll appear.
- When he is about to appear, he makes "wet" noises (my daughter suggests that it sounds like someone digging around in a corpse - how she knows that I don't know!).
- He can walk through any materials except for an activated Tesla (electrical) gate, almost all of which are controlled by SCP-079 aka the Old A.I., a sentient, evil computer. He'll retreat into its pocket dimension for a time after being shocked by a Tesla gate, giving you a reprieve from his stalking.
- Use the gates sparingly because, over time, he learns not to walk through them and will stand there waiting for you to move so that you're at an angle from him that allows him to continue to pursue (he only seems to move in a straight line once he's started a stalking phase).
- You can outrun him easily and dodge around him if there is sufficient space (not in a corridor) and, if the area you're in is large enough and allows you to move in a line far enough directly away from him, he will stop chasing you.
- However, the randomly designed floor plan doesn't always make this possible so SCP-1499 (the Soviet gas mask) is the most effective means of stopping his stalking phase. Putting the gas mask on will cause Larry to stop chasing you and go elsewhere, so you can take it off immediately.
- Be warned that if you see a black patch on the floor and when you step on it your footsteps sound less solid, you are in danger as you will slowly sink into his pocket dimension - which is difficult to escape because it's a maze - but running immediately will give you a chance of escaping the trap.
- Some exits will lead him to immediately stalk you, including kneeling in his throne (red) room, which is a very difficult exit to survive.
- If he strikes you, being put in his dimension also happens plus you will start bleeding and then he'll stalk you inside.
- The more wounded you are, the more blood you drip and your gait becomes slower and increasingly wobbly, and you will experience vision problems and may pass out (which is usually the end).
- Repeated attacks will kill you unless you use a healing item like a medkit.
- His containment area is in the HCA, is accessible through a key-card door, and is quite large. I'm not sure if he'll voluntarily go into the outer parts of this area, much less his containment chamber.
- There is a procedure you can follow to put Larry in his holding cell, but you will need to release him if you want to leave via Exit A (currently the only way to survive) or you'll be killed by the MTF (security forces).
- I suggest that you contain him ASAP until (and if) you want to exit successfully through exit A. This requires that you turn off the magnets, turn on the loudspeakers (so Larry will come running when he hears the screams) and push the "break femur" button. The D-class "employee" (that he is in Larry's cell after the breach is clearly unlikely unless it was accomplished as soon as Larry got out) will scream loudly then taper off. You'll hear and see Larry arriving, which will make the prisoner start to scream louder. At this point, turn off the speakers and turn on the magnets. Larry is trapped!
- SCP-049: the Plague Doctor appears after you enter the security room, which requires a Level 4 Key-card, so you don't have to worry about him until you go there.
- It is necessary to enter this room so that you can turn off the LCA exit door locks in order to move to the HCA.
- He appears to wear all black clothes reminiscent of Europe during the time of the Black Death, including the bizarre mask with the downward pointing "beak".
- Some regular and key-card doors and elevators will cease to work when he is nearby.
- It is not easily fooled by the use of SCP-1499 (the Soviet gas mask) and will likely wait a long time for you to reappear, so be patient.
- When he is nearby, you can hear his footsteps (even through walls that keep you separated), and you can hear him talking to you, telling you that you have the Pestilence (the Bubonic Plague and/or the Pneumonic Plague), telling you that he has the cure, singing Ring Around the Rosies (a Black Death era song).
- He will sometimes pause in his attempts to approach you and may even get stuck if he's near a corner or table where there is an object mapping/overlap error until you move in a way that allows him to adjust his path. He often speaks when he pauses.
- He can open ordinary doors but cannot open doors requiring a key-card (being hundreds of years old, he doesn't understand such technology)
- If you move to another area (e.g. from HCA to LCA), a glitch allows him to follow you despite the key-card door between areas, and even if you've trapped him in a key-carded room.
- He doesn't move fast and you can easily avoid him at a run in a corridor.
- If he touches you, you're dead.
- His vision is not that great so if you move far enough away and he cannot hear you, he will lose track of you.
- Humans he encounters will be turned into slow zombies that can also be run past. They neither see nor hear well, so you can avoid them if you're not nearby.
- His containment area is in the HCA and is accessible by an elevator.
- There are two reanimated security team members (i.e. zombies) in his containment area, but they are inanimate when the lights are off.
- When you first arrive at his containment area, you will find a map of it on the floor.
- As soon as you enter the area, the lights will turn off if they haven't already. You can turn up the brightness or follow the map (which is still viewable in the dark LOL) and fumble around until you find the on switch for the generator. The zombies will wake up at this point and start looking around.
- The doctor will come shortly thereafter, so hurry up!
- Neither the zombies nor the Doctor seem to want to enter his containment chamber, although this could've been coincidental.
- Any doors or the elevator at the opposite end from where you entered will NOT function.
There are a lot of videos showing the SCPs in the game.
Desirable Objects
There doesn't seem to be any weapons, but there are many objects you can use to help you win, including the following more desirable ones. You can only carry 10 things unless you have the wallet. For more items, peruse the items list.
- SCP-005, an ornate key from the 1920s which can unlock any door, including those with a keypad.
- SCP-500 aka "Panacea": is a prescription bottle of red capsules (SCP-500-01 through -47) that you will NOT find in its containment room. Each one can heal you of wounds and diseases. If you place one of the pills in SCP-914 on "fine", it will convert it into SCP-427, a locket with healing properties when worn - but which turns you into a mass of flesh if you wear it for too long.
- SCP-294, a hot beverage machine: in the cafeteria that will dispense special beverages (most of which cause death). Useful ones include courage, red bull, eternal champion and estus.
- SCP-1499, a Soviet gas mask: when worn, transports you to another dimension full of scary looking aliens and geometric buildings (?) until you remove the mask. You can upgrade it in SCP-914 so that it gives you long-term stamina in that dimension. Going into that dimension will cause SCPs to stop chasing you - some immediately, some after a few minutes. Do not stand near the aliens because they will become fearful and mob you. Over time, using this mask will cause the aliens to become hostile, even to the point that they'll congregate where they know you'll appear so you'll need to be prepared to run. Note: moving in the 1499 dimension doesn't move you in the containment facility.
- Key-cards: Key-cards open key-card-controlled doors. You can upgrade a key-card to at least one level higher in SCP-914 using "fine". You will need a level 5 card to move between areas. Key-cards can be turned into Mastercards and playing cards. The best card is the key-card omni.
- Playing card: You can turn a playing card into a Mastercard or a key-card in SCP-914.
- Mastercard: It is blue. You can turn a Mastercard into 4 quarters (on "coarse"), a playing card or a key-card in SCP-914.
- Quarters: In order to buy a beverage from SCP-294, you need 2 quarters. Quarters can be found in certain places, such as the cafeteria, or you can turn cards (see above) into them in SCP-914.
- ReVision Drops: This single-use bottle of eyedrops slows down the frequency with which you blink, which is useful when dealing with SCP-173. If you put it in SCP-914 on "fine", it will be even more effective and reduce blood loss; and, on "very fine," blinking will stop for a period of time, after which your vision will become increasingly blurry and then you won't be able to see for a while. Not usable with a gas mask or hazmat suit.
- MedKit: a red first-aid kit will help heal your wounds. Putting it into SCP-914 on "fine" will make it into a "small" one, which is more effective; on "1:1" it will produce a blue kit which will randomly have a positive or destructive effect; and, on "very fine," it will produce a bottle of strange liquid (see next).
- Strange Bottle: As with the blue medkit, this will have a random good or bad effect, including being sent to the pocket dimension or being fully healed.
- Syringe: This uncommon object contains adrenaline, so it improves your stamina briefly and helps heal you while also causing you to bleed. After being refined in SCP-914 on "fine", it can be used once to heal you even more as well as randomly alter your stamina for a short time. If you use "very fine," one of 3 good or bad effects will happen.
- Gas mask: This device, when worn, protects you from noxious fumes, gases and certain SCPs. If refined on "very fine," it'll make your stamina almost limitless, but this eventually wears out the mask and it is then removed from your inventory. If you can combine it with SCP-148 in the refining machine, you'll get an even better mask.
- Night-vision goggles: With batteries, this helps you see in the dark (green coloration) as well as seeing where there are SCPs in your line of sight. When refined by SCP-914 on "fine," you get a battery-free (red colored) set, that gives you strong protection against SCP-012 and SCP-895. On "very fine," the color is blue and you need batteries. They provide weak protection against those 2 SCPs, but they also show you the location of and distance from any seen or unseen creatures in range, even through walls (function refreshes every 10 seconds), making them more valuable than the upgraded S-Nav Ultimate in that respect. All 3 pairs may be worn with the hazmat suit.
- Batteries: Radios, navigators and night-vision goggles need these. You'll usually find them on shelves.
- S-Nav 300(mapping device): This mapping device will show where you've been from the time you acquired and turned it on, but it isn't good at completing walls and is sometimes misleading. They are found early in the game in multiple places. On "fine" with SCP-914, you get the S-Nav 310, which shows you the entire map, even places you haven't visited. Putting either into SCP-914 on "very fine" will upgrade it to the S-Nav Ultimate, which also shows you when any SCPs are in close proximity (within the red circle) around you on the device. When the batteries are dead, all 3 devices will show "UNABLE TO CONNECT TO THE MAP DATABASE," so it is important to carry multiple batteries.
- Severed hand: Yes, it's gruesome, but you need it for the DNA scanners on a few doors. There are two kinds: normal and blackened. Each is for different doors. You can convert the normal one into a blackened one in SCP-914 using "1:1" or higher.
- Wallet: Unsurprisingly, this can be used to carry up to 10 small, flat objects, including cards, keys and quarters, making it a very useful - but rare - item found in a storeroom next to 2 corpses.
There are a small number of other quasi-useful SCPs and items, but they are either of very limited use, like SCP-860 (the blue key), the hazmat suits and bulletproof vests, or have negative or even fatal effects, like the aforementioned locket and SCP-714 (the jade ring) and others.The documents in the game sometimes provide useful information, such as the keycode for Dr. Maynard's office (in the pocket dimension), and the game DOES keep track of how many documents you found, although I'm not sure if it's just a matter of picking them up and tossing them, or also reading them and/or keeping them.
Watch this video for a lot more info on various SCPs you can use.
When you do certain things, a message indicating what you've achieved appears in a box in the bottom-right corner. Achievements seem to fall into one of two categories: accidental (such as encountering a monster, whether you wanted to or not) and deliberate (such as using the refining machine to improve an item). According to some documents outside the game, which achievements you've racked up has an impact on game-play at certain points, and this is not just because of additional monsters to contend with. The accidental ones are useful to the player in that they can make you aware of something you may not have noticed, like SCP-372 (the Peripheral Jumper; it is not dangerous, so ignore it) briefly being visible out of the corner of an onscreen eye.
There are 4 endings (aside from the usual deaths), for which you must get through the LCA, HCA and the EZ, completing all tasks required to open:
- Gate A with Larry on the loose. He will escape when you get to the exit, distracting the MTFs and helicopters. This allow you to take one of two paths down and to the left, but then a Chaos Insurgency team captures you in a tunnel below. The screen shows that you have died, which may be the presumption of Nine-Tailed Fox, the MTF unit assigned to this SCP facility.
- Gate A with Larry contained. This results in your capture and the suggestion that you should be evaluated for SCP status because you survived all the dangers.
- Gate B with the nuclear warheads disabled (you have to go to the Omega Warhead Silo), after enlisting the help of SCP-079. An MTF team will kill you.
- Gate B with the nuclear warheads still enabled, after enlisting the help of SCP-079, which forces the MTF teams to focus on containing SCP-682. You either escape or are killed - it is unclear.
If there are other methods of winning, I am not yet aware of them. Basic instructions on how to accomplish 3 of the endings are here.
Videos showing all 4 endings:
Game Trailer
- Jumping You cannot.
- Climbing You cannot.
- Breaking things You cannot.
- Stamina It is poor unless you get a gas mask and refine it in SCP-914. I presume that the reason for this is that you have been incarcerated for a lengthy period of time and are too lazy to exercise, you have been malnourished, you've been experimented on already, the air in the facility is polluted, other factors or a combination.
- Combat & WeaponsYou cannot use weapons (or even find weapons dropped by slaughtered security members).
- SCP Names Many of the monsters in the game don't have names, just the difficult-to-remember designations, so you'll need to come up with your own names to help you remember things. "Billy" and "Radical Larry" are names given by the YTer Markiplier, who has created dozens of videos playing this game.
- Game Save You have no way to save multiple copies of the same game. Only one instance of each separate game you're playing (and I don't know if there is a limit on how many different games you can start, but the load page shows that you can have multiple pages of load files).
- Glitches One of my more successful save game files became corrupted for an unknown reason. Sometimes, the screen display is bizarre in ways that do not seem to be the result of flickering lights or SCPs. Most other "glitches" are probably just SCPs being naughty, aside from:
- Except when using "quit," it is difficult to switch screens using ALT-TAB, often requiring the use of CTRL-ALT-DEL to open the task manager so you can get to the desktop.
- I cannot take screenshots of the game. They all turn out pure black. This is probably a deliberate measure by the programmers or a limitation of the PRTSC (printscreen) function.
- When you exit the game, it doesn't revert your screen to the default screen resolution.
- The game doesn't have the ability to adjust itself to two different screen sizes being used at the same time (such as if you attach a second monitor to your laptop). This may explain why the initial credits showing the two companies responsible for the game are often covered with partial blackness to the point of being unreadable.
- If you move between major areas, any monster you trapped in a room requiring a key-card is free again. I trapped SCP-049 (the Black Plague Doctor) in the room outside of SCP-079's ("Old A.I.") containment chamber in the HCA but, when I returned to the LCA, the Doctor was once again stalking me, along with SCP-173 (the Statue aka "Billy"), SCP-106 (the Old Man aka "Radical Larry") and SCP-966 ("Dream Hunters"), which even hunted me once when I hadn't opened their chamber.
- Monsters that should not be able to move between areas separated by security gates because of the need for a high-level key-card can do so even though they cannot do so within any one area.
- Difficulty Settings Safe/Euclid/Keter are difficulty settings in the game. Safe means you can save anytime you want. Euclid you can only save when you find a monitor that allows it to be done. Keter doesn't allow saving (good luck!). The descriptions state greater levels of threat, too. The SCP Foundation's use of these 3 terms (and Thaumiel, any SCP used to contain other SCPs), however, are related to containment difficulty, not danger. I object to the use of these terms because the latter 2 are not understandable by non-SCP followers, and their game use is different than their intended meaning. If we wanted to use them consistently, the order should be Keter, Euclid and Safe (referencing saving, which is why you might be considered an SCP for getting out of the facility). It would be better to use: easy, difficult, insanity.
- Object Mapping and Intersecting There was a problem with objects that I dropped becoming partially or fully lodged in a solid object, rendering it inaccessible, as well as creatures protruding through solid objects when they should not have. This didn't happen often, but it reminds me of games from 3 decades ago when this was very common.
- Gas Mask Wearing the gas mask unnecessarily reduced visibility - it should've been a simple matter to clean the glass eyepieces but that wasn't possible, so you have to increase the brightness to see well enough.
- Hazmat Suit Wearing the hazmat suit unnecessarily prevents you from using other items.
The "readme" file contains the following. Please take note that it suggests giving administrator access to the game to resolve problems. NEVER do this with ANY game for ANY reason, and most other programs should never be granted this because of the risk of giving high access to malware hidden inside!
This game is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
The source code of the game is available on GitHub: https://github.com/Regalis11/scpcb
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