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happy to try squeek, twitter's steem app...

Seems like it's just 140. That's alright though.

Great! Just succeeded posting a comment...let's try again.

testing squeek todaay

stiil getting some bugs

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

This is my first squeek :)

I wonder if anyone is actually reading any of this? :D

Ya want some funny videos to watch?

Welcome to Enjoy your stay!


I feel gooooood

I am aware of the issue with posting. I am glad to say it's fixed now.

@thebored1, I see your post!

What up everyone.. I hope yall know that when SQEEK is an app it's gonna be game over for Twitter.

Finally, squeek is here! ;-)

Testing, Microphone is on, 1-2-3 ok, world can you hear me? I'm gonna rule the blender world!

BEANZ I see your post :P lol

I used to play Everquest, the original MMPOG.

Tomorrow's Thursday, then the weekend WOO HOO!

My post didn't work. Testing.

Good morning, Squeek community, I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Thanks for acknowledging my squeek STEEMITQA

Getting my feet wet with squeek


Hi Squeek!

To whomever has my voodoo doll: can you please send it to the gym?

A true nap; is the one you wake up from, not knowing if it's 1975 or 2020

Now this "should" be working.

testing again...

This site is so Squeeky clean!

Help me win an art contest

I used to love Instagram, liking pictures and all that shit. Now I've the app in there, begging for coins to survive.

I'm feeling good with squeek !


Hey all. I hope you're enjoying your squeek experience.

First Squeek Yaaay!

Welcome @noisy and @with-a-k

Thanks @with-a-k


Mom is back from the hospital and looking great! Now to wait on the oncologist

I'd like to offer any help, assistance, or servers to this project.

Thanks man. I will definitely keep you in mind :D

Moms been in the hospital, just had surgery this afternoon to remove tumor and all is well, for now'

@WITH-A-K I see your's too!

It's Friday so I can't complain.

Just another day in Steemit Paradise

Will my post go through this time?


Welcome CJCLARO to squeek! and no problem NEO !

Saw Don't Breath today, it was nice to see a horror movie with a happy ending :-)

The only problem with a 3 day weekend is you have to squeeze 5 days worth of work in to 4.... I'm exhausted... :U

Good morning SQUEEKER's! it's another fine day on Squeek. I see your post NEOPATRIARCH :) hello, Bitcoiner!

@pataxis, I see your post!

Can't wait for the three day weekend, just one more day...


Whatsapp: "I'm outside"... Cant you just use the fucking doorbell lazy bastard?


Marianahunt welcome to Squeek ;-)

Loving squeek! ;-) testing hyperlinks: .

Can you hear me now?

My daily post, after missing a few days. I probably should call it something else.

@thecastle definitely not.

I need help, how to clean those nasty marks in the mirror?

Daily post, my discover feed it's five days old...

Daily post

My daily post. Can you hear me now?.

My daily post

My daily post

Now, lets test multi-posting, without changing the website tab. 20 sec wait time.

My Daily Post. ISO Steemification.

I cannot see my squeeks. How disappointing.

The last post I can see from me is from 14 hours ago.

Drinking coffee like it's water.

I would love to smoke a cigarette after sex. The bad thing is: I don't smoke, neither get laid.

i feel so eek today :O

does it use steempower and all from steemit ? eek

twitter look-alike?

You're so slutty, you're called blender... 2 bananas and half a gallon of milk fill you up.

yu huu

@johnnyash, I see your post!

my test

So excited to be a part of one of my best friends' creation! You're the man, @picokernel!

The site is dead... Liven it up a bit; Music:

TEsting, by the 10th time...

Now this site should be finally working.

I can recognize an idiot as soon as I see one, in the mirror.

I time travel, It tells me I will post in 140 seconds, lol.

Picokernel found the missing semicolon!

Sorry, what is this ?

how do squeeks earn SBD?