Screen printing is a method of printing images by forcing ink or printing paste through a specially designed screen block to record printing on a substrate such as fabric, paper, leather, t-shirt, and so on. It is also known as Serigraphy or Mythography. This printing technique is widely used by various artists and most printers in their projects because it can be used to print on almost all surfaces such as paper, plastic, fabric, leather, glass, wood and more. possible.
There are two main types of screens used to screenprinting Houston. Temporary screens work less. They are responsible for registering single or limited editions of clothing and paper. They are very easy to prepare and do not require much money or effort. Examples of temporary screens are paper stencil screens and candle wax screens.
Paper Stencil Screen Preparation
Showing this paper template is very similar to making a template, although it is an extension of it. This involves cutting out the positive areas of the paper as well as transferring the finished design to the paper used. The prepared template is then attached to an elongated screen block using adhesive tape. Sufficient allocations remained to serve as a complex reservoir. The screen is ready for printing.
Candle Wax screen/Shellac Screen /Lacquer screen preparation
The preparation processes in these screen preparation methods are the same. The only difference is the material used to cover the negative areas of the screen, which can be melted wax, shellac or shellac. The finished design is transferred to an elongated screen block. Use melted wax or varnish or diluted varnish to cover the negative areas of the design using a brush.
Photographic Screen Preparation
Creating a photographic screen involves using light to open or display designs on the screen. Light sources can be natural or artificial. Therefore, there are two main ways to create photographic displays: using solar energy during the day and using powerful fluorescent lamps in an exhibition or photo box. In both methods, the screens should be coated with a photographic emulsion solution mixed with a sensitizer in a dark room. The screen is placed in a dark room to dry.
Final Words
To ensure a strong connection between the glass plate, the patterned paper, and the screen, a bag filled with a heavy cloth stuffed with fine sand or stones is placed in the empty part of the screen. The throw box lights come on for about five minutes. The duration can be longer or shorter depending on the number and power of fluorescent lamps in the weighing box.