Do you want to understand the basic concept of ScriptWriting? or Do you want to provide Script writing services to a different film, TV serial, and web series? This article will help you to clear basic concepts and the meaning of Script Writing.
What is Scriptwriting?
Scriptwriting (Scriptwriting) is often called screenwriting, which is the process of writing a story-like screenplay. It consists of writing down the characters' actions, movement, expression, and dialogue in screenplay format. Writing a poem, novel, or essay is entirely different from the Script writing services.
The Script writing services require a particular format method to express yourself on the screen. To express your story visually, you need a Screenplay format. Scriptwriters or screenwriters write a story for the film, documentary, television, web series, and video games. While writing a script, you should always keep in mind that you are writing for the screen.
There are different types of Scriptwriting as discussed below.
Script writing Services For Feature Film
An entire team does Scriptwriting for a feature film. After making a draft, it may be edited or modified or workshopped by a senior writer if the team wrote it. The length of the script is about 120 pages which are equivalent to 120 minutes.
Suppose you are a newbie and work with a senior team on your idea or story. Then there may be a chance of re-editing or workshopping the script when you draft it. But some newbie writers won't allow them to change or mold their stories. In such a scenario, wait for your turn.
Scriptwriting for Live-Action TV Series
TV series (TV serials) are always written in teams. A group of writers will need to sit together to write the TV screenplay. If not possible, you will need to meet at least once while writing a new storyline or episode. You write subplots, storylines, jokes, new characters, and dialogue. Sometimes, you'll be assigned to work on someone's other storyline. Other times, you will write your own story.
Generally, the TV series is in the episodes. Because of commercials, A 30-minute program comprises 22 minutes of the screenplay and 8 minutes of the commercial ads. The 22-minute storyline is written in approx 44 pages. And the 1-hour programme comprises 45 minutes screenplay and 15 minutes advertisement also the page count is doubled of the script.
Short Film
The short film may be documentary-style, narrative fiction, or introductory-slash-biographical in nature. This film format is often used to give a social message or promote corporate enterprises' products or services.
These scripts are just a few minutes long, sometimes equivalent to or less than a TV serial duration, perhaps 20 to 30 minutes long. They have a very small budget as compared to Feature film and tv serials.
Animated TV Series
Animated TV series can be episodic like a live-action TV or serial. The length of the animated series is about half an hour long. You can write it just like TV series. However, children's animated series may be a little different.
Web Series and Mini-Series
Lastly, web series are often produced by the small-production houses and the team where a writer can wear different hats and handle different responsibilities like writing direction, production, and sometimes, the cast's hirings. Short web series scripts are generally episodic, depending on your genre. Veteran writers recommend to keep the script duration up to 10-12 minutes per episode. And there may be 8 -10 episodes of it.
Anyone with a good story in mind and the ability to write a storyline (screenplay) for your story can provide Script Writing Services to TV serials, films, and gaming videos. Then, the story will be workshopped by professionals to visualize it on the screen.