My Response to Cory Resilient #flushyourmeds ... ;

in scriptkiddie •  last year 

My Response to Cory Resilient #flushyourmeds ... ;
By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ;
Reason : Calling Other TI’s Gang Stalkers For No Reason … ;
Where's the Pass-the-cookie Attack LOL Where??? ;
Archived to Archivetodayorg & Permacc Can’t You See ;
You're calling other TI's Gang Stalkers LOL ... ;
Cory Weagent is a Schizophrenic Cult Person who has
his own special Theology and goes after other TIS
calling them Gang Stalkers and other Dumb Shit ... ;
His Rap Music sucks as Rap is Crap LOL top KEK ... ;
I identify as a Straight White Man not a Black ... ;
Rap is Crap and That's a Fact Rock and Roll Period ;
Andrew Tate is not a Based Redpill Role Model ... ;
You got it all wrong Cory and Kali is just one Pen
Testing Distro along with Parrot Sec OS and Pentoo ;
He Boasts and Brags about Kali and uses un-original
Metasploit Exploits in Kali Linux Copied from BOOK ;
He Wasted his time with Grabify Links in all LOL ;
He has is own whackjob Theology of The Book of Life ;
The End Times Prophecies, The Theology best fit for ;
him and that he claims he is the Messiah LOL ... ;
Still Need A Response ... ;
What did I order on Amazon, Name Ten Transactions ;
OMG you fucking coward, Nirvgorilla got you like
white on rice and Scammer Dot Info also exposed you
I need at least a print out of some of my Paypal and
Bank Statements from you as proof you got into my
email, and no you do not go about hacking someone
by mentioning it or threatening to hack with Kali
LOL, also where's a Print Screen Proof or Text File
to prove : What Branch I bank at and the statements
in my bank, The Pin to my Transunion Account LOL, you
gotta be kidding me, I need evidence, still waiting
for a response knucklehead, you got so much time ... ;
BTW I froze my credit and Sean Anderson LOL WTF ... ;
No one cares Windows Mac Unix BSD Linux It's the USER ;
Maybe you're just a stupid user is all that's all ;
--Scott A. Barry ... ;

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