A sea of sadness is my soul,
sad wave, wave after wave!
Wash me, sea, the wound bleeding now,
the wounded heart bleeding from love.
I am back to you as before, my sea,
to you I am, only the dark sky is over us!
I only talk to you You understood me,
send me your Great Wave.
And you, like me, did not survive,
storms and hurricanes, and sent me a wave.
Silent wave, yes, calm down my soul!
I understood your sea here and now.
Life goes on, it's not just Sadness!
She will come, and Love her once!
Goodbye my sea, not goodbye, now,
I will come to you again with a smile.
I will not be alone, I will have a wife,
I will also bring my sons, my children!
Coming Summer Will Bring Love!
Goodbye and Kisses ...