Carrer as a seafarer (life in merchant navy) Part 2

in seafarer •  7 years ago 

Well to start with I should share my own experience and other stories I have heard of during my carrier, how people struggle to join merchant navy
Basically there are 3 options of joining.
1st as deck cadet and set up a goal to become captain of ship.
2ndly join as engine cadet and aim to be chief engineer one day. Here chief engineer will be equally important position as captain for safe and smooth functioning of ship
3rd as crew

Since I am on deck side so mostly I will share experience as an officer and hard work required at various levels to ultimately reach top position and become captain of ship.
So to join as an officer everyone has to start with deck cadet rank.
Mostly this rank requirement is +2 in non medical that means with maths.
I remember my school days when we were in 12th standard. we use to do lots of masti and play cricket day and night. and we use to discuss how we can join in navy. That time we were not aware of difference between indian navy and merchant navy.
I have once even given exams for indian navy. but I didn't clear them.
Than I read in newspaper for deck cadet entrance exams in Mumbai and I filled form for same.
it was hectic schedule of almost a week with 3-4 tests lined up. during that time I heard almost from everyone that only those who have references can join but by the end of my interview I realised that's only a myth. Anyone who make a aim and work for it than nothing is impossible.
But these days joining merchant navy is extremely difficult.
There is one common entrance exam and based on rank various institutes and companies select candidates during interviews. till now is not a big problem but problem lies ahead.
Once this training competes than getting a ship and completing cadetship is really difficult. Cadets who joined thru good and reputated companies able to join in time rest everyone struggles and struggles in companies offices.
This is not all, because many agents have made this money business so these cadets struggles and tries to find agent to pay huge money to just get a ship.
there are more problems ahead. Its just a beginning.
In general waiting of 6 to 12 months is normal after completion of training.
there are other difficulties lies ahead.
I am stopping here and will come back later to share more info which will help students and parents to decide weather they should choose merchant navy as a carrier or not.

Remember things always looks good from far off but real taste of life comes when u actually face it.
There are lots of positive things as well which I will share later.
I absolutely love my profession as a seafarer and this is a profession because which made my life.

Stay tuned for more details.

see u guys later

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