Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - The Beginner Explanation

The Best And Simplest Explanation Of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) To Newbie Bloggers

Hello everyone and welcome to today's topic on Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
I blog at and the bitter truth is that my blog is just about 3months old but I am virtually appearing in at most the second page of google in everyone of my articles.
It has been a very interesting adventure for me in the blogging world.
The funny part is that this is actually my second blog.
The first blog I had was a total failure as I struggled to be found in google SERPs let alone appearing on the first page of google.
I had several challenges when I began blogging.
I had no single knowledge of Search Engine Optimization and I definitely have not actually heard about it in the first 2 months of my blogging career.
However, I know several newbie bloggers will be facing the same fate and that's why I have decided to explain it in the most simplest way.

What Is Search Engine Optimization

Just as each of the words mean, you and I will go through them in order.


Search means to look for.

Search Engine

Search Engine further means an engine that enables search results to be visible.


Optimization in simple terms means making it work.
Therefore, it is a process of making something possible.
However, if you bring all each of this terms together Search Engine Optimization means a process of making your content seen on the web.
Nevertheless, before we continue on this, lets take a look at some of the major search engines we have.

  1. Google
  2. Bing
  3. Yahoo
  4. AOL
    I know some of us may not even be aware of the fourth one I listed but nevertheless, the most popular ones among them is Google and Bing.
    Therefore as an illustration, what I simply mean here is that you can connect to any one of these four (search engines) and look for (search) something and the best result (Optimized Result) will be displayed to you.
    Search Engine Optimization is the process of getting traffic from search engines (Google, bing, yahoo and the likes**) usually known and referred to as UNIQUE or ORGANIC traffic.
    The purpose of doing SEO is to get free or Unpaid traffic to your site or content which boosts your site's metrics and great Return On Investment (ROI).
    There are majorly two (2) types Of SEO and they are Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO.

Black Hat SEO

Whenever you hear of Black, it signifies that there is something shady, fishy or hidden about it right?
Therefore, the meaning of Black Hat SEO is not far fetched.
Black Hat SEO is simply a practice that Search Engines do not like.
Search Engines totally detest this type of practice and indulging in it means your content won't be displayed on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

White Hat SEO

White Hat SEO talks about what Search Engines love.
It is a practice they welcome and encourage everyone to partake in.
Indulging in this practice will make your contents not only displayed on Search Engines but also to rank well in search Results.
Of course, Search Engine Optimization Is not a one day topic, neither is it a month's topic.
Algorithms change everyday and if we must be visible on search engines, we all have to keep learning.
Anyway, I will end here today but of course you can continue reading this on my website.
In conclusion, Search Engine Optimization is the process of optimizing your contents so that they are displayed on search engines thereby bringing free and unpaid traffic to your site and content.
Thank You all For reading.
Please you can tell me what you feel about this by commenting.

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Nice article. You have a good understanding of SEO and I think it's great that you are sharing your knowledge.

Take a look at the articles I have written on SEO. You may find them very helpful. I each of these articles are on Steemit. Feel free to comment on them with your input.

Thank you,
Spencer Coffman