Safe Exchange Coin (SafeX) is Very Impressive

in sec •  8 years ago 

As a newbie to this space, just getting into Cryptocurrency at the tail end of 2016, SafeX is what I've been waiting on. Platforms like these continue to excite me about the future of this kind of currency. With recent news about governments tracking bitcoin users, the need to remain Anonymous is gaining more 'Steem' within this space. Wouldn't you agree?

Check out the video for those who have not already visited the website -

With a limited amount of coins available the value of this coin could really go way up in the future once they're all gone. I Personally picked up a nice bag last weekend, and am planning to grab even more soon (while prices are still low).

They are claiming to have the most advanced Wallet in crypto, and I'll have to find that out soon. One day, I hope all these developers can come up with solutions that allow us to store multiple crypto in one wallet; without limitations that we currently see with popular hardware wallets.

Everything continues to get better and I'm sure that's what the future holds in store.

Speaking of 'stores', that's basically what this "Chille Blockchain" is venturing to do. When people are able to more easily buy and sell products, using alternative currencies, it's only going to explode the value of the entire space. Check out another more indepth review of this coin, below.

That Anonymous part, is going to gain more and more steem within our community as time passes. Are you investing in this coin already? Is this your first time hearing about it or have you had your eye on it for a while?? If you're already using their wallet, I'd love to hear from you as well.

A few other 'Steems' from me on this CryptoCurrency Space

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I'm loving the Transparency of this Wallet Announcement Video for Safe Exchange Coin ::