Most manliest Anime scene Ever - MAerSK of the MEMe PHISt | Sci Fi Short Frank AMP FULL Bacon Film - WKRP @steempunkradio

in seccssobboss •  7 years ago 

überguy 4 months ago -
I came for the cleavage, so did you.

REPLY 4 months ago
She's definitely had a lot of work done, lol.

FRANK called, I called back, we had a chat. Despite being aware the call was recorded, he came into the live chat when this was originally broadcast with the CA statue regarding two party consent to recording of calls. Could he be getting advice from the legal firm of Shasta, Potato Head and Sandinista?

Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at 10.59.13 PM.png

AMP is an open-source library that provides a straightforward way to create web pages that are compelling, smooth, and load near instantaneously for users. AMP pages are just web pages that you can link to and are controlled by you.

DEF CON (, one of the worlds largest and oldest annual hacking conferences, dedicated to protecting our Internet freedoms and privacy.


He both saved and traumatized the kids... Wastelands Jesus.

Tip 'HO The Hat to @votezaktaylor for his endorsement post from back in the day.


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I have a lot to learn being sick and away.
THANKS for your support and patience but..
I still have my super powers.