The Laurel AIRica contraband evidence destruction game -- Frank Bacon advised -- Secret Spells of the Evidence Submitted

in seccssobboss •  7 years ago 

"F Scott Fitzgerald was an alcoholic, so was Hemingway. I just drink wine link Jesus. I can’t let you dog Jesus dude." (smile) ~George Webb

“… Political language – and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists – is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” ~George Orwell

bo·na fi·des

a person's honesty and sincerity of intention.
"he went to great lengths to establish his liberal bona fides"

documentary evidence showing a person's legitimacy; credentials.

plural noun: bona fides; plural noun: bonafides
"are you satisfied with my bona fides?"

I so appreciate everyone's comments and reflections on the English language in general and on my WordMagic work in particular. FYI: Here are the conclusions I've drawn from a lifetime of peering into puns and playing with the Cymbals of the Alphabet (to a lesser degree).

In all our
efforts to heal our psyches
and raise human consciousness on our planet,
we have all but overlooked the very instrument of conscious
thought and communication. Yet our ‘forked-tongue’ English language,
which is the leading software of the Western mind, is itself in great need
of re-tuning and upgrading.

Over the course of my life,
I have cultivated a heightened sensitivity
to how the total normality of insanity in society
is echoed, reflected and reinforced by the English language,
which inadvertently yet unavoidably propagates the antiquated
and manipulated vision of reality promulgated by the Church
as an instrument of mind control – at a time
when people had to surrender their minds
if they wanted to keep their heads
about them. Quite literally.

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Through WordMagic Global’s®

Presentations & Products

I demonstrate that (1) language is the software of the mind, that (2) Divine Mind is our Heart Drive, and that (3) together we can upgrade the English language, to free ourselves from its secret spells, by ‘downloading’ and sharing new symbols, sounds, words, metaphors and maxims capable of conveying a higher frequency of consciousness in our communications and inspiring a greater frequency of kindness in our interactions.

Our intentional upgrade of the world’s dominant language is essential for facilitating and accelerating the evolution of human awareness and expression; for it can provide us with the words we need to conceptualize and converse about the most advanced perspectives on Reality brought forth by the leading-edge of Science, whose validation of ancient mystical principles from various traditions of the East and West can help us to embrace a transforming new vision of our infinite-intricate-interdependence and our Power, Place and Purpose in the Cosmos.

Here are several articles I wrote in 2012 that go more deeply into this perspective:

Language of the Birds

Living in a world where lies are designed to sound truthful degrades language and life

Smiles & Blessings,


Special Thanks to a [BLOCK]N(CHAIN)O{TRUTH-HtURTs}.


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"a lifetime of peering into puns and playing with the Cymbals of the Alphabet (to a lesser degree)."

So in other words, you use words as a percussion instrument


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Pretty Bacon