in secondamendment •  3 years ago 


"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Seems straightforward enough, doesn’t it? Infringing on the right to own guns would make the formation of necessary militia impossible, and therefore the government can’t do it.

But it’s not so simple. Obviously the Founding Fathers didn’t intend for just anyone to own a gun, and they could never have meant for private citizens to have access to the same weaponry a tyrannical government would turn against them. Of course James Madison assumed that technology would cease advancing after 1791, and couldn’t have meant for Americans to one day own 30-round magazines. And it kind of goes without saying that the Founding Fathers believed no one should own guns anymore once criminals started using them as well.

The 2nd Amendment doesn’t give you the right to bear arms. It simply acknowledges that you were born with it. Celebrate your birthright with our 2nd Amendment apparel at LibertasBella.com.

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