Secret-writer story of a high school student how he arrived in the wrong place at the wrong time and got involved with steroids and drugs

in secret-writer •  9 years ago 

Growing up in high school I felt obligated to try new drugs and experiment a little, I was trying to have fun and just live life in the moment. I played football in high school and wanted to impress coaches, teammates and be a good football player.

I want to go over why I regret doing these things and why it is like lifting weight off my shoulders admitting this to you. I won't ever be able to run for public office after posting this, but I never planned on being a politician. The steroids I regret the most, I will go over why and how it has affected my life and my manly hood.

Peer pressure

Being a teenager sometimes you feel pressure from friends or classmates to do things just because they are doing them, and you don't want to feel like an introvert for turning down something. I got into steroids my Junior year in high school, I saw this as a shortcut from a friend a way to get lean muscle faster without having to workout as much. I wanted to impress coaches and be a star on the football team.

No shortcuts

Let me just start off with there are no shortcuts without consequences especially in this case. My friend that introduced me to steroids made me feel like it was cool to be big and bulky. He told me that I would never be as muscular as him without the steroids. He said all you have to do is shoot up 3 times a week with this formula he sold me in a vial for $100 bucks it was supposed to be the best stuff he said. This guys name was Ian, he would drive up on a Ducati motorcycle he had long black hair and made all the girls want him with his bad boy status. He was a salesmen or should I say drug dealer, he had me sold that I was going to be the coolest kid in school, be a football star, and bang every hot girl in school, I was sold on it.

I started using the steroids every other day and immediately noticed the results in my body mass within about a week. The results were amazing at the time, I felt powerful.

The same guy introduced me to ecstasy, we had a party at my dads house and had a few girls over, he told me ecstasy is like having the most fun you have ever had in your life. So imagine the funnest moment you have ever had in your life and it is like living that moment nonstop until the drug wears off. He got these girls into ecstasy as well, we were all into it we were having fun in high school. He told me not to drink too much water while on ecstasy or else I would get water logged and die from the ecstasy. That entire night we were high as a kite, we were kids having fun. The ecstasy tricks your brain into thinking you are happy even if you are not, it makes the party come to life. That same night he introduced me to ecstasy I lost my virginity and had sex with a girl from school right on my bed in front of 3 people, had I not been high that night this never would've happened. The ecstacy he sold me made me rub random things like rub the bed, it makes fabric and material things feel like it is the best thing you have ever felt in the world.

The side effects of the steroids are much worse then the benefits. I used steroids on and off in high school for 2 years. Now it still effects my life even today. Now my peenise is smaller and it has not grown at all, my wife doesn't like this. This has affected my sex life for 12 years now and I hope people don't fall into the same mistake that I did in high school. When I was on the steroids I would get extremely angry at people for even small things that shouldn't be a big deal, I would get roid rage and go on an attack.

I once almost chocked a guy to death because he was rude to me. On another occasion I grabbed a student by his hair and spun him around in a circle around the room in class and it ripped a big chunk of his hair out of his head. Luckily I was never sewed by anyone for anything it is past the statute of limitations. I also had someone park next to me at the grocery store and he dinged my car door and kept walking, and I repaid him by kicking his doors in on his car and braking his drivers window, then stormed off as fast as I could.

The ecstacy was fun at the time, I did it a few more times. I went to an ecstasy rave party at a bar and made out with a random chick who I don't even remember what she looks like anymore it was so long ago and it was dark. The rave was the wildest party that I had ever been to, people would get those glow sticks and wave them around and make you go crazy. Sometimes when I hear a song that I heard when I did ecstasy it will make me feel like I am in that moment again for a second and drift into that again. The ecstasy is one of the funnest things that you can ever trick your brain into doing. I highly recommend not doing it though, you can die if you take too much or get water logged.


I quit using steroids once high school was over I didn't want to test my luck too much. I remember sometimes when I was using the steroids it would make my entire body feel sore and give me a weird feeling, like a body ache. I don't know if this was because I was taking too much steroids or what? I wish I hadn't taken steroids for the fact that it made my pennis smaller. Before taking steroids I used to think it was bull crap when people would tell me that it makes your pennis smaller. Now I know for a fact that it really does effect your size of your manly hood, so I highly suggest for anyone thinking of taking steroids not take them.

I was never addicted to the ecstasy I only did it a few times for fun with friends and at parties. I was living in the moment, but if I had to do it all over again I would probably not do ecstasy. I still don't know the full effects that it could have on my life. Sometimes I get worried that my life is going to be shorter for the things that I did growing up as a kid. I want this to be a help guide for people, if they are thinking of doing steroids or ecstasy read this. I hope this can be somewhat entertaining for people to read, I am not a good writer.

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