Confessions of a Car Salesman [What You NEED To Know]

in secret-writer •  8 years ago 

What Car Salesman Don't Want You To Know

Most people already know how shady car salesman can be. I've seen first hand of what goes on behind the scenes. If you thought car sales were bad, you don't even know the half of it. Today, I'd like to take you through the life a car salesman. My experiences may be able to save you a lot of trouble in the future when looking for a new car. Urban Dictionary has provided me of their definition of a car salesman.

Keep in mind, car salesman work off commission. If they don't hit their numbers they are most likely going to get fired. When you have a quota over your head you'll do some pretty unethical things to make sure you hit your number. It is much like the police writing tickets just to hit their quota. All commission based sales roles are usually highly stressful. Management tends to use fear to motivate. When you are hitting your numbers you are your manager's best friend. When you aren't hitting numbers, managers may ask, "What have you done for me lately?". Numbers talk and that is why car salesman are always looking to rip you off. Besides making money off of you, it is the fear of losing their job. Fear is a broken system, it does work sometimes, but not all the time. We should think about motivating by incentive not fear.

Here is a meme to make my point

Now what you all have been waiting for.

I'm going to provide some examples of events that have occurred during the car buying process. Keep in mind the dealership will try to take as much money as they can.

Trade Ins

If you have a trade in they are gong to low ball you as much as possible. Be skeptical if they offer you cash on the side to buy the car from you. Usually, if a side deal like this takes place, they will try to sell it on Craigslist. This typically means you can get more for your trade in, so either keep trying to negotiate or go to another dealership.

Made up Charges

This is very important before you sign anything make sure you look over all of the charges. Salesman will randomly make up charges without you even knowing. You know the nice wood-trim that some car's dashboards have? Well they can make up an extra charge for that, when it doesn't actually cost anymore. Sometimes they could just add random fees that don't even exist. So be weary of random charges that don't make sense. Question them on all fees that you don't understand. You can also look online for standard dealership fees.

Buy or Lease

This one won't come up as much, but it has happened. Make sure you know whether you are buying or leasing the car. Some salesman may trick you into leasing when you think you are buying. Again, this isn't as common but still be aware.

Car Salesmen Are Your Friend

Be nice to your car salesman, but know they can not be trusted. They will do everything they can to make it seem like they are your friend. When buying a car they'll have to go speak with their boss about the pricing. They may tell you, "It is me and you, against my boss" or "We have to try to sell my boss on a better price for you". Don't fall for this. When the salesman goes to speak with his boss they are really talking about how much they are going to rip you off. They are discussing what they can get away with. So just keep in mind you are on you're own in the car buying process.

For Your Consideration

These are just a few examples of what could happen when buying a new car. You should keep in mind that cars are meant to get you from point A to point B. You shouldn't buy a car just for the fun of having a new car. Cars lose value as soon as you drive it off the lot. If you need a new car you should really think about buying the previous year's model. You will save a ton of money by buying an older model. This is the inventory they are looking to get rid of, before the new models arrive.

I hope you have enjoyed this article and it can help you with future car purchases.

If you enjoyed please follow me @johnnyyash.
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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This has some truth but some not so true as well. Just because someone has a bad experience doesn't mean every single car salesmen is a crook. True you will find some bad apples out there but not every single car salesmen is a liar, my family owns a car dealership and if we catch someone lieing to customers we fire them period. Lieing to customers is what can get your company into a lawsuit and if you lie to customers the second the catch wind of it you have lost a deal is why you don't want to lie to customers. So it is a half truth that all car salesmen are crooks there are some bad apples but not every single person is a liar just like not every person is liar because of their race. I was born into the car business so it is not my career of choice, you often have to deal with rude/asshole customers and then you bust your ass to get only a $100-$200 dollar commission so it isn't really worth it to lie to customers in most cases unless your at a dealer that makes $5,000 a car. Customers often treat salesmen like shit and a lot of negativity so you have to try and make a friend and lieing your ass off isn't going to get you far in the long run its just going to make a lot of pissed off customers and get you into a lawsuit over making a $100 dollar commission. You don't have to take a salesmens word for it if you should or should not buy a car it is really easy to take a car to a mechanic and have it checked out before you make a purchasing decision and to look up what a blue book value is to know if you are getting ripped off or not, so use your head take it to a mechanic have it checked out and look up a blue book value. I don't try give people advice on a car just show what you have and if they don't want it they don't have to buy it there is no arm twisting or bull shitting people that's to much baggage to deal with and once the dealership finds out you'll be out of a job anyways if you are working for an honest dealership.

No, it's not every dealership...But you can't say it doesn't happen. I'm glad your family dealership doesn't take advantage of people.

True there are some d-bags out there looking for a quick buck. That's why I tell everyone do your research before you buy a car don't let someone just tell you what to do.

Thanks for the tips.

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I would personally shy away from using the secret writer tag unless you are posting posts that others have anonymously sent you as part of a secret writer campaign. Otherwise, thanks for the info on buying a car.

Thank you. I didn't realize that.

In my car sales business, I often need various document templates, such as a car bill of sale. Where can I find a really high quality template?

Hello! Look, I usually find everything I need for work on the Internet. It's been a long time since I created any type of documents manually. On one of the sites I found Bill Of Sale Templates, and it seems to me that these are excellent templates that are easy to correct and use in work. There are in there including templates for selling cars.