How to Attract the Opposite Sex: The Secret Revealed

in secret •  2 years ago 

As you probably know, dating can be difficult if you aren’t sure what the opposite sex finds attractive. The good news is that there’s a secret to attracting the opposite sex that most people don’t know about, and once you learn it, you can put it into practice immediately! Read on to find out more about this secret and how it can help you have more successful relationships and dates with the people of your choosing.

What Makes Women Sexy?

One of my favorite memories is having dinner with a friend who’s married and has a beautiful wife. This friend told me that his biggest secret for keeping his marriage spicy was imagining what another man would think of his wife if he ran into her on a date. Think about what you’d want him to think, he said. It’s bizarre, but it really works. It puts your woman in other men's heads, which makes her more attractive by comparison. I know it sounds weird, but try it. It might work for you too!

What Makes Men Sexy?

According to a survey conducted by NBC News and Esquire magazine, men think they need more physical traits, while women prefer traits that have nothing to do with looks. For example, 41 percent of men rated a sense of humor as sexy, while only 25 percent of women agreed. In general, though, both sexes said confidence was key — 35 percent of women listed confidence as attractive in men and 40 percent of men said it made a woman sexy. Also important are intelligence (26 percent for women; 33 percent for men) and ambition (29 percent for women; 29 percent for men). Just 9 percent of women find muscles attractive but 21 percent say abs or toned arms make guys sexier.

We Agree On These 6 Qualities

If you want someone to be attracted to you, and if you want that someone to stay interested in you, it’s important for your partner to know that there are a few things about you that never change. You need what we call core shared values – here are six of them: Personality, humor, religion/spirituality, integrity/trustworthiness, caregiving ability and attractiveness. When all of these qualities are present in a relationship, they create an atmosphere where each person can feel safe and secure while also feeling free to be themselves. It’s when one or more of these qualities is missing that people start feeling insecure or anxious; it’s when one or more is present but not shared equally by both partners that problems begin cropping up.

This Is Why He/She Wants You

Believe it or not, there is a reason why people fall for each other. From a biological standpoint, researchers say we are attracted to others who carry traits that will enhance our offspring’s survival chances. For example, studies show that women are drawn to manly men—or those with features such as a deeper voice, athletic builds and facial hair because they signal better health. Men, on the other hand, tend to find feminine faces more attractive because they signal fertility and good reproductive health. Bottom line: Understanding what draws your partner in will help you nurture and maintain their attraction. Studies show that couples who do so have happier relationships overall—and increased longevity too! Talk about winning both ways!

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