
in secret •  5 years ago 

Skepticism is unbelief in cause and effect. ... As we are, so we do; and as we do, so it is done to us; we are the builders of our fortunes; cant and lying and the attempt to secure a good which does not belong to us, are, once and for all, balked and vain. But, in the human mind, this tie of fate is made alive. The law is the basis of the human mind. In us, it is inspiration, out there in Nature we see its total strength. We call it the moral sentiment."

From Worship, Essays, The Conduct of Life by Ralph Waldo Emerson

I had to think about this for quite a while. How is skepticism unbelief in cause and effect? What things am I skeptical about? There are any number of things, but I am skeptical generally about businesses keeping my data secure. I am skeptical about this.

How is this skepticism a unbelief in cause and effect? The direct cause and effect for example could be that my personal data is not being protected, therefore, my financial security may be compromised. Or, my personal data is being protected and as a result my financial security may not be compromised. Unbelief in cause and effect must mean that I don't believe that even though a company is claiming that my personal data is being protected, and that I also don't believe that the failure to protect my personal data will result in any harm to the business.

Emerson always has a long game. It isn't whether I will personally witness the effect, because I may not - but the secret (the business knew they were not protecting personal information, and misinformed me that they were), if there is one, will ultimately be revealed.

You cannot hide any secret. If the artist succor his flagging spirits by opium or wine, his work will characterize itself as the effect of opium or wine. ... A man cannot utter two or three sentences without disclosing to intelligent ears precisely where he stands in life and thought, namely whether in the kingdom of the senses and the understanding, or in that of ideas and imagination, in the realm of institutions and duty. ... A gas-light is found to be the best nocturnal police, so the universe protects itself by pitiless publicity.


So, ultimately, I suppose that if it is true - my skeptical opinion about a particular institution - then the truth of the matter will be revealed. My skepticism misplaced, if it is not.

The revelation may take generations. But since speakers always reveal themselves, whether orally or in writing, it doesn't matter.

He is a strong man who can hold down his opinion.

I am currently witnessing revelations of all kinds and someone with the good (or bad!) fortune to be the bringer of that revelation to others was at the right place at the right time.

At any moment, then, I could behold the unveiling of an ancient secret.

Keeping my eyes peeled!

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