Dear First Ministers of Scotland, The Supreme Court of Scotland and UNHRC
To Whom this may concern,
Dear First Ministers of Scotland,
This is my admission to you as a Legal Indemnity because of an incorrect claim on a benefits application for the migration from DLA and ESA to migrate to Universal Credit Payments which I have applied to receive though I am not living in the UK. I am not claiming illegal benefits as I will attempt to explain. Infact I could claim Housing Benefit. I just dont.
Today, on the 27th, January 2025 whilst under much duress I was forced by time in some way to fill out incorrect information on a UNIVERSAL CREDIT claim form for the continuation of my only income which has somehow ended up being disability payments. I have trouble to maintain relationships with people as I have been fanatically on a mission to save the world working with Angelic beings since I was a young child. There are things genuinely following me around that were following me as a young child. I cant really do anything else with my time and I consider it a valuable public service what I do. I never stopped to work in my life just that it was never anything I was given money for.
I could not answer the question on the Universal Credit form for the migration of my benefits as there is no box to tick for this case. I had planned to write in the comments box to refer this to the First Minister. Thus Im writing to you to explain, I am currently a political refugee living in Europe, technically im an illegal immigrant. I dont have status as a Political Refugee, Im looking at the moment for where I can attain such a privilege. I want to return to Scotland but I dont feel safe there.
I cannot live in the UK. I fear to return to the UK. I am a political exile living in Europe who has distanced himself from his family for over 10 years because of attacks by elements within the UK Gov around the Jimmy Saville stuff. These attacks included my family. I have barely even spoken to my family for over a decade because I am afraid to keep them in my life. I have distanced myself from everybody for the same reason. I choose not to create relationships with people or to collect phone numbers.
Currently, my only income is the benefit system which I am trying to break free from. They keep kicking my legs away. I am not illegally claiming benefits. You are the ones calling me crazy and saying I have a Messiah complex. I have a medical note that it causes me extreme mental stress to be in the UK. I am being shot with microwave weapons and my family is being threatened.
I am a Political Exile who is being attacked by shadow elements within the Government who are working towards the subversion of Gods authority on Earth. My message which will forever Prove the Existence of God is being suppressed for a decade and now threatens to be wiped from history. The aim of this message I am trying to deliver through my business is to unite everyone in the Spirit of God and to stop the adversary from using Atheists and Nihilists as a weapon against believers as they did in Russia. The entity has been stopping me from financially establishing for decades and breaking out of this financially and have stalled also my business launch multiple times since 2015 with directed energy weapon attacks, gang stalking and direct sabotage.
I have reported my situation to the authorities on a number of occasions including writing to Nicola Sturgeon when she was first minister and to a military investigations group into Directed Energy Weapons which is called Biggerthansnowden in 2018. I wrote also to the European Commission Investigation. Im also working my way through an Affit Davit which I intend to submit to the Supreme Court of Scotland and to the UNHRC about being attacked and life long sabotaged with directed energy weapons.
Here is a thread for context... I am not a crazy person.
Over the years a series of Governments and Military people have spoken to me through Voice to Skull technology and told me this money would continue until I broke free of this mess that they made out of me with their top secret program. They told me I would receive an out of court settlement after a military tribunal. I have been multiply sabotaged from launching my my business in 2015, 16, 17, 18 just now in 23, and 24. My business is worth many billions of pounds. I estimate, knowing my work more closely is that its potential is hundreds of billions. I cant reach the start point as im trapped in a money spell and tied up in red tape.
Currently I'm flat out broke and busy working towards the launch a multi billion pound business through various stages each that are extremely complicated, while living practically rough at the moment in a van with no amenities and thanks to what im givin I can barely afford the meagre rent to stay in a fairly basic campsite where I get free drinking water and intermittent electric and internet. Next I am technically a vagrant. Ive been living in Europe working solely on my mission from which I get no income. Where do I claim political asylum?
I was shot with microwave weapons in Britain, once in my home in Dunblane they threatened to burn out my brain through Voice to Skull and shot me for half an hour with crackling in my head. Once while walking home from my Fathers funeral with my mother walking beside I was shot there were microwave bubbles in my brain. Twice while in the Canary Islands I was shot and threatened with a brain aneurism and there were microwave bubbles in my brain.
The last time I was shot with microwave bubbles in my brain close to where I am currently living in Exile in Portugal, about 300 meters from where I am living in a camp site on the day that Charles went to assume power. I have tried already to report this to the authorities and I am assuming that is to who I am communicating though V2K who had told me that I would get an out of court settlement following a military investigation. Gradually many of the people who have been messing with me have died and been replaced with clones they said. Nothing in my life has changed yet. I was told that I would receive an out of court settlement.
Today, I was told through by Officials of the Government through Voice to Skull technology while filling out the UC form to migrate my benefits not to confuse this highly political situation and to fill out the application for the migration of my benefits to continue and that it would be passed without question. I was instructed by two people who are within the Government Higher Echelons that the application would be fast tracked regardless of what I put as this would avoid further political disturbance and they told me to avoid complication by stating that I live in the UK.
I have written this letter to you as a back up because it might be a trap or I might be mad. If this is the case please cancel my application which contained otherwise fraudulent information. My angelic guides suggested you would pass the application to avoid further light being shone on these subjects. It is not my plan to be stuck on these benefits and I wont be for much longer, unless I get my legs kicked away again, by yourselves right now even. I might struggle with it for a while trying to break out my mission but knowing them they will continue sabotaging me until I die or find a lawyer, who believes what im saying. Its really not in my vision for this all to be known either and Im trying to cleanly launch my company.
I am deeply grateful for the help that was received and I have worked for decades towards various attempts to break free and become independent. I am being routinely sabotaged with directed energy weapons by people within the Government working for the devil trying to stop me, even as I have tried multiple times to create my multi billion pounds business, and that's an underestimate.
I somehow ended up in a demonically inspired military targeting program and they are constantly manipulating me with Frequency Weapons. I am really waiting to be free of this program, though its been getting better in years past as the room gets cleared really. I am working towards submitting an Affit Davit to the Supreme Court of Scotland and the UNHRC about what is happening to me.
My only lifeline at the moment is these benefits and the dream of my business. Ive done nothing illegal. Its all contextual I would say. I cant return to Britain. Im not going to prison for shit posting on the internet and im not going back to the street digging in bins and chasing around electricity and internet so I can continue my mission to deliver the message at least as far as someone else who knows why the adversary of humanity has relentlessly pursued its sabotage for over two decades. I am waiting for an out of court settlement from a Military Tribunal. Maybe there is a grant I can apply for or something.
The least complicated version of this story is that you assist in processing the Universal Credit Application form on the grounds that Firstly, Nothing illegal is being done. My messiah complex which the British Government accused me of remains in full bloom and I have a medical note in my file that says living in the UK causes me extreme distress. The rest of the details I couldn't fit on the form. Im sending you this as an addendum to my claim.
My angelic guides suggested that First Ministers might understand and choose to add this to the file or not. If this is not suitable please cancel my claim as it contains incorrect information about where I am. And also, I dont need it really it was a suggestion a continuation of above description. They said it is better to leave the life line.
Im in no way on a free ride. I have suffered my entire life struggling against life long censorship to deliver a message for the salvation of humanity. Really its been no fair ground. This has been my only lifeline.
Im still struggling to get a tax number to launch this multi billion dollar business in Scotland. I may even have to launch the company somewhere else If I cant return the UK to sign a document. I want to launch a Crypto Currency and an NFT collection that complements the merchandise business. This is a multi billion dollar business im trying to launch right now and Im really stuck in a gigantic ball of red tape.
If you take a bit of time, maybe even half an hour, to look at what I'm creating you would understand why it is important enough that the devil tried to stop me for 25 years. Simply Im still working on it. I just need a few more months, six maximum and I can send this.
This is my business I am registered in Scotland. Made with Miracles Ltd.
My X page
Sincere Respects,
aka Mr Nobody