I generally find your article to be "right on," Thank you. :) However, you say:
I'm not suggesting that people should be able to get fake passports, drivers licenses, work at a company under an assumed name, or anything extreme like that.
Afraid I cant go with you here... At least to the extent that I see passports and drivers licenses as oppressive tools of the state in the vast majority of cases.
And as far as "work at a company" goes, I also see no need for "full disclosure." In most cases, work is contracted based on personal knowledge and reputation anyway, and even absent that, short-term contracts that are paid upon completion really require no intrusive information.
In other words, great post, but don't unnecessarily limit yourself!
Of course, to all readers of this post: If you have not as yet read Vernor Vinge's True Names, run, don't walk, to Amazon and buy a copy...