Barriers, Bears, and Cougars, Oh My!steemCreated with Sketch.

in security •  8 years ago  (edited)

bear climbing a deck.jpg

What blocks or slows down a human will not do the same for many dangerous animals.

Bears for example will climb right over most fences. As the image above illustrates, they will also quickly climb up onto second story decks and even your house's roof. Cougars and other larger predator cats will do the same. When building your residential property, please keep this information in mind.

Do not assume that decks and other upper level balconies are safe from such threats. If you want to keep larger animals from getting into the area between your perimeter and your house, you will need special fencing installed. The fencing is quite expensive too.

There are other strategies to avoid the problem however.

For example, don't leave pet food outside or in an open garage where it can easily be reached. Black bears are notorious for going into garages or onto decks to get pet food. Keep your doors secured and keep an eye on your children as well. You were already keeping an eye on them right?

The country side has animal predators; the city has human ones. A bear is only after the dog food or trash, but a cougar may be after your child. If a cougar grabs a hold of your child and you're not there to see it happen, you'll most likely never see the child again. Cougars will eat the entire body, including the clothes, to leave no trace.

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P.S. This post is my first one rocking the new signature designed by @grow-pro. It's pretty freakin' cool, right?!

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Bears are great climbers, as the photo clearly shows! That deck would've defeated a majority of American Ninja Warrior finalists. 😆 Bears can withstand multiple gunshot wounds and continue to charge. My grandfather and great uncle (in their living days) would bear hunt in Canada. One bear vs. two armed men with rifles and revolvers & it took both of them to stop it. My grandfather told me: *The food scraps you eat and discard could get you killed in the wilderness. Be mindful of where you put what! Especially your firearm if you are inviting surprise guests that you really cannot run away from. They climb decks, trees, fences - either a weapon or a snack to throw..

You're awesome and that's a sweet footer graphic! Thanks for inviting me here @finnian That's well earned over many years my friend.

We have both black bear and cougar around here. People just don't think about them as a threat though. Black bears are small too, so people underestimate them. Most people don't even realize they are here. Lots of parents let their children play alone in their yard too. That's crazy!

You are a friend who I knew would flourish here. I hope people will follow you to learn from your expertise. We'll grow from mighty minnows to majestic whales together, brother! It'll happen slowly but surely. haha

A lean, adult bear is said to be able to run in excess of 30mph - uphill, flat ground, or down hill. Power critters! Underestimated often, even by avid woodsman. Cougars are even worse.

From minnows to whales, @finnian - in due time. You're doing awesome work. Don't stop!

I've been stalked by a cougar. Thankfully, there were three of us, and he wasn't that hungry. I saw the cat with my own eyes up on a ridge while it was watching us. It followed for hours after that and was snarling and hissing in the night on a cliff above our camp. We picked a place up against a rocky cliff on purpose and build a huge fire. None of us got a lot of sleep that night either, and then we canceled our trip the next day and went home two days early.

There are black bear all over Virginia. I know they are in Maryland too. People just ignore them. One day I saw an injured larger black bear near a residential area and out in the open, so I called the non emergency cops. They laughed it off and probably ignored me. That bear was injured bad enough to be holding his front paw up as he hopped along. He was probably very hungry too. The people in that neighborhood hopefully didn't have any problems with it. An injured bear like that one though is extremely dangerous. Bears will usually leave you alone and stay hidden, but a hungry bear... not so much.