GitHub Ddos

in security •  7 years ago 


Hackers beware! Security is getting better!

A Ddos, otherwise known as a distributed denial of service, is when hackers try to purposely crash a site or system by sending an exhorbitant amount of traffic, causing servers to overload and temporarily fail.

GitHub announced recently that they experienced the largest scale Ddos in history...and they were only down for a total of 10 minutes.

10 minutes!

GitHub is no stranger to this kind of attack. They were hit by a serious one in 2015, many suspecting the Chinese government was behind it. Being able to solve the issue in 10 minutes shows how far they've come. Other hosting services i've seen recently go down for hours, if not days. So this is seriously exciting!

Engineers and security are getting better. If GitHub, a web-based hosting service which it's use is mostly seen with computer coding, can fix this in 10 minutes, then maybe some exchanges will start incorporating this kind of defense.

Congrats to GitHub and I hope stories of high level Ddos's start to dwindle.

If you are looking for a link to the article, you can find it here:

Happy Steeming!


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Ddos is one of the oldest hacking techniques... So a lot of new engineers has been thought several times over how to secure their sites from it.

Github is definitely way ahead of it counterparts. They are treading a path nobody has ever gone.