RE: An interesting thought on the self-destruction of the leftists and globalists

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An interesting thought on the self-destruction of the leftists and globalists

in security •  8 years ago 

There is a quote from Hobbes I like to use when I egg on Europeans to do something a little drastic to their EUrolords

the obligation of subjects to the sovereign is understood to last as long, and no longer, than the power lasts by which he is able to protect them

As much as Hobbes is a statist, he understands what the bedrock purpose of government is...the security of the people. A government that will not protect it's people deserves to do down in nooses and guillotines.

thanks for the comment. I followed you

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Very recently, while searching on the internet, I discovered about Jefferson Davis. I learned some things about him and his life and I have to say that I admire this person. His speech on January 21, 1861 must be read from anyone who appreciate freedom and independence. I don't want to hide that I was thinking of writing a post about him and his speech. But now I think you could do a better job than me. Bravo.

the only way to get better at research and writing is to do it ;>

take a stab at the Davis article, and shoot me a link to it. We tend to overcriticize our own work, but you might surprise yourself!

post a link in the comments on one of my posts when you're done, and I'll check it out!

The link with English content to Davis' speech is in my previous answer. Also this Other things are in my native language . I 'll try but it will take much time. But after all is for Davis.

I'm writing about Davis ( it's getting lengthy, I ''ll see what the outcome will be ), thanks to you.
As I was reading about EU sanctions against Russia, I found this link . I got surprised, I thought that there is not any state willing to secede. (Relatively to US, I know a little bit about stock exchange and guns).
In the text you can read that "The laws surrounding states' secession is murky at best", " the federal government has the final say in these issues", " no right to secede".
Davis in his farewell address said " There was a time when none denied it" (meaning secession).
From " none denied it " to " no right to seced ". Impressive, isn't it?
Thanks for the abetment, (new word for me).
(Here, across Europe, we have our "united" problems).