Internet security is a catch-all term for a very broad issue covering security for transactions made over the internet.
Generally, internet security encompasses browser security, the security of data entered through a web form, and overall authentication and protection of data sent via Internet Protocol.
Internet security is generally becoming a top priority for both businesses and governments. Good Internet security protects financial details and much more of what is handled by a business or agency’s servers and network hardware. Insufficient internet security can threaten to collapse an e-commerce business or any other operation where data gets routed over the web.
Introducing Securypto
Project Securypto is leveraging the blockchain technology meant to address issues that are often associated with storage and the process of transferring encrypted data. It is a market plan technology in the way of:
Monetizing anonymous content distribution which creates space for new market, the transfer or storing of untraceable encrypted message and files across the internet and connecting to open source hardware wallet for additional security measure.
The question then is how to get all these achieved? It is possible through an interconnected system of dedicated hardware, software and the blockchain technology.
It’s indeed a rare match that tackles so many of the issues connected to the internet plus the fact that it adds security, anonymous and privacy features to it.
Dedicated Hardware
In ensuring that information is not altered by unauthorized persons, securypto is creating a dedicated open source hardware for the tasks and adding it to a seeable confirmable communication method which taking undue advantages of vulnerabilities very non- existent.
The system here is designed in a manner that ensures a rightly balances the areas of security, privacy and user-friendliness.
It is important to mention that this project is using DigiSafeGuard. This is the most secure solution when used with the platform’s software and blockchain.
There are a number of things achievable with Securypto for example, storing your one’s digital coins or even earning some money for your uploaded work as a content uploader for you just simply want to send encrypted message without the anxiety that some other backdoor could be installed on your preferred app.
So, what you can best imagine about this project is the varied possibilities it presents before you.
By leveraging blockchain, the issue of trust is solved because every data is verifies without engaging a third party. The project’s blockchain brings an additional privacy feature for every of its operations while also designing a paid-content management as incentive for its users. this is because users who upload contents are rewarded.
A perfect match in Securypto and DigiSafeGuard
The platform is not just addressing issues of security and privacy in a conventional way. It seeks to extend the frontiers in this regard by bringing together software, hardware that is DigiSafeGuard and the, blockchain.
It is catchy in the sense that securypto and DigiSafeGuard leverage each other to improve their collective usefulness. GigiSafeGuard is undoubtedly the most secure product as Securypto mixes perfectly with it to give the best privacy and security.
Token Distribution
SCU is a utility coin/token. It is an ERC-20 token based on smart contracts and total supply of SCU tokens is one hundred million.