Seda | I feel the shock of the vision, not the washing of the soul!

in seda •  6 years ago 

It’s been a few days since I returned to Chengdu,

I didn’t mention the pen to write this travel note these days,

Because I don't know what kind of mentality I should describe it.

If I go to a sputum, I can really change my mind, at least I am not;

If you don’t feel a touch, at least I am not.

Thinking for a few days, I finally decided to write down my real experience and feelings~

Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College

"I heard that Seda had a snow, and the United States turned the world." One day in the early winter of last year, my circle of friends was screened by such an article, and the group in the article was shocked. The beautiful picture, I will yearn for the sacred land of Seda, and I said to myself: "I will embark on this magical land in my lifetime. If I can, I hope it is snowing in the winter...".

色达金马草原 Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College

Someone said: "Go to color is not about religion, just for that belief." But I am a person without faith, so I really want to know, what is that belief? This winter, with curiosity and embarrassment, I embarked on the road to Seda and went to find the answer I wanted.

东嘎寺 东嘎寺

Although I have longed for Seda, this trip is also a trip to go. I met a 95-year-old girl who traveled alone from Chengdu to Chengdu in a friend's youth trip. We all love to travel and like the feeling on the road. When I was traveling to Sichuan, there was a place where we wanted to go to each other. There is Seda. So we hit it off and set off.

317 Pilgrimage Route

A lot of people know that China has one of the most beautiful roads in this life. It is the world famous Chuan-Tibet South Line 318 National Road, but few people know its sister Sichuan-Tibet Northern Line National Highway 317. This is commonly known as "Hell." The road of the road has no 318 beautiful scenery, and the road conditions are not as good as 318. However, this road is the fastest way for Chengdu to reach Seda, so it is also called “pilgrimage road” by pilgrims.

We have crossed many ethnic groups such as Han, Yi and Tibetan. We came to the Jinma grassland in the Ganzi Plateau from the rich plains of Chengdu, and experienced the diversity of the Qiang culture and art. We have experienced the profoundness of Tibetan Buddhist culture. . It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a boulevard with a magnificent scenery and a mottled and beautiful scenery.

So, 318 is shocking the horizon, and 317 is the soul.

东嘎寺 东嘎寺

In this section of the road to Seda, the asphalt road is almost full, which is much better than the road conditions I expected. We followed a Seda special line group, stopped and stopped along the way, while walking and playing, rested at Guanyin Bridge for one night along the way, and arrived at the next morning.

The most impressive thing about me is the distance from Malcolm to Guanyin Bridge. There are many devout believers along the way. Among them are six or seventy-year-old elderly people, and young people of our age. There are also young children who are still sitting in carts. Some of them are walking on crutches, while others are three steps, one worship, one dagger, and the wind is sleeping, going to the holy place in the heart.

Guanyin Temple
Second Potala Palace - Guanyin Temple

"Turning the mountains and turning the water to the stupa, not for the future life." For many devout believers, if you can't go to Lhasa to worship the Guanyin of the Potala Palace, then go to the Guanyin Temple in Jinchuan to worship the four-armed Guanyin. It has become a lifelong dream.

Guanyin Temple Guanyin Temple Guanyin Temple

The Guanyin Temple is known as the Second Potala Palace and is located on the top of the Guanyin Mountain in Jinchuan. If you want to go to Guanyin Temple for worship, it is not recommended to travel by car. You can transfer to the 7-small business car driven by local Tibetans at Guanyin Bridge. Don't look at this short ten-kilometer journey. It is the most dangerous road I have ever walked through. It is narrow and curved, curved and steep. I look back at the cliffs. The girls in the same place screamed all the way.

Guanyin Temple Guanyin Temple Guanyin Temple


Tickets: Free to visit, no need to buy tickets

2. Notes: 1) Do not squat into the temple, remove the hat and sunglasses;

2) Guanyin Temple can be fragrant, consumption is about 5 yuan, very human;

3) Do not face the Buddha when taking pictures. If you need to shoot a lama, please ask for permission.

Some places don’t go when you are young. When you are old, you can’t go anywhere.

The most beautiful temple in Seda - Dongpu Temple

The first 4000 meters in my life was dedicated to Seda. After a long journey of more than one day, the car finally drove up the Jinma steppe area of ​​Seda County. As the altitude became higher and higher, as the destination approached, the scenery in front of it became more and more beautiful. We did not go directly to Wuming Buddhist College in the foothills of the mountain, but chose to go to Dongpu Temple not far from the county seat.

东嘎寺 东嘎寺

The Dongpu Temple is one of the famous temples of the Tibetan Buddhism Nyingma School. It is located on the mountainside of Dongpu Mountain in the Jinma Grassland. As long as it is not snowy, the car can be driven directly to the front of the temple. The moment I got off the bus, I was captivated by the magnificent natural scenery in front of me. Standing on a plateau with an altitude of nearly 4,000 meters, the blue sky and white clouds seem to be within reach. Even in the vast grasslands in the distance, even if there is no greenery in the summer and the green flowers everywhere, the white snow mountains in winter, and the The group of plateau "black pearls" yak can also show the beauty of this snowy plateau.

东嘎寺 东嘎寺

The Dongpu Temple is a group of traditional Tibetan Buddhist art styles, with white walls, red columns, golden domes, and colorful intricate carvings. The temple was quietly able to hear the sound of my breathing. I gently stepped into the hall and a gleaming headlight caught my eye. It is said that the lamp is made of pure gold and has many beads embedded in it. It looks very dazzling. The main hall has 4 floors, each of which is decorated with different Buddha statues. On each floor, there are religious murals on the walls, and the red columns are engraved with dragon carvings. The colors are dazzling and the atmosphere is solemn and solemn.

东嘎寺 东嘎寺 东嘎寺

Here, like all believers, I go to every floor with a sincere heart to learn about our Buddhist culture. I also go to worship each Buddha statue and pray for myself and my family. Then find a quiet corner and stand there quietly to listen to the lama's chanting.

东嘎寺 东嘎寺 东嘎寺

1. Tickets: Free to visit, no need to buy tickets

2. Notes: 1) Do not squat into the temple. Take off your shoes and take off your hat and sunglasses when you enter the hall;

2) Dongpu Temple does not need to be fragrant, and can go with a sincere heart;

3) Do not face the Buddha when taking pictures. If you need to shoot a lama, please ask for permission.

Feel the cycle of life and death - celestial burial platform

After leaving Dongpu Temple, we simply ate some lunch and went to the celestial burial platform on the mountainside. In the area near the celestial burial platform, you can see the sky vultures hovering in the air, as if they are also looking forward to this sacred funeral. The celestial burial ceremony usually arrives at the celestial burial platform from 1 pm to 4 pm. It is divided into different areas. There are places where celestial burials are implemented, and places for celestial burial culture are also introduced. The embossing on the walls depicts six roads. The images of the reincarnation, the eight corpses, and the corpse are said to be hoped that all the people who come here will have a deeper understanding of life and death.

色达天葬台 色达天葬台

It is necessary to have enough courage and courage to watch the celestial burial. I know very well that I can't force myself to challenge some things, so I went to the Tianshentai Square and stopped. It is already the biggest breakthrough for me to be able to come here to understand the culture of the heavenly funeral.

色达天葬台 色达天葬台

But if you can overcome your inner fears and embarrassment, you must go to Seda to see a celestial burial. With a calm and sincere heart, with awe of the celestial burial and the deceased, watch a complete celestial burial and feel the cycle of life and death. I believe that I will understand the meaning of life more.

色达天葬台 色达天葬台 色达天葬台


1. Tickets: Free to visit, no need to buy tickets

2. Note:

1) Many corpses are stored for a period of time before they are buried, and must be worn with a mask;

2) When you watch the celestial burial and watch the vultures fly down, you must leave the celestial burial platform, and avoid the objects left on the vultures to fall off the body;

3) Do not shoot the dead while taking pictures, you can shoot anywhere else.

Red House in the Heart - Wuming Buddhist College

I finally came to the place where I was looking forward to this trip - Wuming Buddhist College. The car can only send us to the bus stop at the foot of the mountain. Visitors need to spend 3 yuan to transfer to the exclusive bus in the Buddhist College. Since the winter season is the off-season of Seda, the bus has only opened two cars. We are lucky. We just got on the bus when we arrived at the station and set off directly. When I came to the Buddhist College, I realized that there are not only the red houses we saw on the Internet, but also a small part of the yellow house at the foot of the mountain. The design and the red house are similar, but the colors are different and they look very special. .

Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College

With the car, the red houses under the blue sky and white clouds spread all over the valley, and the shocking paintings of the Buddha's country came into my eyes. The bus went to the Great Hall and stopped. We also opened our own journey from here. To be honest, if you don't plan to stay in the mountains for a while, but just as a hasty passenger, it won't be too much to visit here. I still think back to it, at least my spiritual journey of the day, the most rewarding is the visual shock, not the washing of the soul.

Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College

I heard that some of the stunning red house pictures on the Internet were taken at the foot of the mountain. The panoramic picture was taken on the observation deck on the top of the mountain. We arrived at the Buddhist College more than 3 pm, so I must I rushed to these two places before the sun went down, to keep the red house under the blue sky and white clouds that belonged to my shot.

Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College

There is no signage in the Buddhist College. We took the hand-painted map of the tour guide and started to find the best location with the feeling. We walked on the college road, and the monks wrapped in red robes walked through them. Most of them would smile and nod to you, and they would be eager to guide you. I tried to ask for their consent and wanted to capture the warm smile, but they all smiled and waved at me, not to shoot, I also smiled and nodded, let go of the camera.

I think, respecting them and respecting their religious beliefs is the greatest meaning of travel. Some pictures are deep in the memory of the mind and more valuable than sleeping in the camera.

Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College

Along the zigzag Panshan Trail, through the patchwork red house, we finally came to the Buddhist Academy's best viewing platform. At this time, the sun is still hung in the sky, the plateau under the blue sky and white clouds, the red houses in the mountains and the mountains, the magnificent mandala and the temple, and the devout believers from all over the world shuttle back and forth in the criss-crossing alleys. ..... everything in front of you is exactly the same as the scene in the imaginary color. Standing on the observation deck, I gently closed my eyes, opened my arms, and deeply breathed the thin but pure air on the plateau. I wanted to let the time stay still at this moment, let me indulge in this red ocean. Among them.

Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College

But then I am just a visitor who has come here for a short stay. I will eventually return to my busy life. So after taking a few panoramas, we went to the mandala on the highest mountain in the Buddhist College. Almost everyone who came to the Buddhist Academy would go there and turn around and pray. 3 laps, 6 laps, 9 laps, 108 laps, 1080 laps.... Each circle carries a sincere heart with a sincere prayer. On the open space beside the Mandala, no matter how long or late, there are long-standing devotees, even if you don’t have religious beliefs, you will be touched by their piety.

Mandala Mandala Mandala

I heard that the night view of the Buddhist Academy is a must-see beauty of visiting Sada. For me who likes photography, I have to stay at the top of the mountain to wait for it even in the cold winter. In the winter, Seda will be dark at 6:30 in the evening, and the lama who lives in the college tells me that 7 o'clock will light up on time. I waited at the observation deck from five o'clock, watching the sunset gradually falling down the hill, and watching the lights of a cabin gradually light up. At about 7:30, the entire Buddhist college was illuminated by lights. The lights of the mandala are particularly sinister, illuminating the entire valley, seemingly solemn and sacred. I am very fortunate that my waiting for an unparalleled visual feast.

Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College

When waiting for the night scene, I met many friends from all over the country. Some of them lived on it for a few days, some lived for a month, some lived for a few months or even longer..... They told me that if there is a chance to return to Seda, come back with a bag, because it is like another pure world, there is no earthly trouble, no busy work, every morning, sunrise and evening view During the day, around the tower of the city, I listened to the voice of the Lama, and re-recognize life and re-recognize life.

Sydar Larong Wuming Buddhist College


1. Tickets: Free to visit, no need to buy tickets

2. Notes: 1) Don't be jealous of entering the Buddhist College, don't disturb the lamas and the mothers who are learning;

2) Do not face the Buddha when taking pictures. If you need to shoot a lama, please get your consent.

3) Please don't shoot the pictures in their house;

4) Many stray dogs in the college should try to stay away when they encounter them. Don't touch them as a dog;

5) The temperature difference between winter and evening is large. If you want to watch the night scene on the mountain, please bring warm clothing;

6) The bus in the winter college is out of service at 7 pm. If a friend who lives in the county can walk down the mountain, it is estimated to be about 1 hour.

The color is really snowing

On the day of leaving Seda, Seda got a snow. The entire Golden Horse prairie was covered with thick white gauze overnight. In the early morning, the plateau ushered in the first sunshine. We drove on the endless snow in the plateau, watching the blue sky, white clouds, snowy mountains, and the yak looking for food in the withered grass. I suddenly had the answer:

What is faith? Faith is awe of life, and faith is trust in life.

色达 色达

1. Personal advice:

If you love to travel, Seda must come once, but it is not recommended to travel freely, because the Buddhist culture of this line is very strong, there is no tour guide to explain and boring, it is meaningless to come; it is not recommended to travel with the group. Because all of Seda’s itineraries are almost “followed by group tours”, the itinerary is very tight and there is no time to understand the history and culture of each attraction. Individuals strongly recommend spending more money to choose a custom tour, stop and stop in seven or eight days, see the beauty, understand the Tibetan customs and feel the Buddhist culture, please accompany a tour guide to accompany the whole process, it will make sense to take this line.

2. Dining: There are many restaurants in the local town, which taste good and the price is not expensive;

3. Self-driving: The road surface of the 317 country is narrow, there are many mountain roads, and the road conditions are more complicated. Self-driving friends must have enough good outdoor driving skills to ensure safety first;

4. The color is 4,000 meters above sea level +, the temperature difference between the plateau is good in the morning and evening, it is recommended to prepare warm clothing such as thick down jacket;

5. The color is 4,000 meters above sea level, most people will have different degrees of high anti-inversion, please prepare high anti-drugs in advance, but the normal physique is generally not too serious, remember not to catch a cold;

6. High-grade ultraviolet light, be sure to bring sunscreen products;

7. Three days without power failure, it is not called Seda, so you have to prepare the charging treasure;

8. Finally, because Seda belongs to Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, no matter whether you have faith or not, please respect local customs and be a civilized tourist.

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