RE: ~ 4 ~ See What I See: Peter Parker & The Chicken Hospital

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~ 4 ~ See What I See: Peter Parker & The Chicken Hospital

in seewhatisee •  7 years ago  (edited)

we recently adopted roosters and a few hens and a few hens from a neighbor who passed away. They are in a cage of their own and one day I went to check on them and saw this:


Cory was away working and wouldn’t be home for days. The rooster was still alive but I assumed was attacked and suffering as he would not move. I walked and walked trying to figure out what to do, we really couldn’t afford a vet bill. I worked up the courage, changed into old clothes, found gloves and the axe.

I cried the whole time, but when I walked back into that coop with my pop bottle cone and axe



Hope your Roo mends quickly 💙

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Oooh wow, you brought him back to life I take it, from the photo? Great job!