~ 9 ~ See What I See: Chicken Canabalism? Hell Yeah I Feed My Girls Hard Boiled Eggs!

in seewhatisee •  7 years ago 

The hardest part is not hitting a chicken as I toss the eggs off the deck to them, they are swarming, SWARMING! How's my aim today?
Not bad for an egg head eh? 😘

(Video 2:22)

I See Edgar

Catty Cat lost Round 3 to Ratty Rat. You can see the desperation and anger in her eyes as she chews kibbles just wishing it was the fresh meat she deserves. You'll get him soon Edgar, you'll get him soon...(There was a severe lack of confidence in my voice as I said that, just so you know.)


I See My Source of Happiness


Mmmmm...bread products...aromatherapy...*drools


Food Porn


Beautiful Icicles

There's always a silver lining to shit weather, this time it's created some fantastic art.



Seeing this beauty definitely improved this cold, windy day. A feast for the eyes.


If I was a kid I would have not stopped until they were all broken. Now I take photos of them and couldn't imagine smashing their glory.


Noooooooooo! Pudding Skin in my Cove!!!!!!

I went to take some shots of the Cove and started dry heaving right away when I got close...no videos this time I don't want to put you through that horror twice (of having to listen to my girlish whining about the pudding skin, not the actual pudding skin, I know none of you were bothered in the least by that ).


It was rippling, RIPPLING I tell you!


The little waves move under the pudding skin, the pudding skin is alive, it's ALIVE...Nooooooooooo!! *Runs away as fast as my belly full of buns can take me :)



Lyndsay, grow the fuck up. -The Punisher


We used to somewhat respect you. -The Chicken Bitches

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I'm sorry, is it mean that your abject horror description of the ice pudding skin makes me giggle? It's ok, Lyndsay, you can be grossed out by it. Don't let The Punisher judge you too harshly for it.

Thank you so much for the empathy @phoenixwren hehehee!!!

lol I love boiled eggs and I was just telling my wife how much I've been craving them lately(I'm trying to juice 2 meals a day) Those chickens better be glad I wasn't there or there would be some feathers flying as I scissor-kicked my way through the crowd to claim my prize!

Omg hahahhhaaa!!!! Scissor-kick LOLOLOLOL!!!! You killed me with that visual I love it hahhahaha!!!

lol Don't let the fat guy fool ya, I'm almost positive I could pull it off!!!!

Oooh I had no doubt at all! :) :) :)

Those are some nice looking buns!

😬 That didn't come out right.....

It's all good, I say all the time that I love my Gramma's buns!! :) :) :)

wow!!! the icicles are looking really awesome...😍 & as well as your cat & chicken. ☺

Thanks for checking out my day @sushovon002 :)

The chickens don't have a problem eating their would-be babies? I didn't know that. Yeah, it looks cold out there. When the cove is frozen, then you know you have issues. Have you considered Jamaica? Ha ha

I'm definitely considering moving onto a sailboat one day...Jamaica is pretty close to here...

A sailboat down by Jamaica sounds really nice. Feet hanging off in the water. Sun on my face. Ahhh, I can feel it now.

Nothing wrong with a little cannibalism! We were talking about making bread earlier and seeing those delicious f--king rolls is inspiring me to resurrect that plan. Great photos!

YASSSSSS!!! Resurrect the plan, dooooooooo it!!! What kind of bread?

About to do so! And I don't really know yet, probably just basic white bread, but probably with some additions. Baking is a new hobby in our household so every time's a new experiment :)

I never thought of feeding them eggs haha! I caught a video the other day of my chickens hunting mice, weirdest shit i had ever seen!

Wow, do you have the video?


Shell.... We take a break and beakarfull... Is this the Circle of life or perpetual motion. I lay it and you give it back to me as FOOD? Didnt eggspect that one 😂😂😂

HAHAA!! The shells are super good for them too, nice calcium for their diet.

I enjoyed the puns, thanks Andy! xoxo <3 <3 <3

very beautiful droplets of this hardened snow, like the amazing crystal @lyndsaybowes. every one given nature is always beautiful. always my friend.20180326_130454.png

Nature's creations are far more beautiful than man's... <3 <3

Egar the cat will get Ratty Rat. He just needs a little more time to get the lay of the land. Really beautiful buns today Lyndsay! Are you sure you don't want to go into the bread business? Ice on the cove again? When is spring coming?

If you steal me away down to your paradise I will make you all the buns you could possibly desire...I'm good with yardwork too lololol :)

Tired of winter already? Come on down. I have lots of garden work...

The cat will catch the rat, just give it some time.

Thank you for your reassuring words David :) :)

Thats amazing post for everyone, always doing good @lyndsaybowes
Eggs are a very good source of inexpensive, high quality protein. More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat and cholesterol than the yolk. The whites are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper.

Thank you for the information Taurus <3 <3

My pleasure @lyndsaybowes

ok. I have several things to say. Dang it looks cold. Brrrr. Toss me some eggs I miss them and Great Oma has none left. I miss those buns.mmmmmmmm...and that poor Greenhouse. That is on the bucket list for the spring. Get that man over there who is sitting around doing nothing but domestic stuff. As soon as it get warm of course. I wonder if Edgar would appreciate Joey Cat. Or would he be a stuffed shirt and hide under the bed.

I heard Joey has a thing for little black cats....

very true

You have a very interesting life.))))

I'm glad you find it interesting xo Glad to know I'm not boring xoxo

The boiled eggs just blew my mind! So smart.
Bwhahahahahahahaha the pudding skin ice strikes again!!
The buns seriously look so amazing...there are no buns at my house. This place sucks hahaha! #needtoupmybungame

HAHAA and I need to up my game to get to your level of gardening excellence! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Wow.. Its the first time i see chickens eat egg.. Boiled egg @lyndsaybowes. And for edgar..keep spirit!

She is sharpening her claws right now :) :) :)

@lyndsaybowes, Ha ha chickens love to find hard boiled eggs. The Punisher being beauty rooster in your steem chicken family.
Edgar has scary looks from her eyes. I think find rats.
Bread products start my mouth watering mmmm......
Icicles styles amazing and created marvelous designs near by your nature.

Would you believe The Punisher is a Hen? Mua hahahaaa!! She's one tough woman!!

Oh.....now I updated Punisher is a woman. :D

HAHAA I know she really does look male with those colours hey?! And of course the name... LOL!! We are a strange bunch over here... :D :D Thank you for putting up with us lololol :D :D :D

😂😁😂😁😂🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ jumping laughing! Omg you're hilarious!!

Aww hahaha I'm glad I could bring Joy <3 <3 <3 Love and Hugs Jill xoxo!!

At least you're a delightfully entertaining hermit! Love and hugs back at you Lynds 💜
Hoping mis catty cat had a great hunt last night 🤞

....you'll get him soon...

With full confidence allow me to tell you Edgar, you shall have your prize and the same for me, @marionbowes! 😎

My Mom in Law is your prize? heheheeeee

Opps, that may have come out wrong. 😎

Ya.. kind of. But alas an inside joke and I got it. What will I owe? I forget...

A whole looney is on the line. 😎

I might be able to swing that...I will have to start saving...:)))

Due to my being a numismatic enthusiast, old pennies are exceptable. 😉


Hard boiled, raw, fried they don't care. Our chickens would eat them green with ham. One of the funniest tragedies I have ever seen is chickens chasing a mouse. Tragedy for the mouse as it turned out.
Beautiful as icicles are, the 12 year old boy in me still likes to watch them shatter sometimes. And big ones as spears... don't get me started!

I'm gonna have to bring some of the chickens in here if the cat doesn't do the trick! :) :)

I almost suggested that, but Catty Cat looked upset enough already.

Chickens can fend for themselves a lot more than we give them credit for.

I remember when my grandparents kept them, some of them even attacked snakes, etc.

TRUTH!! My boys found a snake last summer and fed it to the chickens, they fought over it!

In the dictionary, next to the definition of "omnivore" should be the picture of a chicken.

Do you know ? where I come from now it is being overwhelmed with fake eggs made with plastic material and surely that is very disturbing for the community.

Omg that is disgusting, wow!!

The perpetrators are very disgusting, they are very evil and cruel no matter the health of others. which they know are merely profits and make as many fake eggs as possible

nice boiled eggs
i like it very much