Lost my cool a bit and stopped self-upvoting a few days ago.

in segwit •  8 years ago  (edited)

Leaves me at least one 100% vote.

Still the Steem Pool needs to be drained, that is what it was build for.

And the SegWit discussion heats up.

For me it is confusing to see well known members of the Steem realm adding to the FUD {Fear, Uncertanty and Doubt}. And apparantly getting big potential payouts while doing so. While the angry come in and the name calling starts. Apparantly a lot of frustration is going on, while the Bitcoin blockchain seems to be stuck on high difficulty. Because none of the different kinds of clients seems to be able to find the right solution. And Bitcoin is almost at 7(!) Exa Hashes per second on the complete Bitcoin network, while difficulty still is very high right now. But there were also a few blocks mined within the 10 minute time frame. And some blocks were not really well filled. So, what pool will accept to the challenge of getting the next block out?

At some point I got caught up in the SegWit discussion. Because it started to hit a nerve. Would probably not have dived into it, if I had been feeling alright. One reason I stopped being active at the Bitcoin talk forum was because it tends to get a kind of grim there. Almost like a trollbox on some exchanges and I experience it like an energy drain. It is at the point where fanaticism enters the realm that I need to get out. Normally I do ignore posts and replies of that kind here at Steem too. As they tend to cause division and are often accompanied by name calling and aggression. And for me that is a closed door, as ratio leaves the mind as soon as anger enters.

That is a biology science fact by the way, because it involves a different part of the human brain. It is the animal part of the brain that lays underneath our big evolved grey matter. Normaly needed for flee, freeze of fight behaviour, or to basicly survive. It can however not think logical or analyse for us humans. That part of the brain is connected to fear and triggers all kinds of stress hormones to be released. All ment for us to help us survive. And in that way I can understand the aggression that follows fear. Because when we feel threatened, it triggers fear, and that can pump our adrenaline up to very high levels. And then rational thinking is almost lost, because it is a waste of body energy that one might need to survive. Our grey brain mass does use a lot of energy and when we need to basicly survive, who has time to over think things?

BTC ABC is already being mined, without succes.

Now, in a previous post I called it a clone, and I still think it is. If the BTC-ABC finds a block now it will already be dropped by the Bitcoin blockchain. Yes, there is already a BTC-ABC client and at Viabtc it is already mining, while the BCC-Token is being traded against BTC. It has a very low 24 hour trade volume though and the price is quite stable. And with that low trade figure it looks like it could still be easily manipulated in price. And together with the rather fanatic marketing going on right now (at Steem for instance), I am still very sceptic about the organisation behind of all this. But no matter what, it is an Altcoin that refuses to create a new blockchain and instead is going to try and split attack the one of Bitcoin. Cheap shot, although it apparantly needs some very aggresive tactics to enforce it.

And so is bending the truth, or telling half the story. Because I have read that BTC-ABC (BitCoin Cash/BCC) was not yet being mined. But it is, at the Viabtc pool, just have a look and do the math. And also keep in mind that Viabtc is already signalling SegWit {SW} for the Bitcoin network... Bitcoin, BTC, is trading at almost 6 million at ViaBtc, by the way. So, what market is 150.000 then for BTC-ABC {Bitcoin Cash (Futures)}? The market can not be wrong, that is what I read in some replies here at Steem. Okay then Bitcoin trading volume at Viabtc: 72.23%, while BCC/BTC-ABC does 1.81%, it gets beaten by Litecoin, that does 4.18%! It is last in row. How is that about the market being right? And it is being mined, at about 2 Peta Hashes per second. While Bitcoin is being mined at 357 Peta Hashes per second, at that pool only!

And at a total bitcoin network mining capacity of 6900 Peta Hashes, or 6.9 Exa, BTC-ABC/ BTC-Cash mining is next to nothing. 2 divided over 6900 times 100% equals? Almost 0.03 percent mining power supporting BTC-ABC/ BTC-Cash, that is what the numbers tell us. And even trade is very doubtable, because with 142 thousand US Dollar in trade volume over 24 hours, it can still easily be price manipulated. So, what does tell us that? As it gets spread all over the place that the market shows it. Yeah, well, it seems to be a lot of air pumping the BTC-ABC balloon. So about 200 contracts are being used to mine BTC-ABC with 10 Tera Hash type Ant-miners, that looks only a good deal for Viabtc... Hope those who have those cloud mining contracts are allowed to swap them for mining Bitcoin.

MIT Free Open Source.

There are so many wild west stories surrounding the Bitcoin source code. But as far as I know it is all available under a Free MIT Open Source license, that is why there are so many Altcoins, and clones like BTC-ABC/ Bitcoin-Cash. Yet, the FUD {Fear, Uncertanty and Doubt} that is being spread somehow seems to claim the opposite. And apparantly all it takes is some anti-government statement in the title to get some heavy Steem Power {SP} backed upvotes. Darn, I whish I had known that sooner. Sorry, I am getting cynical here again, but at this point I am really getting fed up with Steem as a Social Media Platform. And I guess that is what got me triggered in the first place.

It really took a bad turn for me when the moaning started about the Steem reward pool like: "they're draining the pool, they're draining the pool!" Just started to sound like a Southpark episode called "They took our jobs", instead the Steem version is very annoying. Because the Steem reward pool gets filled to be drained, to the last drop of Steem. That is the way it was constructed. Okay, so for more than a year is was drained exponentially by the richest Steem Power {SP} owning members. Within one and a half year half of the ever to be released Steem was spread out that way, about 243 million of it. With the richest members getting exponentially more, but that has been changed to linear, or one Steem Power equals one vote.

It already has been drained half.

When the year 2038 begins there will be about 585 million Steem available. But already half of that is in the Steem realm available. The other half will take 20 years to be released. So, for those who want to do the math, feel free to do so. Maybe then it can be understood that the biggest drain already happened. And those who had the most exponential gain (think of a figure like a quarter of a circle going upwards) were those who had enormous amounts of Steem Power in their account(s). This is a fact, just like most of the Steem was spread that way within one and a half year. Now that is different, more like linear spreading. But no matter what, or how it gets divided, it will always be a drain of the Steem pool, otherwise nobody would get any Steem at all...

Is it fair? Well, it is about competition, that favours the best adapted to the parameters of the game. That is part of any competition, so it is here at the Steem blockchain too. Yet, it is strange to state that the Steem pool gets drained like it is something that is wrong. It is what is supposed to be done, through competition, that will divide it into potential payouts. And competition for that will get harder over time as more members join and less Steem gets produced by the blockchain. So, at some point I do expect Community Tokens to be part of a solution for that. But no matter what, the Steem pool will be drained, that is what is supposed to happen, to get it rotating into the Steemeconomy.

Tiresome that I find it to be, it drains my energy and that is for me a signal I should stay true to my path. Any time I get dragged into this sideways I feel like I am losing a part of who I really am. Fear spreading posts, posts bending the truth, aggressive responses, name calling, I am so done with that. And I guess that is why I had such a good time when I went on a trip that I financed with my Steem earnings. Had a fantastic Steem meet and greet with some great people that I consider very good friends. And I had a splendid time in Nijmegen and Arnhem. Where in Arnhem I was able to pay in Bitcoin directly, which was an awesome experience for a geek like me.

TAO, the path is my way.

So, I leave you for now with a filtered photo I shot at Sonsbeek park in Arnhem where I went for a stroll with my dear friends. It beats the virtual digital world anytime for me, and I was almost sorry I could not stay longer at that beautifull place. The photo is symbolic for me as to somehow I found my way back home there, a long distance from where I was born and raised. Oh, and a few days ago I stopped self-upvoting, as I think it is okay when that function got removed on a blockchain level. But I disagree with any kind of witchhunt that seems to be going on about the subject of self-upvoting. Let everybody decide for themselves and maybe it will be cut out by the developers in a next hardfork.

Today I am moving on, TAO style, always on the path that is my way. And no matter what happens to Bitcoin, no matter what is draining the Steem pool, I will move on. Hopefully with more travel to many different places. Cause one day I will hit the bucket too and I still have a long list to go.

Have a great one!

PS The apparant Bitcoin high difficulty blockchain halt already has been solved.

NOTE: Only invest in cryptos what you are willing and able to lose. Also your speculation might be as bad or as good as mine.

UPDATE: Text corrections.
UPDATE2: Added missing link for Viabtc pool.
UPDATE3: Text corrections.

I found my TAO in Sonsbeek Arnhem again.

filtered photo cc-by-sa @oaldamster

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Very well written , thank you!
So you're basically saying, in other words, that we're late to the party, amirite ?

Thank you, as you see, you are in time here, you got my intended self-upvote. ;-)

No, that is not totally what I want to state, but I do understand that you came to that conclusion.

There are still several aspects to Steem that gives it potential. There is still a relative low price for Steem. And there is still 242 million Steem to be payed out over time. If Steem goes up in price, which I do expect, I did say 12 US Dollar to be the next ceiling, then you are still an early adaptor.

Also, when Steem Community Tokens become intregrated that means there will be different Reward Pools. Maybe some called 'Nutella'. ;-) Those will have the same properties as Steem. They can be traded at the decentralized internal market. And, they can be used as potential payouts as they will have their own reward pool.

So, Steem will become very rare, somehow like Bitcoin, and it will be the main traiding pair, but capted at 585 million in 2038. Now, suppose Steem was 8 times more in value at some point. That would mean that 1 cent now, would be like 8 cent then, and 0.125 of a cent would then be 1 cent payout.

When you look at your that I upvoted that could get about 12.50 potential payout. So, I think it is important to understand that there are many things to take into consideration.

With the addition of Steem Community Tokens, there will be a whole new opportunity to get potential payout. And you are still an early adopter for that.

Yet, it does not change any of the facts how the first batch of Steem were spread into the system. Cannot make it any more beautifull, it was exponential. That is also a reason why I got fed up with those complaints that HardFork 19 was supposed to be a drain on the Steem pool.

Hopefully I was able to make clear for you that there will be more to celebrate at Steem. ;-)

I thank you for your thoroughly written explanation, some things are clearer , I did not know about that cap . In my simple way of thinking I always tried to invest in coins that are not minable, just because I thought they will get more valuable. That plan is at a standoff right now, with all the movements in the market , but I will it will happen.

I don't know anything about Steem Community Tokens, but I will look into it.
I am certainly fascinated by steemit , but what do you think Zappl will bring to the table ?

It is my pleasure. :-)

For me the great addition would be great. Zappl is going to be a great way to use the Steem blockchain like a decentralized Twitter type of app.

Curious about it.

lost your cool? water drinken hahahah
je bloeddruk! denk aan je bloeddruk! hahaha

I would never stop self voting
if I love myself I should do that IMHO -
how can I take care and help others grow if I stagnate growing because I did not take the opportunity to do so
I think the best way to help others is to help yourself first
so as long as that feature is available I would use it - but only on my post
which I barely put up these days so I don't think it would be considered an abuse
I barely use it on my comment - plus used it just 1% - only to keep it away from the bottom :D
but .. to each his own toch?
belangrijk is om door te gaan .. hoe dan maar ook
i made it after a long day today ^ ^
bedankt voor de resteem :D

Yeaaaaah you made it!
A new post!

It is my pleasure to ReSteem it Ivy, as I could relate to it very well.


Geen idee over mijn bloeddruk. En ik denk dat je gelijk hebt, gewoon rustig aan doen, het gaat zoals het gaat.


And yes, just do as you are used to, self-upvoting is there, it can be done, so it has a use to it. My reasoning is hopefully clear, I explained it to PoeticSnake in reply. And in the post itself.

It is important that Steem members become aware of some collective actions of what I see as witchhunts and I do strongly oppose to those. (But you already knew that.)

Indeed it is in build into the Steem system and I think that everybody should have a freedom of choice to use it. No matter how low or high their Steem Power is. It could have been part of my potential payout too, used it mainly for my posts. Now and then for replies that were like extended posts, but very rare.

But, no matter what, it is part of Steem, and as long as it is, everybody should be free to use it as they see fit! The witchhunts need to stop, that is fascism. And it is another lock on the freedom of expression platform that I consider Steem to be, in the first place.

All the best to you!

korektus! ^ ^
yes I saw your reply on Bibi
if they go on witchhunting does that mean they're witches?
damn that's corny .. forgive me - tired and sleepy here haha
had a long walk in the city again today
but had fun and laughs at dinner with hub's family ( which is officially my family, too)
heaven's crying all day - wet walk - not complaining though - because cool rather than hot
there, too?

Guess they are what they say they do not want to become... ;-)

To for bed, here too! Already up to late again.

Glad to know you had a good time today.

Walked this evening, yesterday longer, hard tonight, but made it. Most of the day it was all cats and dogs. Tomorrow dry, still have some last woodwork painting to do, then finished!

Good night.

good luck with the paint works!


Thank you for the expelantion. I didn't know half of the steem was allready out there. Now alot of it makes alot more sense.

Great sharing.

  • follow

Thanks! It is my pleasure, glad I was able to make it more clear.

Yes, half of the Steem is already inside the Steemeconomy. And most of it (way more than 50%) is stacked in Steem Power, so the liquid Steem/ Steem Backed Dollar is even more scarce.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Upvoted and resteemed, enjoyed reading - although it was a bit depressing for a newcomer like me at the same time. Although I agree it's much harder for newbies like myself starting from scratch, it just means it'll take a bit more work - certainly Steemit success can still be achieved! (I like looking at the glass as half full).

This means for people with less Steempower that they might have to put in more time, especially in the beginning. I also believe cross promoting your Steem posts - and just your "brand" in general - helps a ton. If you look at some of the most successful folks here, many release tons of YouTube videos in tandem with regular, polished, well thought out content here. It also helps if you have a "following" on other social platforms or your own business and mix that with your Steemit following, as advocated in this video ->

Thank you and for the reSteem!

The bit depressing part I can understand. And I think it would be bad to market Steem as a free giveway for every member. There is a growing competition for a rare commodity. That should do well for the price of Steem. Meaning that cents of payouts now could become much more in value in the near future.

Yet, it is true, the more members, the harder the competition for less Steem in the pool on average. And there will be a lot that quit very fast for that reason. Or just will invest in Steem Power.

And indeed there are many things that can be done to create a brand on the Steem blockchain and make it known out there. Just like promoting Steem as a freedom of expression platform. And chances are that most new members at least get a cent worth of Steem. But that will not be enough for a many.

The ones that stay will find their way into the Steem realm, become friends even, create communities and sub-communities. And when (if) the Steem #Community #Tokens {#SCT} will become a reality the newbies of now will be glad they stayed around even if competition was quite tough.

And there are many ways to get known in this realm, with the help of using already excisting Social Media Platforms for instance. Just stay true to who you are and do what you do best and who knows...

Good luck!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Awesome response :)

"Yet, it is true, the more members, the harder the competition for less Steem in the pool on average. And there will be a lot that quit very fast for that reason. Or just will invest in Steem Power." > Interesting, to me this may imply there will be a loose cap on the total number of Steemit members...officially there won't be any cap, but think of a glass of water overflowing...there will be some threshold above which, if its too hard to earn steem, people drop out and then more will fill their place, only to have more drop out again when it's getting too hard, etc. Does that make sense?

In any case, it's my gut feeling that anyone who still wants to put in the time and effort to rock and roll here will see success long term (even if it's not immediate). I just mentioned in another comment how I made this brief post with a couple random musings, and received a whopping total of one vote...my own!! Seriously thought, I don't care at all - I'm just here to learn and grow. As a former social media manager, I know social reps take time to build.

Nice connecting with you here!

PS - I came back (edit) and read your lengthy comment to @kingmotan now, I see you explain why it has long term staying power...seems we're on the same wavelength :D

Thank you, the connection pleasure is mutual. :-)

At some point new potential members will run to get in. But if they do not get payed at all, that will be a reason to stop. Or if it does not seem to be so easy as they hoped it would be. And so on.

Long term, that is a key aspect indeed for Steem. Part of how you can do well in this competition for Steem payout is to master the parameters. Or at least get better at doing so. After all it is a competition, with also has limits.

And part of this is understanding what the developers share in their vision about the future of Steem. Imagine what it would mean if Steem Community Tokens had become a part of the system. It is an evolving system, that is part of its strength.

Those who pull out right away, will miss out on when those big changes happen. Long term commitment is part of the parameters. ;-)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Right, very interested to see how this with Steem Community Tokens will play out like you mention. I'm definitely here for the long haul..or at the very least, give it a fair few months and then re-evaluate the results for the time I'm putting in. Plus tbh it's mostly fun, doesn't really feel like w-o-r-k :D

"At some point new potential members will run to get in. But if they do not get payed at all, that will be a reason to stop. Or if it does not seem to be so easy as they hoped it would be. And so on." > I have a feeling at that point the Steemit team will have developed a system to prevent this, ie via tokens - because if not then there would be a very finite limit on the success their platform can have. And I'm pretty sure no one wants that!

That is when I feel best about it, when I have fun posting and replying.

And yes, the Community Token addition will be an important next step, I agree.

Self upvoting is very helpful if you are hardly seen these days.
I don't understand why that has to be such a big problem around here. It seems that every few weeks they find a new reason for a witch hunt and it makes me sad. I use it because that way I get at least 1 bigger vote. If, I don't do it right now my posts hardly get seen at all because lets face it, most people here ( sadly) Only vote on posts who are showing a good payout.

Well, I strongly disapprove of any #witchhunt here at Steem. That is part of the reason I decided to stop self-upvoting, it is a #statement. When I became aware that there were some Steem members that were organising this like some secret police force I first wanted to quit Steem and pull out.

Sadness, frustration, anger, I have experienced that a lot also recently and I dislike that a lot. But, after a short break I decided to go at it differently.

Self-upvoting is part of the Steem system and therefore any witchhunt is wrong. Needless to state that because I named it witchhunt already should have given that away. But I know it is planned like that and executed. And the group that does the witchhunt on self-upvoters also makes up the rules who is still okay to do so and who is not. To me that is fascism.

If I would self-upvote my posts and replies, I could make an extra 100 per week, which I could really use well. So, I do get that you use it for your income. And so will others do, especially the newbies. But also the Legend Levels have the perfect right to do so.

All this combined means a lot of Steem. Your and my part might be just a drop of water on a hot plate. But if a self upvote is worth a 100 every time? Now I can not blame those who do, why should they not? It is the same for every Steem member.

But... All that Steem from that self-upvoting combined is a lot of potential payout. That even might benefit you and me, if we get voted on. Or when we would vote at a 100% for a newbie post. It will create a different kind of distribution.

So, even though I will cut into my own flesh, as a figure of speech, with this, I first of all want to draw attention to the fact that there are Steem members collaborating in active witchhunting. And I think that is very unhealthy for the whole Steem community. That has to stop.

And secondly I want to create awareness that it will leave a lot of Steem in the pool to be distributed among many if self-upvoting would be cut out of the Steem blockchain system.

As long as self-upvoting is part of the system it is indeed a way to get more potential payout. It was constructed to do so and as long as it is part of Steem, members should be free to use it. No matter how much Steem Power they have.

But I think it will be at least good to think about what the effect would be for Steem and its community if the self-upvoting was left out all together.

I agree with you 100%.
Its part of the system and any member is free to use that option, yes also the big players in my eyes. Its written that way so why and how can such a thing be wrong?

My vote is not that strong, I think I am a little dolphin by now and I do vote a lot on others and I am in a vote guild to make sure I vote when I am not here. I think as long as you also vote for others there really is nothing wrong with a self upvote for your hard work.

I think in time it might go away and then I will also support that!

I salute you and I think you are doing a great thing to make a statement.
plus i think that your reply to me should be a post because its written amazing and really makes a point about the witch hunts that are starting to pop up more and more here these days.

ditto that, I just voted on it - you can always edit it after you've given yourself time to cool down and then post :)

Thank you, I am glad to know we are on the same line on this subject.

It was my innitial plan to also make a post on the witchhunting subject. But I also know that as long as I am angry that is kind of a bad idea, hahaha.

And indeed as long as it is there, you and I decide if and when we want to use it. Just like voting for friends or those who we think make great posts.

Freedom of expression I think is important for this platform, and these witchhunting innitiatives should really be discouraged by a combined Steem community.

Have a nice day!

I'm still a little confused.. How many 100% upvotes do we have per day until 20% is done?

10 votes at 100% will cost you 20% of your voting battery.

And I think I have been way to generous with mine today... :-)

I thought as much! I saw it averaged to around 2% per vote.. Which is still perfectly fine if you have enough SP to split up!

Wow, yeah man I cannot deny that! You are being very generous with these upvotes! 100% upvote.. You're incredible lol! Make them lower :D I feel bad..

We should engage in each other's content more often! You seem like a really awesome person. I see you are also working hard here, same as me :) I trust we will talk again soon. I gave you a follow!

Thank you, it is great to interact this way! :-)

And it is okay, for today I do this full 100% upvoting on this post, have no idea where my voting battery is at right now, hahaha.

Enjoy the upvotes. ;-) It is nice to give too. As I was glad I could have a Steem payed for trip last weekend. That I was possible to do because of others valueing my posts.

Followed you in return and we will be in contact again!

It's not much, but there's my 100% upvote too :P You have a great heart man. Awesome, and humble perspective about giving back from the trip too!

Here's your stats. Surprisingly still 75% power remaining, so it's great!

Thanks, I appreciate it!

So I still have some 100% votes I can do. :-)

Haha how far down do you want to take your SP? :D

Not at zero yet! :-p

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I'll not comment on the real message you are bringing, whether we are in time, too late or the honest truth about what it means 'draining the pool' etc. To be honest, I'm too much a newbie for that to state something sensible on that.

I know what you feel! For me it is up and down, from being very positive and focussing on creating good posts, finding good posts and engage with the authors and other commenters, to engagements of Steemit (chat, discord etc), to feeling negative and either stop interacting, creating posts or get myself some self curation rewards with the so many 3rd party self upvote services. Sometimes I think it is better to play along with the system, whatever becomes the new normal, adopt it as well, but I have kind of an issue with that since my ideology sits in the way with for instance gaming the system. Luckily since last week, I feel positive, so I continue on that note and hopefully my negative days are far ahead of me :)

Good you had a good weekend!

And apparantly all it takes is some anti-government statement in the title to get some heavy Steem Power {SP} backed upvotes.

I should do this with all my posts! :)

For me the bottom line is that it is a long term thing. And it will evolve over time. We can have fun, express ourselves freely, join with others. Focus on the things that make us feel good. While staying true to who we are. Because I know if I go against myself I feel unhappy and lose valuable energy, lust for life.

And I am glad that you feel positive! One thing that made my weekend good was the pleasure of meeting nice people in real life. The connection, the positive vibe, it was great, that is my focus that I would love to keep. :-)

Maybe we should disrupt the system a bit by posting with the word government in the title, hahaha.

Nah better not, that is going to attract flags too. ;-)

Have a great day!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

What helps me to get positive is to stay away from Steemit for a week or so. Done that already a couple of times, needed it at those times to be honest :)

Real connections always is better then lala connections, even in chat I sometimes connect on a real level, but in p2p chat only, met some people I regularly chat with outside Steemit

That is indeed healthy, taking a step back now and then. ;-)

Indeed real contact is better.

Just like getting away from the screen and keyboard, hahaha.

So I'll be doing that in a while.

about the Steem reward pool like: "they're draining the pool, they're draining the pool!" Just started to sound like a Southpark episode called "They took our jobs",

This is exactly why I like to read your post @oaldamster !
I do agree with you about the trolling, it is so annoying...

Glad you enjoyed Arnhem, it is a great (crypto)city!

Thank you, I glad you like my writing! :-)
Trolling is awefull...

Arnhem was great, absolutely want to go there again.

I'm familiar with the city becuase I studied there for four years, what places did you visit in Arnhem?

Sonsbeek, center and went to Rose's.
Too little time, like it there.

I especialy like the big white building over there and the sounds of the waterstreams comming downhill!

Ah yes, the villa. Been under-through the waterfall, lots of water things. The white mill, beautifull.

Didnt know that in 20 years tje other steem get released. Thanks alot!

It is my pleasure!

You wrote a lot really, for someone who is "half-back" haha.
Have read every word and comment, and again ... become a bit wiser, Thanks CU

Can you imagine what it is going to be when I am fully-back! =D

Your welcome glad you appreciate it!


You remain one of my top go-to blogs on everything crypto, @oaldamster. Thanks again for a great article.

Despite being one and a half year behind the early adopters, I am determined to build my account and connect with great people for the longer-term. With the right mindset, I am certain great things are still possible. And hey, aren't we all having fun in the meantime? :)

Thank you for your compliments @finance2nomad! Am glad to know you appreciate my work.

You have the right mindset for the long term! And yes, we are having fun!

You have a lot of imagination. It's awesome!

Thank you, glad you like it. :-)

Very well written! Upvote =)

Thank you!

Great post, great pictures! ☺

Thanks, but did you really read it?
Well okay, the picture is so beautifull it counts as two.

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Be happy on your new path

and thanks for warning

Thanks and you're welcome.

I like honest people.

Do you have your trail on steemians.com?

Honest people I like too.

Do not use trails and that website neither.

we can build our outside space from inside.

I wish your thought would awake people and your initiative will be spreaded

It starts from the inside, becoming real in the outer realm.

May all the good become real, thank you.