It's fair to say that we are experiencing times of increasing awareness, much so because life seems to force us to pay attention. Whether it is the underlying energetic currents that make things move on the world-stage or whether all we witness and perceive is merely the perfect actual representation of shifting energetic qualities, we all are faced with enormous challenges and changes that can be found anywhere in living systems like the cosmos.
And so it seems to be with almost any aspect I look upon these days. Something is brewing under the surface and there is something in the air these days that borders on materialization, on manifestation for all to see.
The curious thing is I also witness it in nature more and more.
The weather has been undergoing intense swings, volatility akin to the crypto markets really, where storms and wild gushes are followed by days of sunshine and serene calmness.
I also witness it in wildlife. Not to say that animals have never displayed qualities that resemble a higher level of self-awareness than we are tqaught, but recently I have been confronted with examples of it to ever and ever-more graphic display.
The last few days I was woken up by a knocking sound. It made me rather alert the first day I heard it because I thought someone had knocked loudly on our van door. But it wasn't quite with the intensity and flavor of a human hand pounding the metal or the window... but sort of like it.
What is that sound?
You see there is this bird that visits us every morning at our camper van before we get up. It is quite the early bird and despite our alarm clock set for 7 it always shows up a good hour before that, sometimes sooner, making loud noises and scratching on the outside of our van in recurring cycles of a few seconds.
I got up to see what the deal was and guess what... that bird is landing on the holders for our side mirrors to... watch itself in the mirror. It then flies up a level sitting on the mirror, it looks around. Then purposefully jumps off the entire thing out of view only to come back flying onto the holders again. Or onto the other side.
We have watched it do so for a dozen times and that was after an hour of racket...
Since it has done so for days now and we find it quite curious I have made my camera active for this morning in the hopes it would be there again to... glimpse itself in the mirror and play with itself.
And, well... here it is, taken this morning. Allow me to introduce to you:
Mr. Semi-Conscious Bird.
If you were to ask me what it means I would venture to say: All of nature is becoming more aware. To ever increasing degrees. Everything gets connected with everything as it glimpses its interconnected parts and realizes it is a whole. The whole of everything that are no things. But getting it, slowly.
As are "we".