Self-education is a useful and good habit

in self-education •  7 years ago 


Nowadays, the whole existence of education in the global sense has divided into two categories: official - from institutions that, in addition to knowledge, give us treasured pieces of paper, these very confirmations, and self-education - when we really want to learn some skill, but we are determined to do it it's on your own and do without paper.

With formal education on the one hand - everything is clear, but on the other - he has accumulated a lot of questions. I will not scratch the eternal wound of the higher education system in our country now - this is a generally painful topic, I'd rather ask for so-called additional training. It can be anything: from professional refresher courses to all kinds of dressing and sewing. Those. from what is needed at work to interesting for leisure. And if everything is simple with leisure - a thing entirely voluntary and not at all obligatory, then professional education is in places just total gloom. All the requirements to the employees drive them to regularly upgrade their qualifications and update their current knowledge at various courses, seminars and conferences. And in fact - really increase this very qualification and give some new knowledge of the percentage of the strength of ten such events. Most often it happens this way: a cheerful lecturer / speaker / teacher enthusiastically tells the obvious, and sometimes even outdated things, spiritual listeners regularly clap and write false reviews about the usefulness of the event, and in return they receive a piece of paper that is happily referred to the personnel department for the purpose enrich your personal business. But the prosperity of the paper industry is safe! And the fact that in the part of the head that usually rejoices in new knowledge, rolls a figurative roll-field - it's not important, the purpose of this so-called training was completely different. At the same time, all parties involved in the process understand everything perfectly, but persistently continue to feed this soulless system, eating time and money so neatly and in a little bit from every corner that as if no one is offended. Exceptions are for the most part all sorts of events from the world of science - that's where a lively exchange of opinions and knowledge is not nominal, but quite practical.

And the rest ... For example, all sorts of seminars devoted to explaining changes in the legislation. Our state lawmaking bodies are incredibly productive, they work out their bread by creating an unreal number of all kinds of changes that are not always meaningful. And after every change, an unreal amount of "explainers" comes out into the light. Aki mushrooms after the rain. Not free, of course. Although any good in his field of professional activity, the specialist is perfectly capable of explaining everything to himself perfectly. And even to go anywhere it is not necessary. But no - the company needs to master the budget for training, the employee does not mind to unwind and hang out with colleagues, and all the training centers need to earn - well, you understand, yes? And so on a circle. Even boring.

Therefore, we will go to the second world - the one that is about an independent study of usefulness. Whatever one may say, a standard brain, belonging to an adequate individual, necessarily reaches out to gain new knowledge. Not crusts, but the name of what these crusts confirm. Some have enough books and films, some go further and tweet wikipedia at night, there are still all sorts of lectures, courses, textbooks, and even special portals - Universarium, Coursera, TED - well, just a lot of opportunities to get new knowledge without smearing them the road is about dirty money.

Self-development is a cool thing that works exclusively for good, especially if it happens regularly. How much does it take to develop a habit? Heard about 21 days or so. It turns out that it is very simple to instill a habit of self-development, if for the beginning through force every day do something very useful for your own brain. Not smoothies with bioadditives all sorts of drinks, supposedly improving memory, but it's straightforward to stuff something new into the skull. And what will it be - the history of the Tudor dynasty or the skills of effective meditation with the help of a carpet - this is your own business, the main thing is to ask yourself to confirm that this particular knowledge of reinforced concrete will allow you to feel a little more pumped than yesterday. And with the education for work, you can shake a little, but most importantly - do not mix.

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There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there.

- Albert Einstein

I think online education is much better in most cases. I got disillusioned by 'brick and mortar' schooling when they said I couldn't graduate without taking a diversity course. I can understand elective courses to round you out but these diversity courses are suppose to teach you how the other sex feels.