RE: Log It, Graze It, Or Watch It Burn: Who To Blame For Wild Fires

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Log It, Graze It, Or Watch It Burn: Who To Blame For Wild Fires

in self-governance •  7 years ago 

weird, anarchists keep telling me that a private security agency that did something violent or broke the non aggression principle would go out of business but I keep telling them that some people would seek to hire those that are the most violent and least ethical.

Hypothetically, and there are a few cases, you can defend yourself with force from a police officer, probably best to avoid that situation though.

Here is an excellent article about it

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There is SOME truth to a violent agency going broke, but only if there is still a mechanism to sue the agency. If you truly have tossed the governments, there is not going to be a court to sue in though.
I know about the RIGHT to defend yourself with deadly force from cops, can't cite the SCOTUS ruling but have read the case. Not a course of action that is likely to pay off in this world. Dead people don't win shit in court...
I think anarchy is the ULTIMATE destiny of humanity, but we have to grow into it. We need to ratchet down the size and scope of government to the MOST local level possible for now.
What cracks me up is how everyone whines that anarchy = chaos... So.... what would they call what is going on in fully-governed Chicago? Out of control government = chaos, it is how tyrants roll.

I call what is going on in Chicago the result of abdication of governance. They have generations of drug gangs there as a direct result of drug prohibition. When the government prohibits something it abdicates its authority to regulate that product. There are no regulations in the illegal drug business and as a result criminals regulate the industry, often using violence and turning out a terrible, dangerous product free of any safeguards or standards. If someone steals your illegal drugs or sells you bad drugs you don't have any legal recourse. Drug dealers don't pay taxes. What we need is to legalize and regulate mindfully all drugs.

We see CVS and Walgreens selling their legal opiates across the street from one another without their employees ever having a shootout. The drugs they sell are clearly labeled and free of foreign substances, they don't substitute fentanyl for heroin.

But drugs were prohibited as a means of racial suppression, in terms of that goal drug prohibition is a government policy that is very successful in keeping the poor and minorities down.

You are totally correct in your comment :

Not a course of action that is likely to pay off in this world. Dead people don't win shit in court...

"I call what is going on in Chicago the result of abdication of governance. They have generations of drug gangs there as a direct result of drug prohibition."
It is the government who imposed and enforces the prohibition.

And when they prohibit things they are not doing their job and then that creates the market failures we see in the illegal drug trade. Prohibition is the government refusing to do its job.

Well, we just see that differently I guess. The government is nothing BUT prohibitions. Or are you discussing the utopian perfect government? Our current government has ditched the Constitution, and now thrives on prohibiting everything they can charge a fine over.

I think a few more Trump appointments on the court and our rights could be restored and secured for a generation. They already got rid of the absurd requirement that some states had to join a union to work in a government job.

I am with you there. I NEVER thought I would be SO pleased with this president, but DAY-um! He is really doing good things.

I keep getting my investment statements and every month I am like "Thanks Trump!" Hopefully he can keep it going until everyone is bored with winning.