This presentation will reintroduce you to your total mental self, both the conscious, which is the knowing, aware aspect of the self and the subconscious, which processes, analyses, and stores information and experiences. It also stimulates conscious reactions based upon survival necessities because the emotions are the tools of the survival instincts. How these two primary applications are related and interwoven comprises one hundred percent of your mental operating system. Your thoughts and emotions, as well as your mental functions and procedures, are the result of the ways your mind processes information and sensations. You have initiated, enacted, engrained and habituated these procedures simply by being alive and thinking and feeling. 90 percent of our mental functioning is subconscious and beyond the ability of our awareness to detect. The remaining ten percent is the internal dialog and awareness of the input from the five senses. 100 percent of your self is what we term the holistic self. How much is two and two? The answer is four, of course. How that answer appeared in your mind is a demonstration of the ninety percent and ten percent combining in functioning. The primary concern of the ninety percent is survival in the present moment and in each successive moment thereafter. Memory and information storage and retrieval are the key processes it uses. Your ten percent’s primary function is what you are engaged in at the moment.
By the time we are 10 years of age, we have our lifelong survival habit tactics pretty much in place. Yes, we will modify them marginally as necessity dictates, but for the most part, we will use those tactics when our survival is in question. As children, we usually don’t have an effective filter in place and so we think that every other child in the world is experiencing and learning exactly what we are learning. It is usually when we are adults that we can look back and see any dysfunction in our families. If you have never questioned your emotional responses as an adult, you will be quite surprised to see that the people you were around the most, between the ages of zero and ten, are the people you are emulating in your life. Those people, in effect, set up the way you operate on a daily basis.