in self-mastery •  7 years ago 

In preparing for serious self examination in our lives, the first thing we have to do is satisfy ourselves that we can survive the changes this knowledge will make. We must accept full responsibility for ourselves because the moment we accept that we are the authors of our own lives, we become our own product. We can learn to handle that responsibility with optimism and hope, by developing new states of awareness and more effectively utilizing our personal resources to our greatest advantage.
The first effects on mental and emotional states of the Aquarius Ascension can take the form of an unconscious urging to eliminate situations that inhibit personal growth and exploration in these areas. It can, as well, produce our own sabotage of jobs, relationships and living conditions that do not promote the quest for knowledge of the self. These subtle vibrations from the planets can create mood swings, from intense creative mental states to despondency and ill-temperedness that can happen because of the activation of the more sensitive perceptive processes. Other symptoms of the awakening are in the intellectual side and may manifest as extremely active imagination, internal storytelling, enhanced intuitive processes and enthusiastic participation in projects. The disadvantage is stronger desires which can create emotional intensities, which might impair the reasoning processes and cause inappropriate decisions and unreasonable behavior.
As in all other forms of mental growth and healing, the core is self unity and self love. In this case, the processes that create the impulse towards self-awareness are being stimulated by the electro-magnetic spectrum of energies broadcast by the most awesome of all energy generators: the planets in our solar system. This impelling towards self-unity is the first phase of super conscious. 90% of the function of our minds is beyond the range of our knowing and is referred to as the unconscious mind. When the consciousness has developed to the degree that it becomes aware of the enormous role the unconsciousness plays in our lives, super consciousness is born. Superconsciousness is capable of uniting and utilizing our newly emerging processes effectively. It is this thrust of energy from the planets which is the trigger for these specific, primarily dormant, processes to begin increased and broadened functioning. Once activated, they will continue to function to produce self-unity, whether the individual is aware of what is transpiring or not.

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