Upmewhale Writing Contest! Global Warming and Climate Change, What Can Be Done? - Written by @nachomolina

in self-power •  5 years ago 

It is an honor for me to be able to participate in this challenge sponsored by @upmewhale: "Upmewhale Writing Contest! Global Warming and Climate Change, What Can Be Done?", which aims to motivate content creators to write a review on this important issue that affects the entire world. I invite all users of Steemit.Com, to join the challenge!


From this moment I will try to express with my own words, what is my opinion on the theme of "Climate Change / Global Warming", taking as a reference my personal experience in the place where I live.

How is Global Warming defined?

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the planet's climate system. It is a direct consequence of climate change, demonstrated by the measurement of temperature and other factors related to climate and the atmosphere, which are generators of negative effects that affect the environment.

It is a modification suffered by the agents that are responsible for maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

For me it means a progressive degradation of the environment where we live. With some important consequences on the natural resources essential to preserve life on earth, because, it compromises the provision of food we need. It also produces the generation of natural phenomena, such as:

  • Floods
  • Twister
  • Earthquake
  • Tsunami, among others.

Which represents a potential risk, which could alter the course of life on the planet, as we know it so far.

It can have consequences on food

Flora and wildlife, in all its species, depend on the balance of the climate system. Every living being is susceptible to climate change. Taking into account that we are human beings, consumers of processed foods based mainly on meats (proteins) and vegetables. We must bear in mind that the majority of animal species, approved by the WHO (World Health Organization) for human consumption, are herbivores, of course, depend on the vegetation to be fed, both in production farms, as In wild environments. This indicates that an imbalance in their life cycle would directly influence our diet.

Bringing as possible consequences: Malnutrition, famine and diseases.


Climate Change affects me daily

In everyday life, the effects of climate change affect me, personally, in terms of body heat generated by the high temperatures to which I am subjected during the day and night. I live, in a country located in the northern intertropical zone, my country is called Venezuela and here the weather is warm, slightly rainy. I have presented some symptoms, related to skin conditions, such as: Allergies, dermatitis, skin spots, extreme sweating, dehydration, which affects my normal rhythm of life.

If it were not for the use of air conditioners in homes and workplaces it would be impossible to develop a normal life, having to endure high temperatures, which reach 41 ºC, in the zenith.

Did you know that overpopulation and contact between people in their daily routine is a Global Warming generating agent?

Consequences on my health

Also the action of the sun's rays and the exposure to the UV rays, have caused injuries in my skin, species of burns that later produce scoriation and detachment of the cutaneous tissue. The sense of sight has also suffered greatly. In my personal case, I have lost a little vision, suffering from a disease called "Glaucoma", according to the ophthalmologist who has treated me, he says that it is partly due to the exposure of the eye to UV rays. Inevitably, sunscreen for the skin and sunglasses should be used to protect the eyes, in order to subtract a certain margin from the effects on health.

Influences of Global Warming on the environment

I live, in a rural area near a mountain and tributaries of a river, which once was mighty. At present, in my community, the natural environment has declined significantly. In what used to be an ecosystem with abundant vegetation and crystalline lagoons, now the plants have dried up and the soils become arid, where it is impossible to sow and obtain crops.

They have had to ration water consumption, since the main tributaries that supply the vital liquid, have dried up or have lowered the average water level, to guarantee the hydrological service. This greatly affects the quality of life of people.

National Issue

The Electric system is also compromised, because the levels of the "Guri" dam, which generates electricity for the country, annually go down to the point that failures such as blackouts and service suspension are generated, sometimes for a long time. This is related to the atmospheric phenomenon called "El Niño", which brings devastating consequences every year, because its effects have increased due to climate change.


"The graph shows the low level reached by the reservoir of the "Guri" dam, Venezuela. Product of the drought produced by Global warming. Photograph corresponding to the year 2016"

It also affects Agroeconomy

On a national scale, food production in Venezuela has been reduced. Having to do largely with global warming. The agri-food system suffers the impact, lowering the production rates of: Corn, Wheat, Legumes, vegetables, vegetables and livestock. Since in the field, soil conditions mean that crops do not progress as they should to maintain a standard of supply and storage.

Irrigation systems do not work effectively and crop fertility has changed, resulting in more acidic, dry and unstable soils.

I was affected by floods as a result of Climate Change

(Real case lived by the Author)


Annual floods are another factor that greatly affects the lives of people in my country.

"Based on my own life experience, I had to face several floods in the area where I live. In 2016 and 2018, due to the overflow of the streams and the over-level reached by the main tributary "Río San Juan". In recent years, this situation has an impact on my home and those of my neighbors. Losing much of our belongings and generating economic expenses that we have not yet been able to overcome. I spent 48 hours in a damaged condition, with no place to sleep, eat or rest, since my house was under water. The water level reached 70 cm high inside my home and it was until the competent security and rescue agencies managed to shrink the area using hydropneumatic and pumping systems. On the last occasion I lost 80% of my belongings"

Another affectation of the environment that occurs in the area where I live are the constant fires, produced near the population, ending with entire properties, as well as the fauna and flora.


"In the previous graph it can be seen through a satellite image offered by NASA, the area devastated by the action of forest fires, on the Amazon rainforest of Brazil and in the forests of Africa, considered the second green lung of the world"

Causes of Global Warming

Liberation of CO2

  • "There are expert scientists who study the case of climate change and some agree that it is a phase or generational cycle, which the planet is fulfilling. Which indicates that another ice age is approaching due to the melting of the poles, as it happened, sometime earlier in the history of the planet."

  • "Other experts say that the greenhouse effect that keeps CO2 (carbon dioxide) trapped in the atmosphere is the product of disproportionate use chloro fluorocarbon (CFC), released into the atmosphere by the industry's action, especially by the use of fossil fuels. Other products like; Air conditioners without ecological saving system and the use of aerosols are also involved."

After analyzing, these two aspects previously developed, it should be noted that, the approach that can be given to these sensitive issues, through the media, as well as, the socio-political interests that can be derived around them, such Once they can disqualify the issue, turning it into a yellow-yellow information that is managed by governments, to blame each other, trying to find a responsible person.


Industrial Activity affects the Environment

The global production industries, as well as consumerism and brand positioning in the market could be linked to some news and speculation. I understand that the sale of sunscreen against UV rays and other skin care products, has become a mass consumption, where there is a market in motion that fights for demand supply, trying to get the highest profits in tow of global warming.

Other products, such as: acclimatized clothing, accessories, hats, scarves and sunglasses, seize propaganda and offers that attract large numbers of customers.

Definitely the main way to combat global warming is by becoming aware of the preservation of the environment. Creating culture in schools, preparing man from school age so that he can take responsibility in the future to save the environment. Reducing the levels of environmental pollution is everyone's task, as well as rethinking the industrial regulations associated with the hydrocarbons company.

Some recommendations to curb Global Warming

According to my own criteria, I have proposed some tips that could be contributors, which I would like to mention below:

  • By means of the arborización, the creation of orchards, the cleaning of the tributary channels of rivers, we can help reduce the effect of the heating.

  • The care of the seas and the "No" contamination of these. It could be, by not releasing substances and chemical components, that alter the marine ecosystem. Do not throw solid polluting objects into the sea and avoid oil spills by the oil industry.

  • Avoiding CO2 emissions, produced by car and motorcycle leaks, industrial activity, use of carbureted machinery.

  • Avoiding the use of CFCs, in air conditioners, refrigerators, radiators, aerosols, others

  • Avoiding the felling and burning of trees, remembering that it is the trees and vegetation that are responsible for purifying the atmosphere through its natural process of converting CO2 into oxygen (O2).

  • Recycle, all waste material that can be reused will always be convenient to use.


Personal opinion


I think that large production companies can contribute by making agreements that regulate their production activity. Globally, transnationals and the hydrocarbon industry are the main responsible for the emission of CO2, the main agent involved in global warming.

I think, according to my personal opinion, that in spite of having made certain unsuccessful attempts in the past, which seek to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere and the impact of the greenhouse effect, it should continue to be attempted. Because in reality there are many other measures that have actually worked, ecological goals and global organizational processes which have paid off. Education in colleges and universities, the creation of citizen laws by governments that support the thesis of reducing the greenhouse effect, are some of the advances.

After all, fighting global warming is a task that never ends, since it will depend on the preservation of life on the planet.

This is my entry to the contest:




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te felicito hermano esta publicación esta excelente, suerte en el concurso

Gracias, @betzaelcorvo!

Nutrida información @nachomolina. Nada como esa experiencia relatada para dejar evidencia de lo mucho que ha incidido el tema del calentamiento global. Es un serio problema donde ya ni se hallan calificativos para describir el fenómeno.

Este año, si vemos noticias internacionales tenemos a Puerto Rico, sufriendo una y otra vez los embates naturales, es triste y doloroso cada situación devengado del mis problema.

Recato de tu publicación el efecto sobre la cadena alimenticia cosa que parece pasar desapercibida ante los ojos del hombre y su ambición de poder.

Este llamado de @upmewhale me ha parecido muy bueno, creo que puede ser una manera de impactar sobre el tema desde la propias experiencias. Las informaciones no deben quedar en el aire, mientras más estemos sensibilizados mucha más consciencia tomaremos.

Felicitaciones, bien realizado el trabajo. Éxitos.

Saludos @belkisa758, gracias por tu amable apreciación!
Como siempre has evaluado mi post al detalle,
muy motivador...
Te leo pronto!

would love to write in this segment

Thanks friend!
You're very kind

You just have to write your opinion in the comment box, I will gladly read your message and reply :)

This is my entry to the contest sponsored by upmewhale
