I got lots of “guns are bad” friends.

in self •  last year 



But I’m hoping a gun owner / gun expert / pro-gun advocate can chime in on this.

To me it seems absolutely nuts that if someone already has a gun on you, you’d try to draw your own handgun. Somehow the merchant managed to pull that off.

But then the question is, Why? The odds you’ll be shot are a lot higher in the gun dual situation than complying with a robbery. And anyway the property at stake is of low value.

And then there’s the matter that, as I would expect, one of your customers gets shot. So besides the moral horror of that, the liability risk far exceeds the value of the cash in the till.

I’ve seen gun stats but not this particular one: how often does defensive gun use lead to an injury if an innocent bystander or the person(s) ostensively being protected?

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People have a right to defend themselves. If you own a gun and are smart you will make sure you learn how to use it properly. Criminals usually don't. I can't speak to this specific case but guns are very often used to deter or stop criminals (https://fee.org/articles/guns-prevent-thousands-of-crimes-every-day-research-show/)

You will see other statistics that say that the risks of owning a gun outweigh the benefits. However, I think that is largely dependent on how responsible you are as a gun owner.