Non-lethal disabling.

in self •  9 months ago 


I have a few books on knife-fighting. My favorite teaches techniques and strategy for disabling an opponent non-lethally. But that's not the approach taught by the military. Instead, they teach the reader what to do to get an opponent wrong-footed and off-balance so that a lethal wound can be inflicted. War isn't about minimizing enemy casualties or reducing the severity of their injuries.

To truly minimize injuries to violent opponents and yet defeat them, one must be an expert fighter. Some of you reading this entry know how to fight effectively, with or without weapons of various sorts. Some of you don't. But each of you has a right not only to defend yourself, but to defend the innocent around you. Each of you who is less that expert has a right to injure attackers more than an expert would. Each of you with some skill has a right to injure attackers more than would someone with more skill.

If you were trained by the military, you were trained to deal with attackers in devastating ways, not as would be trained a policeman nor as would be trained an orderly in a hospital for the violently insane.

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