III. The goal of the program

in self •  6 years ago 

The goal of the P.R. Campaign is to help you develop the strength of character necessary to face all of life’s occurrences in a way in which you can accept full responsibility of all that happens to you, and all that you do. There currently exist an apparent disconnect in the minds of this generation (and possibly of many previous generations) of the concept of cause and effect. This concept means that for every choice made and action, or inaction taken, there is a logical sequential series of events that take place to bring about an opposite and equal reaction, or series of reactions depending upon the nature of the initial cause, which correspond to the original cause.
It is not possible for you to free yourself from the responsibility of experiencing the effects of the causes you have put in motion. Religious and scientific literatures have explained this fact. The concept of “as ye sow, so shall ye reap” of the Christian Bible had explained this fact. Sir Isaac Newton, when first studying and discovering the laws of nature realized this truth and revealed its operation in the statement that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
A person can do nothing in life that would free them from the responsibility they must take for their actions. Man’s law of limited liability and attempts at avoidance are a sham in the face of this inescapable fact. One cannot avoid, run from, escape, or buy their way out of the obligation of having to accept responsibility for the full effects of the causes they have put in motion. If you have done wrong doing right will not override the effects of the wrong you have done. Doing right will only bring about a good response that may alleviate the effects of the wrong done but will never relinquish them altogether.
However drastic this may seem you need not worry if the causes you have put into motion are of a positive nature. The knowledge of this truth will help lead you to true success and prosperity in your life. Whatever desires are in your mind and heart can be made manifest in your life and reality through your experiences by setting into motion causes that correspond with the effects necessary to bring your desire to life. Your fate is truly within your hands, or better said within the choices you make.
Your life is determined by the choices you make. The choices must be made consciously with the knowledge of the specific effect that will be brought about by the choice made. On the other hand, your life is also affected by the choices of others. So, not only do you have to be careful about your own choices, but extra careful of the choices made by others. This way you don’t suffer the ill consequences of someone else’s bad choices. This will be studied later in the program. The overall consequence of the practice is that you will increase power over your life, and everything that happens in it.
If this concept were known, accepted, understood, and lived by the human species not only could everyone change their own individual lives for the better through better choices made consciously, but can also change the quality of life of all others on this planet as well. The overall effect of this would be a greater improvement of the quality of life for all peoples on this planet, and the state of health of our planet would improve as well. This is part of the concept of our Social and global responsibility which will also be discussed later. The central focus of this program is to increase the quality of your life by improving the self through a process of character development that starts from the inside.

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