Bad advocates worse than vocal opponents.

in self •  5 months ago 


I managed to go out to lunch with a friend on Saturday.

If you haven't had Ethiopian food, you haven't lived yet.

Still, he said something that was too true -- that bad advocates are often worse than vocal opponents.

The first thing that came to mind when he said that was the rhetoric around Stand Your Ground laws.

If you're on my side, and you think that, "If you feel threatened, you don't need to retreat before using deadly force." is a proper description of Stand Your Ground, you're a bigger pain in my ass than Tim Walz and his Duty to Die law.

Under that description, a racist like Hillary Clinton could simply see a black dude in a hoodie, feel threatened, and shoot him with no consequences.

That's clearly not what the law is.

I've had these debates often enough to know that opponents of Stand Your Ground think that it's basically a blank check for white racists to shoot black people and get away with it. I've been around the block on this issue a few dozen times in the last ten years.

If you support Stand Your Ground without being able to articulate what it actually means, please leave the debates to the adults. You're only hurting the cause by opening your mouth.

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