Living Your Best Life With Stephanie Pletka

in selfhelp •  5 years ago 


On today's incredible episode, I'm speaking with the lovely and talented Stephanie Pletka, author of ...

Living Your Best Life: Letting Go of Self-Doubt, Fear and Other's Expectations to Live the Life You've Always Dreamed

Stephanie Pletka is an Author, Speaker and Entrepreneur, who uses her infectious story telling to inspire women to chase their dreams and write their story. Author of Living Your Best Life, Stephanie lives in Scottsdale, AZ with her husband & four kids, exploring the beautynof the West.

Living Your Best Life examines twelves struggles we deal with as moms, and the steps needed to be the authentic women God created us to be, Ourselves! Here's to the Power of Being You!

This book will help women:

  • Rid themselves of self-doubt and fear
  • Take risks and chase their dreams
  • Let go of emotional baggage to live a freer, unstuck life
  • Transform from the wounded to a warrior
  • Find their tribe and write their story

Are you overwhelmed, exhausted and behind the eight ball at every turn? We brand ourselves in how we show up in our life. Are you living life to the busy instead of to the full? If so, this book is for you. It's time to step into your greatness, chase your dreams and marinate in the delight of life. Here's to the power of being you and Living Your Best Life.

By the way, if you are ready to share you story and write your book, go to Write a Book University to get a free video course to help you on your book writing journey ...

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