How to Eliminate the Laziness in You?

in selfhelp •  2 years ago 

Have you ever been wanting to complete a task but you have not been able to even start it?

Do you think of doing this particular task, but eventually fail to even start it as new tasks are given by others?
Then my friend you are not alone in this world. Almost 95% of the population suffer with procrastination.

But let me give you clarity about something.

Open people forget to differentiate between being lazy and procrastination. They think that both of these are same. What they don’t know is that in reality they are totally different from each other.

So let us first define what is laziness and Procrastination.
Laziness is the unwillingness to do anything, sitting idle doing nothing. While procrastination is just putting things off for the time, due to some other works in hand.

So you see.
In one case one is just unproductively idle while in the other one is in some moment of work but still somehow unproductive. So now you understand what is the difference between being lazy and procrastinating.

So …What are the efficient ways to overcome procrastination?
To overcome procrastination I have listed down some useful techniques which if you follow will aid you with your Procrastination.

Understanding why you are Procrastinating.

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In life whenever we do anything, there’s always a reason why we do those things. Even if we don’t do things there are certain reasons for that. The same can be said for Procrastination.

So you have to first identify the reasons why you are procrastinating, only then you would be able to solve your problem.

There can be multiple reasons why you procrastinate, like the work is too difficult to do so you are giving it for later when you will be ready to do it, or its too much boring or takes too much of your energy to do the work so you keep it for later and eventually that later moment doesn’t come into existence. Or it can be any reason pressed into your heart for which you are not been able to do the work right now and keeping it for later.

Once you get to know the reasons why you are putting off the work every time, you would be in more clarity and be able to perform the task when you get past the reasons.

Prioritizing Important Work order.

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Once you know the reasons why you are putting things off, just prioritize your work order and a lot-specific time frame to those work to complete and keep the less important works for the later moment.

Once you are done with it, just focus on completing the immediate work at hand for the time not thinking about other things.

Being Laser Focused

Once we have sorted out what are the important works that needs your attention and what are less productive work, just stick to the schedule.

First, complete all the important work with the allotted time frame and proceed to the next work only in the specific time frame.

This way you will not have to worry about others works and all your focus would concentrate on the current work giving you optimum productivity.

Check out this Blog on Self Awareness to improve your overall productivity.

Keeping Track of Yourself.

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Once you have done today’s important works in the scheduled time, it’s a possibility that the next day you may not be able to do the same as you have a habit of Procrastination.

And changing a habit takes time. While motivation may fade away after a brief moment and may affect you with productivity. So you need to develop a habit of getting things done. And you could do this by constantly keeping track of yourself.

Maintaining a journal helps you keep track of yourself.

And whenever you get low, down and lazy, just follow up with your previous completed tasks and try to remember how happy and satisfied you felt when you conquered your procrastination last time.

And you will be motived to complete the current task at hand. It will become much easier after doing this for a prolonged period of time, it actually will become a habit of yours getting things done.

Rewarding yourself.

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Every time you achieve something or complete any specific task, develop a habit of rewarding yourself with treats. It can be a praise to self, an ice cream treat or gifting yourself something that you have been wanting to have for a long time.

Anything that makes you feel good and adds up to your satisfaction of completing the task at hand. This culture of yours will gradually help you develop the habit of getting things done within the time frame.

You would be more productive and certainly, people will start looking up to you as role models.
Do you know any tips that will aid for progress nation that we can add in this list. If Yes then you can just comment below and add value to the community.

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