The Importance of Self Love

in selflove •  7 years ago 

Hello gorgeous human! Sending you some of my love and light, and hoping you’re having a great day!

In one of my recent posts I talked about getting massages here in Thailand, and how getting a massage is one way that I often show myself self-love. This got me to thinking about all the many ways a person can show themselves more love, and just how important it is to individual health, and health on a global level! So, I felt compelled to write more about it...

The Importance of Self-Love

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For me, getting a massage is a great way to show myself self-love. But in many other parts of the world, massages are not so easy to aquire, and not so abundant. In America, a typical massage costs about $50-$100, or maybe $30-$40 if you get a coupon or discount code through Groupon or something. But still, this is much more expensive than here in Thailand. And sadly, most government health insurance policies do not include alternative medicine in their plans (massage, acupuncture,...) so it is rare to get financial support in that way.

Because of this, many people put massages, and many other forms of self-healing to the side, and don’t make it a high priority. Self-love is not of high importance for many people, which I believe to be one of the biggest problems with our society today.

But I’m here today to tell you that

You Are Worth It!!

There is NOTHING more important than your OWN well-being. NOTHING. Not even the well-being of your children. Because if you are not caring for yourself, there is no way you can care for anyone else in the ways you really want to. It all starts with YOU. It all starts with realizing that YOU are worth it. YOU DESERVE relaxation and peace and comfort and tranquility. In fact, the more time you spend on yourself, getting yourself into a more peaceful, rested state, you will notice that you actually have MORE time and MORE energy to give to your loved ones. When you create peace and happiness within yourself, you create more room for love, and more room for joy. And with less time being spent on being stressed and frustrated with the world, the more time you will have to enjoy yourself and the more time you will have to care for your children and friends and loved ones.

In fact, the best thing you can do for your loved ones is to spend more time showing yourself love. The best thing you can do for the world, is to get yourself into a good place, so that you can offer the best version of yourself to others. What you are INSIDE, is what you will create on the OUTSIDE. If you have chaos and anger inside you, you will create more chaos and anger. But if you have peace and love within yourself, you will create more and more peace and love. Which is what we all need....

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It all starts with SELF-LOVE.

And getting a massage is simply ONE of MANY ways to show yourself self-love. If massages aren’t your thing, that’s OK! There are plenty of ways to show yourself some love. But whatever method you choose, choose something that is actually HEALING for yourself. Taking yourself to McDonalds because you love Big Macs is not an act of self love. That is just the opposite, because you’re actually hurting yourself (and the environment) in the long run. You’re actually creating more in yourself that needs to be healed (more stagnation, more health problems). Sure it may taste good, but this is not the way to self love. Self love is about taking GOOD care of yourself. Doing things to and for yourself that you would love to do for your best friend or lover or child, or things you would love others to do for you. If you don’t show yourself love, then you can’t expect anyone else to either.

Remember: The better you feel, the more good you can give to the world.

Some of my suggestions for self love include:

  • Taking time to fully unplug from the world. Turning off the phone and computer and TV, stepping away from all other humans, and taking time to just sit with yourself. Maybe in meditation, or maybe just simply sitting in silence or listening to relaxing music. But taking time to be fully away and detached from your duties and external stresses.
  • Take some time to give yourself a massage. To carefully and slowly moisturize your entire body and spend time loving on the more tender parts of yourself.
  • Taking yourself on a walk through a nice park and allowing yourself to enjoy the plants and trees and animals and nature.
  • Buy yourself some fresh flowers!
  • Going to a class or workshop that you’ve been interested in for some time.
  • Going out to eat a nice restaurant and allowing yourself to order what you want without feeling bad about the price.
  • Clean out your closet, or bedroom. Yes, it may be hard work, but you will create so much more space for growth (physically, energetically, and spiritually) and let go of so many things that no longer serve you, and you will feel SO GOOD when it’s done (Check out my blog on Minimalism and letting go of “stuff” to learn more about the power of this self-love tool).
  • Go to a yoga class
  • In fact, do ANY form of exercise. This is the best way to eliminate stagnation in the body, mind, and spirit. Doing exercise actually gives you MORE energy, and helps increase the longevity and quality of your life. Especially if you feel tired already, exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
  • Read a good book
  • Dress up in clothes that make you feel AMAZING, just because you can
  • Spend some quality cuddle time with a loved one or furry friend.
  • Write in a gratitude journal -- Gratitude is the fastest way to change your vibration and increase positivity.
  • Spend some time before eating to really SEE your food, to really visualize the journey it took to end up on your plate, to realize it’s a miracle and to be grateful for it. Then take your time eating, swallowing each bite before you begin the next. Fully enjoying each flavor and texture as it fills your mouth and nourishes your body.
  • Spend 10 minutes doing a breathing (Pranayama) technique (use Youtube!)
  • SMILE! (smiling sends endorphins to your brain that help make you happy :) )

Those are just a few ways that you can show yourself some more love. Today, and every day. I hope this post can inspire you to take some time for YOURSELF today. You absolutely deserve it.

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I love you. Until next time.
🌈 Rachel


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I think the importance of self esteem cannot be underestimated. It affects your behaviour and thoughts. It changes how you feel about and value yourself.

Absolutely. It affects our thoughts and our actions.... and since our thoughts are creating our realities, we need to make sure we are thinking positive things about ourselves... Just like that experiment with water, where Love was sent to one sample of water, and Hate sent to the other, the results were very clear as to how detrimental hateful thoughts and words are... Since our bodies are made mostly of water, it is SO very important to love ourselves, and speak to ourselves in a loving way. Hopefully we can start teaching children from a young age to love and accept themselves more so we can see more love in the world. Thanks for reading and commenting!

No one can give out what he or she does not posses, if a person did not love his or her self by taking care of his or herself, he or she wont be able to take care of people around him or her.

exactly. We can care for our loved ones by caring for ourselves, first.

u really write good....if u are interested in raeding my POETRY....u an follow me too..i m following ...helping the the steam communty to grow well..

Thank you for the support!

Totally agree with you, dear friend @rainbowrachel...
Yes, to love others one must first capable of loving her/him self...
Thank you also for the suggestions... they really useful...😀☕❤

Thank you for stopping by to read! I hope the suggestions can help people to dive into some self love practices immediately, instead of waiting for the right time. The right time is NOW!!

love it <3 indeed our well must be full for us to keep giving. self love practices are a great way to fill it up! i am so guilty of not getting enough massages. i studied massage and loved having it so often, but alas, as you write it's not really in my budget in the US right now. lately i've been taking care through journaling, eating well, meditation and enjoying time in the garden! hopefully i can pick the massage back up at some point because my body loved it! <3

Yes! Or give yourself a massage! It's not AS amazing, but it's still amazing, ha ha! Or find a friend to do a little trade with! Your other practices for self love sound lovely though... I can't wait for the day that I have my own garden to spend time in. Thank you for reading!

Hi @rainbowrachel, this is truly an informative post, and I firmly believe that the tips you’ve shared will be helpful to everyone. However, it's a bitter truth that many people in this world (around 70-80%) don't love themselves, otherwise, every person who commits crimes against others or ends his/her own life would think a thousand times before doing so.

For those who are looking for more reasons why to love yourself here are some powerful words: Self Love Quotes To Love Yourself First

Your post definitely deserves an upvote as every step taken to improve people's lives is commendable.