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excellent contribution friend I liked very much continue like this and you will get very far greetings

And here a case of reverse floccinaucinihilipilification... fascinating

Hi beautiful 😘

If i look half as good as you when i hit 50, id consider myself to be lucky😉


Holy smoke stacks! You look better than I do at 28!! I could believe you were younger than me! What is your secret to this eternal youth lol and where can I buy some?

Oh trust me the sag is there I am getting jowls and soon will look Like my basset baby ...LOL. thankfully I do not have many lines which is genetics (my grand mother had only 5 until she died )... that being said was vegetarian from the age of 12 and have been Vegan the last 10 years i do believe that helps ...and then there are the souls I steal many souls ...

Ahhh the souls, that will be what is doing it, I have no luck stealing souls, have you ever seen a bunny yawn? They are definitely soul stealing, they take everything I collect 😂 although the healthy eating may be a big factor I could do with (she says, thinking about getting more chocolate lol) Five! I have more than that already, is there some kind of elf magic in yours genes? 😍

there is very good vegan chocolate out there :)