
in selfy •  7 years ago  (edited)

sambil berjemur dibawah sinar matahari dan menikmati segelas kopi inilah kegiatan saudaravsaya setiap pagi karena menurut dokter atau sebagainya bahwa sinar matahari pagi bagus untuk kesehatan tubuh kita diantara jam 07-00-09.00 itu dari sinar ultraviolet....
sambil bergaya dan selfi dalam kamera telepon genggam dia melakukan gaya untuk dia simpan di galeri telepon genggamnya...


while basking under the sun and enjoying a glass of coffee is my saudaravsaya activity every morning because according to doctors or so that morning sunshine is good for our body health between 07-00-09.00 hours of ultraviolet rays ....
while stylish and selfi in his handheld camera phone do style for him to store in his cell phone gallery ...


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