Mount Semeru is the highest mountain on the island of Java, geographically located in two administrative areas, namely the district of Malang and Lumajang. Its position is between 8 ° 06 'LS and 120 ° 55' BT.Gunung Semeru has a height of 3,676 meters from sea level (mdpl). Mahameru is the title for the peak and Jonggring Saloko is the name of the crater.
Mount Semeru is a type of active stratovolcano volcano located in the area of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) This area is land area of 50,273.3 Hectares. in addition to the beauty of its natural panorama, this national park is also rich in culture (tengger tribe). This is the main attraction for tourists both local and foreign.
The highest land on the island of Java, Ranu Kumbolo, Soe Hok Gie, and 5 cm film. maybe these are some words that come to mind today when you hear the word "Semeru". The words seemed to have its own magnetic power for listeners who are not limited to groups of nature lovers and travelers.
Mount Semeru has a special place for Hindus and Buddhists in Indonesia in general. because the mountain is personified as a holy mountain that resides in India. in Hindu and Buddhist cosmology Semeru comes from the sanskrit language which means Sumeru "Meru Agung" is the center of the universe both physically and metaphysically (spiritual). This mountain is believed to be the residence of the gods (Shiva). This mountain is also regarded as a "Linga Acala" phallus that does not move at the same time also means a phallus that is not created by humans. In the Old Javanese, Acala is also interpreted as a mountain or a rock .. In the Indian "Purana" Text belonging to the Book of Upaveda (further explanation of the Vedas) does mention the God of the Unity residing at the top of Mahameru, also known as Mount Kailasa or Mount Himawan.
The legend of Mount Semeru, in Tantu Pangelaran speaking in Central Java, in the form of prose telling, when the land of Java is still unbalanced, unstable, Batara Guru deconstruct the Gods to cut off the peak of Mahameru Mountain from Bharatawarsa (India) land to be brought to Java. It commands the Gods. The peak of Mount Mahameru finally decapitated, then flown to the land of Java and Fall on the west side of the island of Java, the land of Java shook. The eastern part of Java was lifted, while the western part of Java actually drowned.
Pieces of the peak of Mount Mahameru was also brought back to the east. Along the way from west to eastern part of Java land, the top parts of Mount Mahameru that there is a fall. the falling parts eventually grew into six small mountains. each Mount Katong (Mount Lawu, 3.265 mdpl), Mount Wilis (2,169 mdpl), Mount Kampud (Mount Kelud, 1713 mdpl), Mount Kawi (2,631 mdpl), Mount Arjuna (3399 mdpl), and Mount Kemukus (3.156 mdpl )
Once in the eastern part of Java island still remain unbalanced. Eventually the gods decided to cut off the top of Mount Semeru and then drop it on the northwest, and this piece form a new mountain, the Mount Pawitra, or now familiar we know by the name of Mount Pananggungan. The legend of Mount Semeru provides an illustration of the spread of Hinduism to the Hindu ideology of Indian land to the land of the archipelago centered on the land of Java, and left a major influence on the beliefs and culture of the Tengger tribe to this day.
in addition to the beauty of the natural panorama and the legend of its existence turned out to have Semeru Mountain Archeological Heritage Arca (Arcopodo) and inscriptions kumbolo. According to Dwi Cahyono, Lecturer, Archeologist State University of Malang in his writings disalah one website says, inscriptions kumbolo is an inscription that is estimated relic of the kingdom of Kediri. while Arcopodo estimated the Majapahit kingdom era.
The Kingdom of Hinduism - Buddhism in East Java is divided into three periods. The first period was the Kediri kingdom that ruled from the 10th century AD until the year 1222 AD the second period of the Singosari royal period that ruled in 1222 AD until the year 1293 AD and the third period of the Majapahit kingdom that ruled from 1293 AD until the 6th century can be concluded that the two archeological remains of Mount Semeru are ancient relics rich in historical and cultural values.
this was first discovered by alm. Norman Edwin and Herman O Lantang, Mapala University of Indonesia in 1984. Two years later, Norman returned to the two statues and wrote his findings in Swara Alam magazine in 1986. After that Arcapodo is not known anymore, as if the Arca had disappeared mysteriously and a myth among climbers. It was only in November 2011 Compass Ring Ring Expedition Team conducted a search to membuktikaan existence of Arca which is considered to have disappeared more than 25 years. The result, Arcopodo is considered mysteriously lost it was never lost. The statue remains in the same place when the late Norman Edwin and Herman O Lantang find it. Then why is this statue considered to disappear for several years? And why in Pos Arcopodo who now climbers have never encountered this Statue?
The statue is deemed to disappear after being published in Swara Alam magazine in 1986 because there is no other climbers who publish or document it again after that. According to local residents, in the 80's the climb to the top of Mahameru was changed to the (new) as it is now, the change of course is possible and reasonable. In my opinion, there are two main reasons for the change of path. First, the path change is done to protect the existence of the two statues from the hands of people who are not responsible. Second, there was damage to the lane at that time due to changes in natural conditions. This can be proven by the difficulty of the field taken by the team of Ring of Fire Compass Expedition in his writing while doing penulusuran year 2011 ago.
Why is there a statue (Arcopodo) in the mountains of Semeru? What is the meaning of Arcopodo? In general the Arca is a statue that is part of the Hindu shrine. This statue has an important place. Even long before Hinduism and Buddhism entered the archipelago (Indonesia) when animism and dynamism still became the beliefs of the tribes in Indonesia. The statue has an important role to the worship ceremony of ancestral spirits. The statue is used as a liaison or container of "invited" spirits. Because Semeru is a sacred mountain. So worthy if there are statues on this mountain.
According to Mr. Dwi Cahyono, as the name implies Arcopodo actually comes from the word Arca and Pada, which in Javanese influenced Sangsekerta, on the meaning of place. "So, Arca-On is Place Arca" Pak Dwi also gave an explanation if one of the statues is probably the figure of Bima. Bliau then compares with the photo of Bima statue at Sukuh Temple on the slope of Mount Lawu. His body and hands resemble Bima.
Bima is the manifestation of the figures to reject the reinforcement Thus, the place is a cult that functioned for rituals to dispel disaster from the peak of Mount Semeru is active.
Unlike Pak Dwi, I have other views. that the word Arcopodo comes from two combined words. Namely, Arco and Podo. Arco is Arca and Podo is Sama. In Javanese, the substitution and use of the letter "o" as "a" is common and characterizes the Java language. So it can be concluded that the word Arcopodo has the meaning of "Same Statue" in the Java language. And if you note the image above Arca there are similarities in terms of shape, height and size. Arcopodo are the same two statues?
Then is it really Arcopodo Arca embodiment of the figure of Bima? I also have different views with Pak Dwi. In my opinion, Arcopodo is a statue of the embodiment of the god Kala and Anukala. Kala and Anukala has the same position with Nandicwara and Mahakala. If referring to Prof. Soekmono, Temple Function dang Pengertianya, Nandicwara and Mahakala in the temple is placed as Dwarapala, the statue of the guard located at the entrance of the temple building. So Arcopodo is Arca guard but not Arca Bima?
In the book of Tantu Panggelaran which is estimated to be made in the 15th century it gives an explanation of the placement of the Gods and gives information that Mahameru mountain is guarded by Gana in its east gate, by Agasti in its southern gate, by Gauri on its northern gate and by Kala and Anakula in its west gate. (Dr. Pigeaud 1924: 96-97) quoted by prof. Dr. R Soekmono. In the sacred building of the Temple, the position of the Gods is not gripped against direction. The position of God depends on the direction (orientation) of the Temple.
So I think Arcopodo in Mount Semeru is the Arca guard gate, the door to enter the holiest place (Mahameru peak). My view is of course still to be reviewed again both contextually and textually by the experts of history and archeology to get a clear picture of the history of Twin statues (Arcopodo) located on the highest mountain in Java, Semeru.
Mount Semeru, Beauty, History, Legend and Stories. In accordance with the title of writing. in this section I will tell you a travel experience that might give you some idea if you want or plan on climbing Mount Semeru. Previously noted Semeru is the Holy Mountain, so keep every waffle, deed, and sustain (trash) you while climbing. Nature has its own way of responding to human actions.
Mount Semeru has two climbing routes. The first is the path Ranu Pane, this path can be accessed through the city of Malang. And the second is the path of Senduro, this path can be accessed through Lumajang. From both of these lines, the Ranu Pane track is the most crowded and commonly used by climbers. In Ranu Pane there are two climbing routes. The first is the conventional path and the two autee paths.
There are several main considerations why most climbers prefer the Ranu Pane path. Among them, distance and ease of transportation to the last village (climbing post). The village of Ranu Pane is more accessible than Lumajang, Senduro. the climbing route to be written here is the climbing route through Conventional Ranu Pane.
The trip starts from the city of Malang which then proceeded to Tumpang. Overlap located in Malang regency, distance from Malang city to Tumpang about 16 km. if you use Train you can stop at final station "Malang Kota Baru" after that you can continue to use angkot ADL, AL or other transportation to Arjosari terminal. Station trip to the terminal is approximately 15 minutes. From Arjosari terminal you can use the white angkot with the purpose of Tumpang Tumpang. if you are a group, you can charter angkot directly from Malang station to facilitate direct journey to Tumpang because the cost incurred will be cheaper. If you use air transportation you can use the taxi service of Airport Abd. Shaleh to go to Tumpang.
Arriving at the terminal Tumpang (market), you can continue the trip to the village trakhir (post climbing) Ranu Pane by using a special Jeep transportation. Before continuing the journey to Ranu Pane it's good if you check the completeness, needs and requirements that you bring. If necessary make a check list to make it easier and ensure no completeness is left behind. Missal, logistics, fuel, medicines, camping supplies and other personal needs. In Tumpang you can complete the needs that you will need during the climb.
Overlapping is one of the historic areas of Malang.
Because here there are archaeological sites in the form of temples. These temples are a relic of the kingdom of Singosari in the 12th century. Among the temples Kidal (pendharmaan Raja Anusapati) and Candi Jago (pendharmaan King Winuwardhana). In addition, Tumpang also has natural attractions such as waterfalls. Coban Pelangi, Coban Terisula is an example. In Tumpang you can also enjoy the tour of apple prawns in Ponco Kusumo area. The apple of this region is famous for its quality.
As a note. You are required to bring a health certificate from a doctor, or a health center. The letter was used as a condition when performing a climbing permit at Mount Semeru climbing post. If you forget to take it away do not worry. You can take care of it at puskemas Tumpang located approximately 500 M from the market Tumpang.
The Jeep that will take you to the climbing post is always stanby in front of Pasar Tumpang, ahead of Alfamart. Travel Overlapping - Ranu Pane takes about two hours drive. with uphill and winding road conditions typical of the mountains. During the trip you will be spoiled by the beautiful natural scenery of apple orchard, forest, farm and hill teletubies Bromo mountain located in Jemplang and Bantengan, border of Malang and Lumajang.
Arriving at the Village Ranu Pane you can directly take care of the climbing permit. Ranu Pane is a village located at an altitude of 2100 Mdpl. The original tribe of Ranu Pane Village is the Tengger tribe. Ranu Pane is derived from the name of the lake in its territory. Ranu in Indonesian is Lake. Other than Ranu Pane. In this village there is also Ranu Regulo. In the village of Ranu Pane, around the climbing post there are stalls selling food, rental equipment and camping equipment (home stay).
The climbing license in hand, means you can start the climbing journey. Keep in mind the estimated climbing time of Mount Semeru varies. There are two days one night, there are three days and two nights and the standard in general is four days and three nights.
Previously you have to specify how long you will make the climb. Because this is very influential on the luggage and loads of goods to be carried during the climb. The writing of this trip will refer to the time of general climbing standard that is four days and three nights.
The first day. The purpose of the trip is Ranu Kumbolo. Ranu Kumbolo is at 2,400 from sea level. Estimated travel time of four to five hours on foot. Mileage 10.5 Km. to get to Ranu Kumbolo you will
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past 4 posts. namely heading 1, pos2, post 3 and post 4 which is above Ranu Kumbolo. Among the posts you will also find two "welcome areas" of information boards. Among the welcome area is Landengan Dowo (between Ranu Pane and Pos 1) and Watu Rejeng (between Post 2 and Post 3). The information board contains the location, altitude, and climbing distance. Ranu Kombolo is the first day camp.
The second photo above is a legendary photo of a love hike for climbers who believe in it. It is said that if you pass the climb of love without stopping and without turning back while thinking of the person you love. Your love will come true and lasting. But note this is just a myth, believe me to God Almighty. Because only His permission is something that can happen and be realized. Let this myth just be a story
The second day. The purpose of the trip is Kalimati. Post Kalimati is diketinggian 2.700 Mdpl. Camp Kalimati is the second day camp and became the last camp before continuing the summit to the top of Mahameru. Here there is a fresh and clear water spring. His name is semen. To take this water you have to pass through the gap and the steep decline that lies to the west of the shelter. It takes about forty minutes to travel from the Kalimati shelter. Please be careful to invite colleagues who have taken water from this spring.
To reach Kalimati from Ranu Kumbolo you will go through several places. ie, Oro-oro ombo, Cemoro Kandang, and Jambangan. Estimated trip time of three hours with 7.5 km distance from Ranu Kumbolo.
Oro-oro ombo is a meadow that has an area of approximately 100 ha. While Cemoro Kandang is a forest that is dominated by pine trees and ferns. And Jambangan is a meadow overgrown with edelweiss, cantigi and fir. From this Jambangan Mahameru peak will begin to look clear when the weather is sunny without fog.
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The third day, the purpose of the trip is the peak Mahameru which is at an altitude of 3673 Mdpl. the trip to the summit starts at dawn around one o'clock, in addition to catch the sunrise, climbing the peak at dawn is done to catch the time. Keep in mind at nine o'clock in the morning you have to get off the top Mahameru because it is feared that there will be a change of wind direction that will bring poisonous gas from the crater of activation that leads to the path of climbing. it should be me and you follow this grip. because of the weather, natural changes are sometimes unpredictable.
The third day of travel is the heaviest when compared to the first and second day. because the terrain to be traversed is quite difficult. In addition to climbing terrain that will be taken in the form of sand with rocks that easily landslide with a fairly sharp slope level. It takes the spirit and physical (health) is prime to get to the top of Mahameru, the highest land on the island of Java.
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Distance Kalimati to the top Mahameru 2.7 Km, travel time varies between four to seven hours on foot. This travel time depends on the condition and physical ability of a person. Some are slower, some may be faster because one's physical is not the same.
After walking as far as 1.2 Km, diketinggian 2,900 Mdpl you will arrive at Arcopodo Post, Last Post before the peak. Here there is no building like the one in Post 1, 2,3 and 4. in Arcopodo Post you only find information writing. In this post there is a relatively small flat land and usually some climbers make it the last alternative camp before continuing their journey to the top
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Climbers who make Post Arcopodo as the last camp of course have some consideration. One of them is time, and mileage. To reach the top of Mahameru, the distance from Post Arcopodo to the summit is only 1.5 Km, closer than that of the Kalimati camp to the top of which is 2.7 Km. So if you choose Arcopodo camp, you do not have to leave early in the morning.
But there are some considerations to note if you make Post Arcopodo as the last camp before the peak, that is water. Because in Post Arcopodo there is no source of springs. This means requiring you to bring more water to meet the needs of drinking and cooking, and certainly will add a load of luggage is quite draining.
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In this paper, I recommend Camp in Pos Kalimati as an option before continuing the ascent to the top of Mahameru.
From the Arcopodo post you can continue the ascent towards the top (north) following the existing path. After walking a few hundred yards you will arrive at Kelik. Kelik is the location that becomes the final boundary of vegetation between the forest and the peak sand of Semeru.
It is from this Kelik that I am forced by the toughest terrain that will be traversed during the climb to the top of Mahameru. In addition to the slope of the terrain, cold temperatures will be a test during the journey. this ordeal will be an obstacle if you do not prepare it. Should use shoes while climbing. Shoes in addition to protect the feet will also provide comfort. Legs are vital organs when you climb, because with your feet walking. Imagine if your feet get injured while traveling. So it is appropriate and you should protect your feet with shoes to minimize the possible bad ones. Use gaither as a complement so that sand does not get into the shoes while traveling to the top for comfort. You can also use Trecking pole or stick. as a tool when walking up the mountainous Semeru sandy terrain that moves easily when stepped on.
After two hours drive from the Kelik vegetation boundary. You will reach the top of Mahameru. The highest mountain peak in Java.
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Sunlight gradually appears to give warmth in the morning. The ocean of clouds stretched as infinite, the rustling of the wind and the roaring of the eruption blend into the beautiful natural music. A sense of emotion and satisfaction merged into one emotional bond that produces tears of happiness.
This is Nature, His creation being the proof of His power. This is Nature, Nature which teaches us the meaning of struggle, Nature which gives lessons about the meaning of a sacrifice and patience, and Nature is also the one who throws all the pride in the soul. so it should be, and so should be
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After just enjoying the warm coffee, snacks and capture the panoramic moment of the natural beauty of Mount Semeru, the next destination is to return to the camp Kalimati.
Follow the track, the middle path that already exists. Do not get too west or east. The land you step on is easy to move and collapse, if not careful this can be dangerous. Do not arrogant, arrogant or underestimate the way home track just because they feel already memorized paths or because often sowan to the top. Because usually the case of people missing in Mount Semeru occurred when the trip down, not when traveling to the top.
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The last case of disappearance in Semeru occurred about one year ago, precisely on the 30th, October 2012 after the Youth Pledge Ceremony. Incidentally I was at the location of the incident and had followed the ceremony together in Ranu Kumbolo, I do not know each other. I just got to know the name when I heard the information about missing persons report coming to TNBTS officer in Ranu Pane. Firas, thank God after four days was declared missing victim successfully found in the state of survivors by Team Sar Combined. hopefully this incident becomes a lesson for us all, especially me personally. And hopefully Firas case last year became the last case that happened in Semeru mountain.
The journey down from the summit to Kalimati will usually be faster. Because, the terrain is not as heavy as climbing to the top. 90% of the passing field decreases. But be careful when traveling. Take a break if you are tired. Because fatigue can reduce concentration. estimated travel time from peak to camp Kalimati approximately two to three and a half hours journey. Arriving at camp Kalimati you can have breakfast and rest enough to restore setamina.
On this third day you have two choices. First continue the break until tomorrow with consequences, tomorrow on the fourth trip back to Ranu Pane climbing post directly ditrek in one day for seven to eight hours journey. or the second option after breakfast and enough rest, you packed immediately and continued on to Ranu Kumbolo camp to rest and on the fourth of the new journey to the Ranu Pane climbing post. You can discuss these options with your traveling companions, for what the circumstances and conditions are.
Day of the day, the purpose of the trip is to return to the Ranu Pane climbing post. Enjoy the journey home, do not be in a hurry because usually some climbers ran on the way home (down). Running as the terrain decreases increases the risk of foot injuries. miss, sprain or sprain. Before descending back to the climbing post you are required to carry all your trash through the climb. Trash should not be left behind. These are the rules you must obey if you do not want to get any sanctions from the officers. This waste rule applies to anyone entering a national park or other conservation area.
Maintaining natural conservation is not the responsibility of the officer (manager) or groups of nature lovers only. Preserving nature is a shared responsibility (visitor). Remind each other that nature remains beautiful and awake. By keeping nature it means you keep your balance. If nature is well maintained, natural disasters and damage can be avoided. I remembered the English word of wisdom "TAKE NOTHING BUT PICTURES, LEAVE NOTHING BUT FOOTPRINT, KILL NOTHING BUT TIME" hope this wise word can always be me and you remember.
Arriving at the Ranu Pane climbing post you are required to report to the guard. After that you can rest, walk around Ranu Pane or Ranu Regulo, or immediately continue the journey to the city of origin. Happy reuniting with family, relatives and colleagues, May be safe until the goal.
If yo want to claimb in this mount you can go to Lumajang East Java Of Indonesia
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